Welcome to Semarchy Convergence for MDM.
This guide contains information about upgrading Semarchy Convergence for MDM from previous releases.



This document is intended for administrators interested in upgrading the Semarchy Convergence for MDM platform from previous versions.

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Convention Meaning


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Using this guide, you will learn how to plan and perform the upgrade of Semarchy Convergence for MDM for development and production environments.

Planning the Upgrade

Before the Upgrade

Documentation Review

Before starting the upgrade, you should review the following documents:

  • The Semarchy Convergence for MDM Release Notes provides the latest information about the Convergence for MDM Release, including new features and bug fixes.

  • The Semarchy Convergence for MDM Installation Guide provides the procedures for installing and configuring Semarchy Convergence for MDM. In this guide, you should review the system requirements for this new release.

  • Depending on your current version and the upgrade version, some actions may be required after the upgrade process. Review these Post-Upgrade Actions before starting the upgrade process.

Understanding Major, Minor and Patch Versions

Version numbers in Convergence for MDM are expressed in the following format: <major_version>.<minor_version>.<patch_version>. For example, version 1.3.2.

The upgrade may be a major upgrade, a minor upgrade or a patch. The differences between the old version number and the new version number define the type of upgrade.

  • A Major Upgrade takes place as soon as the major version differs. Major versions include major feature changes, and typically require repository and data locations upgrade. For example, upgrading from 1.3.2 to 2.0.1 is a major version upgrade.

  • A Minor Upgrade takes place when first digit remains the same but the second differs. Minor versions include minor feature changes, and typically require repository and data locations upgrade. For example, upgrading from 2.0.3 to 2.1.0 is a minor version upgrade.

  • A Patch is applied when the patch version only differs. Patches do not require repository and data location upgrade. For example, upgrading from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3 is patching.

Although the process is the same for all types of upgrade, be aware that the repository and data location upgrade steps may be skipped for patches.

Unless specified otherwise, the upgrade path between two version of Convergence for MDM is direct. You do not need to install intermediate versions.

Select the Upgrade Path

The upgrade supports two paths:

  • In-Place Upgrade consists in installing the new version of Semarchy Convergence for MDM in place of the previous version and upgrading the existing repositories. With this method, you can revert the environment to its original state by restoring the backup of the application folders and database schemas.

  • Out-of-Place Upgrade consists in replicating the existing Convergence for MDM environment and upgrading the copy. The original environment remains unchanged.

You may choose one of the other path for your infrastructure. This choice depends on your IT infrastructure policies for upgrading.


This chapter describes the various steps of the upgrade process.

Stop All Application Instances and Connections

Before upgrading, you must stop all applications and user connections to Convergence for MDM. During the upgrade:

  • No SOA-enabled application should access the Convergence for MDM Web Services.

  • No user should access the Convergence Workbench for design-time or data management operations.

  • No user or application should access the repository or data locations’ database schemas.

You should contact your database administrator and middleware administrator to make sure that the unavailability of Semarchy Convergence for MDM during the upgrade process is correctly managed.

Stop all Semarchy Convergence for MDM Applications. This is done either by:

  • Stopping the Semarchy Convergence for MDM application from your application server administration console.

  • Stopping the application server if it is dedicated to Semarchy Convergence for MDM only.

Backup Your Installation

Before upgrading, you should make sure that:

  • The schema(s) containing the Convergence for MDM repositories are backed up; Use the Oracle Database utilities for performing such backup operations.

  • The schema(s) containing the Data Locations are backed up; Use the Oracle Database utilities for performing such backup operations.

  • The schema(s) containing the Pulse Metrics Warehouse (If you use that option) are backed up; Use the Oracle Database utilities for performing such backup operations.

  • The Convergence for MDM installation folders in the application servers are backed up.

  • Any other relevant content (plug-in Jars, etc.) is also backed up.

Before going further, make sure that all the required backup are done, and that the entire Semarchy Convergence for MDM environment is stopped and not accessed by any user or application.

