Kafka Reset Offsets

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This process action resets the read offset related to an Apache Kafka consumer group.

Kafka consumer groups have an Auto offset reset option. This option only applies at the moment the group is created, which is when it is first used. If you want to reset a read offset but the consumer group already exists, use this process action in an integration flow.

To use this action, you need a Kafka metadata object, and a process in which you want to work with Apache Kafka.


  1. Add the process action Kafka Reset Offsets from the Process Palette, under the Connectors section.

  2. Configure the action by dragging and dropping a Kafka consumer node from a Kafka metadata object onto the action. You can use Kafka raw or Kafka structured metadata equally.

  3. Set other action parameters as needed.

The action inherits the consumer group name, Apache Kafka server properties, and topic name from the metadata. You can only change the topic name from within the action.


Name Default Description


Kafka Reset Offsets

Display name for the action in Designer.

Reset Mode

To Earliest

Determines how the offset should changed. Possible values are:

Shift By

Shifts the offset by the value in the Shift By parameter.

To Earliest

Resets the read offset to the earliest offset possible.

To Latest

Resets the read offset to the latest offset possible.

Shift By

The amount by which the current offset should shift, as a positive or negative integer.

This parameter only works when the Reset Mode parameter is set to Shift By.

Partition Id

Comma-separated list of partition IDs on which to perform the offset reset.

An empty value resets the offset for all partitions.

Topic Name

Comma-separated list of topic names on which to perform the offset reset.

By default, this option takes the physical name of the topic inherited by the consumer metadata link.