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Data Governance and Data Quality: A Winning Combination

In today’s data-driven world, data governance and data quality are more than just buzzwords —they’re the foundation of successful business strategies. But what exactly are they, and how do they work together to help companies make better decisions?

Let’s start with some definitions. Data governance is a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes. It’s like creating a rulebook for how your company handles data, deciding who can do what with information, when, and how. Conversely, data quality is all about how well your data meets the needs of its users. It’s about accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability.

While related, data governance and quality tackle different aspects of managing data. Understanding how they differ and work together is critical to getting the most value from your company’s information assets.

The importance of these concepts can’t be overstated. A Gartner study found that poor data quality costs companies an average of $12.9 million each year. That’s a pretty penny that businesses could save with better data practices!

In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between data governance and data quality and how they complement each other. We will also share some practical tips on using both to improve your data management strategy.

What’s the Difference Between Data Governance and Data Quality?

Think of data quality as ensuring your ingredients are fresh and top-notch, while data governance is the recipe and kitchen rules that ensure you consistently cook up great meals. 

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Here’s how they differ:

  • Focus: Data quality zeroes in on the data itself — is it accurate, complete, and reliable? Data governance, however, looks at the big picture of managing data across your entire organization.
  • Scope: Data quality is about the nitty-gritty of data attributes. Governance covers more ground, including data security, privacy, and how data aligns with company goals.
  • Implementation: Data quality often involves day-to-day work by IT pros and data experts. Data governance typically involves top managers making big-picture decisions about data use across the company.
  • Objectives: While data quality aims to make data trustworthy for decision-making, governance sets up the system to keep it that way and ensure it’s used effectively.
  • Responsibilities: Data quality tasks might fall to specific teams or individuals. Governance assigns roles and responsibilities for data management across the organization.

How Better Data Governance Supports Data Quality

Good data governance is like a rising tide that lifts all boats — including data quality. Here’s how:

It Sets Clear Standards 

Good data governance sets clear standards for what good data looks like, giving everyone in the organization a target to aim for. This clarity helps align efforts across departments and ensures consistency in data quality objectives.

It Establishes Accountability 

By assigning data stewards, governance ensures there’s always someone watching out for data quality. This accountability is crucial for maintaining high standards and addressing issues promptly. It creates a sense of ownership and responsibility that permeates throughout the organization.

It Enhances Traceability 

Good governance also helps track data lineage, making finding and fixing quality issues at their source easier. This traceability is invaluable when troubleshooting data problems or understanding how data transforms as it moves through various systems.

It Fosters a Data-Conscious Culture 

A robust data governance framework goes beyond just setting rules — it creates a culture where everyone understands the importance of good data. When employees at all levels recognize the value of high-quality data, they’re more likely to contribute to maintaining it in their day-to-day work.

It Ensures Regular Quality Checks 

Governance can mandate routine data quality assessments, catching problems before they snowball into major issues. These regular check-ups help maintain data quality over time and allow for continuous improvement in data management practices.

It Streamlines Problem-Solving 

Clear data ownership makes it easier to address quality issues when they arise. Governance defines who’s responsible for what data, streamlining the problem-solving process and ensuring issues don’t fall through the cracks.

It Drives Investment in Quality 

Finally, by prioritizing data quality, governance can drive investment in the right tools and processes to maintain high-quality data. This might include allocating resources for master data management (MDM) software, training programs, or hiring specialized data quality professionals. In this way, governance ensures that data quality isn’t just a goal but a well-supported, ongoing initiative within the organization.

Quick Tips for Using Data Governance to Improve Data Quality

Improving data quality with effective data governance doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are seven practical tips to get you started:

  1. Create a data catalog: This helps people find and understand data easily, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  2. Set clear rules and automate checks: Establish data quality standards and use automated systems to enforce them.
  3. Foster a data-friendly culture: Educate everyone about the importance of data and their role in maintaining its quality.
  4. Use a scorecard: Track data quality metrics to focus improvement efforts and demonstrate the value of good data management.
  5. Build in quality checks: Integrate quality controls into data collection and processing to catch issues early.
  6. Form a data quality team: This group can align quality efforts with business needs and ensure compliance with governance policies.
  7. Leverage metadata: Provide context for your data to help users understand and use it correctly.

Data Governance and Data Quality in the Age of AI and Machine Learning

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) become more prevalent, the importance of data governance and data quality is skyrocketing. The old saying “garbage in, garbage out” has never been more relevant. Poor quality data can lead to AI making incorrect or biased decisions, so good governance is crucial in ensuring AI systems are fed with reliable, clean data.

With AI increasingly making vital decisions, governance needs to set clear guidelines for explainable AI and the ethical use of data. This includes ensuring transparency in AI decision-making processes and safeguarding against potential biases.

The velocity of data in AI and ML applications presents another challenge. These technologies need vast amounts of data, and they need it fast. This requires robust systems to manage data quality throughout the AI pipeline, from data collection to processing and analysis.

Interestingly, the scope of data governance is expanding in the age of AI. It now needs to oversee not just input data but also the data that AI creates. This ensures that AI-generated information aligns with company goals and values, maintaining consistency and reliability across all data sources.

On the flip side, AI and ML can be powerful allies in data governance and data quality efforts. These technologies can assist by automatically checking data quality, spotting anomalies, and even suggesting improvements in data management processes.

Education plays a critical role in this new landscape. Companies leveraging AI need to prioritize educating their employees about the importance of data quality in AI processes. This includes helping staff understand how to maintain data quality and why it’s crucial for successful AI implementations.

As we navigate this new terrain, it’s clear that the intersection of data governance, data quality, and AI is becoming a critical focus area for businesses. Organizations that can effectively manage these elements will be well-positioned to harness AI’s full potential while mitigating associated risks.

A Deepening Connection

Data quality and data governance are two sides of the same coin — both essential for getting the most value from your data. Good data governance solutions lay the groundwork for maintaining high-quality data, leading to better insights and smarter decisions.

This fundamental link between governance and quality will only grow stronger as we move further into the age of AI and machine learning. 

Remember, good data governance and quality aren’t just about better decision-making. They can also streamline operations, improve regulatory compliance, and enhance customer experiences. In today’s competitive landscape, that’s a winning combination you can’t afford to ignore.

By Steven Lin, Product Marketing Manager, Semarchy