PostgreSQL component release notes
This page lists the main features added to the PostgreSQL Component.
Version 2024.1.13
Version 2024.1.11
Version 2024.1.0
Feature improvements
DI-6921: Add new deserializer template DESERIALIZER PostgreSQL String as Xml to create XML data from a PostgreSQL string data type.
DI-7621: Implement serializer functionality in Designer. Use the serializer in mappings to parse structured data from a source and flatten it to string data.
Version 2023.1.0
Version 2.0.2 (PostgreSQL component)
Feature improvements
DI-1782: Addition a new datatype "Json" in PostgreSQL Metadata
DI-1889: Integration PostgreSQL - When the option "Create target table" is enabled, generated table creation statement now also contains the primary key defined in Metadata
DI-1890: INTEGRATION PostgreSQL - Add support for xpath expressions in deleteWhereClause parameter
DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet
DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking
Version 3.0.0 (component pack)
Feature improvements
DI-2641: Reverse-engineer foreign keys referencing tables in another schema when the other table and schema are available in the metadata
DI-2656: PostgreSQL technology includes the list of database-reserved keywords
DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions
DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management