Azure Storage Operation



Use this tool to perform an Azure Blob Storage operation, either on a container or on files.


  1. Create or open a process.

  2. From the Process Palette, add the process action TOOL Azure Storage Operation.

  3. Drag and drop one of the following elements onto the action field labeled <AZURE_STORAGE>:

    • An Azure Storage metadata root node

    • An Azure Storage metadata container subnode

  4. Select the action to open its properties, and configure its parameters.

  5. Connect the tool to activate it in the integration flow.

Authentication methods

The tool supports authentication with either a shared access signature or a storage access key. You must define at least one. If you define both, the shared access signature takes precedence.

You cannot use the AzCopy utility with a storage access key.


Name Default Description

Azure Storage Operation

Choice of which operation to perform on Azure Storage. Possible options are:

  • createContainer

  • deleteContainer

  • deleteFile

  • getFile

  • putFile

Azure Invocation Method


Choice of which libraries to use for Azure Storage operations. Possible options are:


The tool attempts to use azcopy for the operation, and falls back to the Java SDK if needed.


The tool attempts to use azcopy for the operation.


The tool uses the provided Azure Java SDK for the operation.

To use the azcopy method, you must install AzCopy from the Microsoft website. You cannot use it with storage access keys or container operations.

Azure Storage Endpoint Url

Endpoint of the storage you want to access, as a URL.

Azure Storage Container

Name of the Azure Storage container to connect to. This parameter is mandatory.

Azure Storage Shared Access Signature

A shared access signature (SAS) used to authenticate requests to Azure Storage resources.

The SAS must begin with the characters sv=.

Azure Storage Access Key

A storage access key used to authenticate requests to Azure Storage resources that do not support SAS.

Local File Path

Local filesystem path to a file that is sent to or retrieved from the Azure Storage container.

This parameter applies to putFile and getFile operations.

Remote File Name

Name of a remote file created in or retrieved from the Azure Storage container.

This parameter applies to putFile and getFile operations.

Scripting Connection


Name of the connection used by the Runtime scripting engine.

If you use multiple instances of this tool in parallel, set a different Scripting Connection name for each of those instances. The runtime opens a different scripting connection for each unique name.

Az Copy Cap Mbps

From metadata, otherwise 0

Numerical file transfer rate limit, in megabits per second.

This parameter corresponds to the --cap-mbps flag of AzCopy.

Az Copy Timeout

From metadata, otherwise 0

Timeout when executing the azcopy command, in milliseconds.

XPath Expression For Azure Storage

XPath expression that references which storage to use.

Published variables


When Azure Invocation Method is set to auto, the tool publishes a boolean variable named AZCOPY_AVAILABLE. Its value is true when the runtime detects the azcopy utility, and false when the utility is not found.


At the end of this tool’s execution, the runtime publishes a variable named AZURE_OPERATION_STATUS on the tool. This variable holds a string value describing the status of the operation. The status depends on your choice of operation.

Possible status codes are:

Status code For operation Description



The createContainer operation completed successfully.



The createContainer operation failed because the container already exists.



The deleteContainer operation completed successfully.



The deleteContainer operation failed because the container does not already exist.



The deleteFile operation completed successfully.



The deleteFile operation failed because the file does not already exist.



The getFile operation completed successfully.



The getFile operation failed.



The putFile operation completed successfully.



The putFile operation failed.


The Azure Storage Operation you entered is not a valid operation. Check the field contents and select a valid operation.