Greenplum Component Release Notes

This page lists the main features added to the Greenplum Component.

Change Log

Version 2023.4.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-7010: Template LOAD S3 File to Greenplum: add a new parameter to customize the string delimiter.

  • DI-7956: Template LOAD S3 file to Greenplum: add support for positional files.

  • DI-8116: Template LOAD S3 File to Greenplum: add the ability to check the source S3 file existence before trying to process it.

  • DI-8196: Third-party library upgrade.

Bug fixes

  • DI-7957: Template S3 File to Greenplum: the template fails when using tabulation as a field delimiter.

Version 2023.3.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-6741: Add srvConfiguration property in the Greenplum metadata.

Version 2023.2.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-6927: New DESERIALIZER Greenplum String as JSON template.

  • DI-6740: Multiple improvements to the Load S3 File to Greenplum template, including performance and efficiency, automated encoding management based on the metadata, header skip clause, date/timestamp format management. The dataFormat parameter is re-labeled to Profile.

Bug fixes

  • DI-7308: Driver upgrade: PostgreSQL

Version 2023.1.12

Bug fixes

  • DI-9528: Updated the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

Version 2023.1.9

Bug fixes

  • DI-7958: Template LOAD File to GreenPlum: bug fixes and internal improvements.

Version 2023.1.2 (Greenplum Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-7308: Driver upgrade: PostgreSQL

Version 2023.1.1 (Greenplum Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-7192: In a mapping between a file and Greenplum, the Load S3 File to Greenplum template is selected by default even when the files are not located in S3.

Version 2023.1.0 (Greenplum Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4668: The Create indexes on Target Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION GreenPlum (NO_LOAD) template.

  • DI-4669: The Create indexes on Target Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION GreenPlum template.

  • DI-6439: The LOAD File to Greenplum (with gpload) template is now available.

Bug fixes

  • DI-5420: JDBC Driver - Third-party library upgrade.

  • DI-6285: PostgreSQL - Driver upgrade.

  • DI-6451: The Transactional Mode On Work Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION Greenplum template. It allows managing transactions on work tables.

  • DI-6748: PostgreSQL - Driver upgrade.

Version 5.3.10 (Greenplum Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-6707: When creating a mapping between a file and Greenplum, the Load S3 File to Greenplum template is selected by default instead of the generic LOAD File to Rdbms template.

Version 5.3.9 (Greenplum Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-6429: The LOAD S3 File to GreenPlum template has been added to the Greenplum component. The template allows loading files stored in the S3 bucket to Greenplum using external tables.

Bug fixes

  • DI-6358: Cross joins generated by mappings unexpectedly use CROSS OUTER JOIN syntax instead of CROSS JOIN.

Version 2.0.1 (Greenplum Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet

  • DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking

Bug fixes

  • DI-1908: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates on Lock / Unlock CDC steps

  • DI-1907: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates when querying the source data

Version 2.0.2 (Greenplum Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-2743: Template - LOAD Rdbms to GreenPlum (with gpload) - generated temporary file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters

Version 3.0.0 (Component Pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions

  • DI-4731: Rebranding: Template messages

  • DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management

Version 5.3.4 (Component Pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-5420 : Update the greenplum third-party JDBC Driver to version 42.3.3.