Duplicate Repositories, Data Locations and Pulse Metrics Warehouse (Out of Place Upgrade)

If you have decided to perform an out-of-place upgrade, you must replicate (Copy) the schemas containing the repositories, data locations and Pulse Metrics Warehouse using the Oracle Database utilities.
The new product version, considered as a separate installation, will point to this copy of the schemas.

Use a clear naming convention for these new schemas to be able to identify them easily. For example, if the original schemas are called SEM_REPOSITORY, SEM_DLOC1, etc., the new one may be called SEM_2_2_REPOSITORY, SEM_2_2_DLOC1, etc.

Install the New Application Version

Perform the following operation for every application server into which the Semarchy Convergence for MDM application was deployed.

Installing for In-Place Upgrade

To install the new application version for in-place upgrade:

  1. Deploy the new version Semarchy Convergence for MDM Web Application Archive file on top of the previous version.

Refer to your application server documentation for more information about re-deploying applications on top of previous installations. The simple instructions for Apache Tomcat are provided below.

To perform an in-place upgrade for Apache Tomcat.

  1. Backup the <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/semarchy.xml file.

  2. Connect to the Apache Tomcat Manager (http://<tomcat_host>:<tomcat_port>/manager/).

  3. In the Deploy War File section, click the Select File button and then select the new semarchy.war file.

  4. Click the Deploy button.

  5. On the Tomcat server machine, restore the backup of the semarchy.xml file in the <tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/ folder.

Installing for Out-of-Place Upgrade

To install the new application version for out-of-place upgrade:

  1. Deploy the new version Semarchy Convergence for MDM Web Application Archive file as a new application, separated from the previous version.

When performing an out-of-place update, make sure to deploy the new version as a new application. If this new deployment takes place in the application server that already contains the previous version, make sure to change the application name during the deployment.
Refer to your application server documentation for more information about deploying new applications.

Configure the New Application

Perform the following operation for each deployment of the new Semarchy Convergence for MDM application version.

Configuration for In-Place Upgrade

For in-place upgrade, the updated deployment reuses the configuration already in place. Check this configuration in the application server console or configuration files. The following points should be checked:

  • The datasources for the Repository, Data Location and Pulse Metrics Warehouse are set up and working.

  • The JavaMail Session servers are configured and working.

  • Security is configured.

Configuration for Out-of-Place Upgrade

To configure the new application version in an out-of-place upgrade:

  1. Configure new JDBC datasources for the new application deployment only. The datasources include those used to connect the Repositories, Data Locations and Pulse Metrics Warehouse schemas. They should:

    • Point to the copies of the repositories, data locations and Pulse Metrics Warehouse (e.g.: SEM_2_2_REPOSITORY, SEM_2_2_DLOC1).

    • Be local to the new application. Do not use global datasources

    • Use the same names as the datasources used by the old installation.

  2. Make sure that the existing JavaMail Session resource is configured or available for the new application.

  3. Make sure that the same security environment is configured for the new application.

Datasources should be configured locally for the application. For example, the repository datasource must be called SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY; Declaring this datasource at application-level avoids having multiple Convergence for MDM applications (possibly in different versions) connecting the same repository schema at the same time, which would lead to an erroneous behavior.
By using datasources local to the new application, you make sure that the new application connects exclusively to the copy of the schemas. Similarly, the old version should use local datasources to connect only the original schemas.

Start One New Application Instance

Perform this operation for a single new application version instance. If you have multiple repositories, you should repeat this operation for each repository.
Start your application server or connect to your application server and start the deployed application.

Upgrade the Repository

Repository upgrade is required only for major and minor versions. For patches, repository upgrade is not needed and the Repository Upgrade dialog does not appear when you connect.
The repository upgrade is an operation that cannot be undone. Make sure that you have made a backup of the repository schema before proceeding.

Before Upgrading the Repository

The Oracle database has introduced in version 11g and 12c a new feature called Automatic Column Group Detection that automatically creates extended statistics for column groups. These extended statistics prevent the upgrade process to rename certain columns in the repository, causing an ORA-54032: column to be renamed is used in a virtual column expression error to appear during the repository upgrade process.

