Manage users and stakeholders

Users and stakeholders are two different concepts in Semarchy xDG:

  • Semarchy xDG users are Semarchy platform accounts that have access to the xDG module. They can have different access rights and roles.

  • Stakeholders are identities that own assets. A stakeholder can be related to a user account, but it does not have to be. It can also be imported from an external system during a harvesting process.

Users are mentioned with regard to access rights, and stakeholders are mentioned with regard to asset ownership.


A user with access to Semarchy xDG still needs to be given a role within that instance. Manage user roles to an xDG instance on the Users and Roles page, from an account that already has administrative privileges. This page lists users who can access the xDG instance, along with their current role.

You can find the Users and Roles page in the Semarchy xDG navigation drawer. All changes are saved automatically.

The following roles are available:


This role grants no usage rights.


This role can view assets only.


This role can view, modify, organize assets, create initiatives and domains, and trigger harvesting.


This role grants all Editor privileges plus full management of badges, harvesting, and users.


All users in the Users and Roles page have an entry on the Stakeholders page, accessible from the navigation drawer. This page lists users with access to the xDG instance, along with the number of assets they have ownership of. xDG generates the list automatically.

To view more details about a stakeholder and the assets they own, click on an individual entry. A modal window opens with more detailed stakeholder information, and lists of assets they own along with links to navigate there.

The Stakeholders page is view-only. To manage stakeholder ownership, go to an asset page directly, and add or remove stakeholders from there.