Before upgrading a repository hosted in an Oracle 11g or 12c instance, it is required to drop these statistics. They will be automatically re-created by the database as needed.

To drop unwanted extended statistics for repositories hosted in Oracle 11g and 12c:

  1. Connect to the database hosting the repository schema with a query tool (SQL Developer, SQL*Plus), using the repository schema user.

  2. Run the script provided below:

  for xrec in (
      TABLE_NAME like 'MTA%'
      and (
        or EXTENSION like '%TOEDITION%'


  end loop;

Once the unwanted extended statistics are dropped, proceed with the repository upgrade.

Upgrading the Repository

To upgrade the repository:

  1. Connect to the new application instance that you have started, using a user account with the semarchyAdmin role. At the first connection, the Repository Upgrade dialog appears.

  2. Review the dialog.

  3. Click the checkbox and then click the Upgrade button.

The repository upgrade starts. When it completes, the Overview window appears.

The repository upgrade process can only be triggered by a user with the semarchyAdmin role.

Upgrade the Data Locations

Data locations upgrade is required only for major and minor versions. For patches, data location upgrade is not needed, and the Overview page will not show any data location requiring an update.
The data location upgrade is an operation that cannot be undone. Make sure that you have made a backup of the data location schemas before proceeding.
Development data locations upgrade is possible only if the current model edition deployed is valid. Before upgrade a development data location make sure that the deployed model does not raise any design-time validation errors.
Development data locations upgrade is possible is the current deployed model corresponds to the latest model state. For such data locations, make sure that the latest version of the model is deployed before performing a data location upgrade.

Before Upgrading the Data Locations

Before upgrading a data location hosted in an Oracle 11g or 12c instance, it is required to drop the extended statistics that may prevent column renaming. For more information, refer to Before Upgrading the Repository.

Certain columns are renamed in the data location when upgrading from a version before 3.2.0 to a version after.

To drop unwanted extended statistics:

  1. For each data location:

    1. Connect to the database hosting the data location schema with a query tool (SQL Developer, SQL*Plus), using the data location schema user.

    2. Run the script provided below:

  for xrec in (
    where (
        TABLE_NAME like 'GI_%'
        or TABLE_NAME like 'GD_%'
      and (


  end loop;

Once the unwanted extended statistics are dropped, proceed with the upgrade.

Upgrading the Data Locations

To upgrade the data locations:

  1. Connect to the new application instance that you have started, using a user account with the semarchyAdmin role.

  2. In Overview page, a warning in the Administration section indicates the list of data locations attached to this repository that require an update.

  3. Click the link under this list to perform the upgrade. The Data Location Upgrade dialog appears.

  4. Review the dialog.

  5. Click the checkbox and then click the Upgrade button.

The upgrade starts. When it completes, the Overview window is refreshed and and warning no longer appears.

The data location upgrade process can only be triggered by a user with the semarchyAdmin role.

Upgrade the Pulse Metrics Warehouse

Pulse upgrade is required only for major and minor versions. For patches, Pulse upgrade is not needed, and the Overview page will not show that the Pulse Metrics Warehouse requires an update.
The Pulse Metrics Warehouse upgrade is an operation that cannot be undone. Make sure that you have made a backup of the schemas before proceeding.

Before Upgrading the Pulse Metrics Warehouse

Before upgrading a Pulse Metrics Warehouse hosted in an Oracle 11g or 12c instance, it is required to drop the extended statistics that may prevent column renaming. For more information, refer to Before Upgrading the Repository.

Certain columns are renamed in the Pulse Metrics Warehouse when upgrading from a version before 3.2.0 to a version after.

To drop unwanted extended statistics:

  1. Connect to the database hosting the Pulse Metrics Warehouse schema with a query tool (SQL Developer, SQL*Plus), using the Pulse Metrics Warehouse schema user.

  2. Run the script provided below:

  for xrec in (
    where (
        TABLE_NAME like 'F_ACT_TASK%'
      or (


  end loop;

Once the unwanted extended statistics are dropped, proceed with the upgrade.

Upgrading the Data Locations

To upgrade the Pulse Metrics Warehouse:

  1. Connect to the new application instance that you have started, using a user account with the semarchyAdmin role.

  2. In Overview page, a warning in the Administration section indicates that the Pulse Metrics Warehouse attached to this repository requires an update.

  3. Click the link under the warning to perform the upgrade.

The upgrade starts. When it completes, the Overview window is refreshed and and warning no longer appears.

The Pulse Metrics Warehouse upgrade process can only be triggered by a user with the semarchyAdmin role.

Restart All Application Instances

The upgrade is now finished.
You can restart all the Convergence for MDM instances in the new version, and open the access through the user interface, web services and database tables.

Post-Upgrade Actions

This chapter describes the actions required after the upgrade process was complete. These actions depend on the current version of Convergence for MDM and the version you upgrade to.

If no actions is indicated in this chapter for your versions, then no action is required after restarting the Convergence for MDM application instances.

Upgrading to version 3.3

Convergence for MDM 3.3 introduces changes that require the post-upgrade actions listed below.

Incoming Records not Merging Singleton Golden Records

Customers who have upgraded to version 3.2 prior to version 3.2.4 may experience an issue with singleton golden records (for fuzzy matching entities) already in the hub not being merged with incoming records that match them. This issue is caused by a defect in the upgrade mechanism. They should refer to the Knowledge Base Article that explains how to fix an existing upgrade.

Customers do not need to take any action if:

  • They upgrade from version 3.1.x to version 3.3.

  • They have already applied the fix to their upgrade.

New Reserved Keywords in SemQL

New capabilities added to the SemQL language introduce the following reserved keywords:

  • HAS: This token is used as an equivalent to the HAVE keyword as in any <child_entity_role> has ( <condition_on_child_entity> ).

  • NULLS FIRST, LAST: These keywords allow for NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST clauses in custom ranking consolidators.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers should review and validate their models and make sure that no physical object is named using the new reserved keywords.

Integration Web Services Changes

The integration web services introduce the following changes in this release:

  • The generateXXXIds operation now expects a LoadId in addition to the size to be consistent with generic API.

  • The integration web services now include a PersistOptions elements into which enrichers, validations, duplicate checks can be defined. ID Generation as well as row persistance choice are defined in this element.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, integration designers using web services for integration should review and validate their flows to work with the new web services payloads.

Integration Job Execution Scheme

The Integration Job changes from a "by entity" to a "by Phase" execution scheme. This means that instead of processing entirely each entity, for example Customers then Contact, it now processes entirely each phase (Enrichment for all entities, then validation for all entities, etc). This change does not impact the the outcome of the integration job.

Recommended Action
No action is required. Possible database operations started outside of Convergence and assuming specific step sequencing, should be reviewed and updated as needed.

Upgrading to version 3.2

Review the post-upgrade actions listed below if upgrade from a version prior to version 3.2.

Matching Process

In versions prior to 3.2, a matcher includes a single matching condition.
Starting with version 3.2, a matcher is composed of several matching rules and supports scoring for automated merge and confirmation. To reflect this new matcher and provide performance enhancements, the data certification job was re-designed and the data location structures have been modified.

Matching Rule Upgrade

When a model is upgraded, existing matchers are converted to the new matchers in order to deliver the same matching behaviour:

  • The existing matcher for each entity is converted to a matcher with a single matching rule called Default, with a matching score of 100. This rule contains the old matcher’s binning expressions and matching condition.

  • The Merge Policy is configured with all the thresholds set to 0, so that all duplicate groups detected automatically merge.

  • The Auto-Confirm Policy is configured as follows:

    • Auto-confirm golden records threshold is set to 100. Merged duplicate groups are never automatically confirmed.

    • Auto-confirm singletons is checked. Singletons are automatically confirmed.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers should review their matchers to benefit from the new capabilities and enable automated merge and confirmation for the business users and data stewards.

Data Location Upgrade

When a data location is upgraded, the data structures are modified to support the the new matching rules, scoring, suggested merges and auto-confirmation. See the Table Structures section in the Convergence for MDM Integration Guide for more information about these tables.

Recommended Action
Customers consuming golden and master records from GD and MD tables and using duplicate management-related columns should review the new structures and propagate changes in their data integration flows.

Data Administrators should gather statistics on the data location schemas to make sure that subsequent processing use statistics updated with the updated structure and values.

In addition, the existing records are upgraded with the following rules:

  • Golden records keep their existing IDs and confirmed/validated state.

  • Confirmed or unconfirmed golden records keep their status. This status is moved from the B_IS_VALIDATED column in GD tables to the new B_ISCONFIRMED column, and a new B_CONFIRMATIONSTATUS column provides a more detailed confirmation status in MD and GD tables.

  • Partially confirmed golden records (that is golden records with only part of their master records confirmed) are upgraded to Not Confirmed (B_ISCONFIRMED=0 and B_CONFIRMATIONSTATUS=NOT_CONFIRMED).

  • The existing duplicate management workflows remain, but the duplicates listed in these workflows disapear.

  • In the lastest data edition:

    • Golden records split and confirmed by the user are upgraded in an exclusion group.

    • A confidence score is automatically computed.

  • In previous data editions:

    • The exclusion groups are not computed.

    • The confidence score is set to null for singletons and to 100 for non-singleton golden records.

Recommended Action
Administrators and data stewards should review the upgrade rules listed above and should test the upgrade prior to applying it on their production environment. After the upgrade, data stewards should review the confirmation state of the duplicates and execute duplicate management workflows to confirm duplicates as needed.

Customized Search Forms

In versions prior to 3.2, all the default built-in search methods (full text, advanced, by form and SemQL) were available in the business object views.
Starting with 3.2, it is possible to create customized forms and define which of the search methods or customized forms are available in applications.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers should review and customize the search methods available in their applications.

PL/SQL Functions

Starting with version 3.2, it is possible to declare user-defined PL/SQL functions. By declaring these functions, designers make them available in the SemQL editor and avoid SemQL warnings raised by these functions.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers should declare all PL/SQL functions used in their SemQL clauses. By doing so, model validation will no longer raise warning for these functions.

ID Generation in Web Service

Starting with version 3.2, web services now return the IDs of records as they are created and expose the capability to automatically generate ID for records pushed into loads. New web service operations let you provision series of IDs.

Recommended Action
Integration teams using web services should review their integration flows. Flow using web services with round trips (persist row then read) to retrieve IDs should be simplified using the new ID generation capabilities.

Reserved Physical Column Names

Prior to version 3.2, the attributes' physical column names could take any value. Starting with version 3.2.0, it is no longer possible to define physical column names starting with B_ as they may collide with reserved column names.

Models with physical column names violating this rule no longer pass model validation and each column will raise a validation error such as Invalid physical name: <column_name> matches the reserved pattern B_*.

Required Action
Prior to the upgrade, administrators should refer to the knowledge base article that explains how to detect, rename and upgrade the offending attributes.

Upgrading from versions prior to 3.1

Review the post-upgrade actions listed below if upgrade from a version prior to version 3.1.

Model Privilege Grants for SemarchyAdmin

In versions prior to 3.1, the semarchyAdmin role had a hardcoded full access to the data on all models.
Starting with version 3.1 the privilege grant for this role is no longer hardcoded, and can be modified.

When a creating a new model or upgrading an model, a model-level privilege grant is automatically created for the semarchyAdmin role with Grant full access to the model selected to keep the same level of privileges.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers may want to modifying this privilege grant to reduce the privileges of the semarchyAdmin role on the data, and prevent platform administrators from accessing data in the hub.

Model Privileges Grants for the Integration Web Services

In versions prior to 3.1, accessing the integration web services required a role having platform-level read/write privileges on the data location.
Starting with version 3.1, a specific option called Grant access to integration web services appears in the model privilege grants to define whether a role can access this model’s data via web services.

When upgrading, roles that could access the integration web services thanks to their privileges on the data locations will automatically have this option checked for the models deployed in the data location.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, model designers may want to review and modifying this privilege grant to prevent access to the integration web services to certain roles.

Pulse Metrics

Starting with version 3.1, Pulse Metrics collection process is scheduled and managed by the Execution Engine. The Convergence Pulse Metrics Executable (metrics.bat or metrics.sh command) is now obsolete.

Required Action
After the upgrade, administrators should stop all scheduled executions of the Pulse Metrics Executable, and configure the Pulse Metrics schedule in the workbench. Refer to the Configuring Pulse Metrics section in the Convergence for MDM Administration Guide for more details.

Browser Support

Convergence for MDM 3.1 discontinues the support for old web browsers. The updated list of supported web browser is available in the Client Requirements section of Convergence for MDM Installation Guide.

Recommended Action
Administrators should inform all Convergence for MDM users of the new client requirements.

Upgrading from versions prior to 3.0

Review the post-upgrade actions listed below if upgrade from a version prior to version 3.0.


Default Application

The built-in Default Application (No Application) that existed in previous releases - and could not be modified or deleted - disappears in v3.0. When the upgrade takes place, an application named Default Application is created as a replacement. This application provides the same features, but can be modified or deleted.

Recommended Action
If you do not need a Default Application and wish to enable user access only via your applications, remove this application after the upgrade.

Securing Applications

This version introduces the capability to configure application features (Entities List, Dashboards, Lineage, etc.), and allow access to the selected features depending on roles.

Recommended Action
Review the configuration for each of your applications, un-select features to hide them and/or set roles for features access.

Attribute Groups

Attribute groups are no longer supported starting with Convergence for MDM 3.0. The default forms generated when displaying entities in applications now organize attributes as User Attributes and Built-in Attributes

Recommended Action
Create forms and table view, business objects and business object views to display entities content to replace attribute groups.

Form Views

Views Upgrade

This version introduces a new computed Attribute Type field for the form attributes. This field if computed for all forms the first time you open a form view.

Required Action
After the upgrade, open any form view in the model. An Upgrade Views message prompt appears. Click OK to start the upgrade. At the end of this process, the form view editor opens. Press CTRL+S to finish the update of all the views.
This process takes place once. You should not be again prompted for upgrading the views.

Primary Key and Source ID

In form views, it is no longer required to explicitly choose a key attribute among the Golden ID, Primary key or Source ID. If you add the entity’s Primary Key attribute to a form, the form will automatically display the key that is the most appropriate for the context (master record, golden record, source record, etc.) and the type of entity (fuzzy or exact matching).

For example:

  • For a source record of a fuzzy matching entity, the Source ID will be displayed.

  • For a golden record of a fuzzy matching entity, the Golden ID will be displayed.

Recommended Action
Review the form views that include key attributes, and replace these key attributes by the entity Primary Key.
In form views created for the purpose of data entry, replace also the Source ID with the entity Primary Key. This second point is important as the Source ID only recognized as a simple text field.
If you want to use the display component specific to IDs, replace the Source ID by the Primary Key.

Only use a specific key only if you want to explicitly display this key in a context: For example, to display the Golden Record ID when viewing a master record.


Form views no longer support multi-column layout for forms and sections. When the upgrade takes place:

  • The section order and attribute order in the section are preserved.

  • The columns layout for forms and sections is not preserved.

The result are forms with a Flow Layout. The Grid Layout enable you to configure sections and attributes at absolute positions on a grid, offering the superior features than a multi-column layout.

Recommended Action
After the upgrade, review all the form views. For those of the forms requiring a specific layout, configure them with a Grid Layout and reposition the sections and attributes to restore the form appearance.

Business Object Views

Business object views now support defining form views for browsing data and for data entry. As a consequence, certain business object views pairs (one used for the sole purpose of data entry - marked as non-visible -, plus one used for navigating) can be merged into single business object views.

Recommended Action
Review the business object views and consider merging data-entry-only business object views with their navigation counterparts.

User Preferences

The upgrade process preserves user-defined filters, but resets the columns selection and user-defined sort in the data tables to the default values:

  • All the columns available in the table views are made visible for the users.

  • If a customized sort is defined in the model, this sort is used. Otherwise, records are not sorted.

Recommended Action
Application users should review the column displayed as well as the record sort and reapply their preferences.