Oracle Component Release Notes

This page lists the main features added to the Oracle Component.

Feature Highlights

Version 2.2.2

New template Integration Oracle to File

A new Integration Template named "Integration Oracle to File (Sqlplus)" has been added.

This Template allows to generate a Flat File using SQL*Plus and provides usually better performances than Standard templates.

Fixed Issues

This version contains also some fixed issues.

Version 2.2.1

Fixed Issues

Some issues have been fixed on Integration Oracle Template.

Version 2.2.0

Addition of datatypes


Most of them are aliases of existing datatypes.

Version 2.1.0

Addition of datatypes

The INTEGER datatype was missing in Oracle Metadata.

Version 2.0.6

Minor improvements and fixed issues

This version contains some minor improvements and fixed issues, which can be found in the complete changelog.

Version 2.0.5

INTEGRATION Oracle Template

Two new parameters have been added to define Oracle hints to be added to generated select and update statements:

  • Target Update Hint

  • Target Select Hint

Temporary Objects Storage clause

In Oracle Metadata, two new attributes have been added in the "Temporary Objects" tab on a schema.

They allow to specify additional table storage clauses which will be added to the statements generated for temporary objects.

For Oracle, this allows to define for instance a custom tablespace to be used for the temporary objects.

The new attributes are the following:

  • Default Table Storage Clause

  • Default Index Storage Clause

Example of tablespace definition:

release notes temporary objects storage clause

Change Data Capture (CDC)

Multiple improvements have been performed to homogenize the usage of Change Data Capture (CDC) in the various Components.

Parameters have been homogenized, so that all Templates should now have the same CDC Parameters, with the same support of features.

Multiple fixes have also been performed to correct CDC issues. Refer to the changelog for the exact list of changes.

Version 2.0.4

JDBC Drivers classes and URLs

Prerequisites \ Stambia DI Designer 2020 (S20.2.0) or higher

Stambia DI Designer 20.2.0 introduces an improvement which allows Components and Modules definition to provide themselves the proper JDBC drivers classes and URLs, for the connection wizard to automatically adapt depending on the Module selected.

This Component has therefore been updated to take into account this improvement and provide the necessary JDBC drivers classes and URLs information.

Version 2.0.3

Sample project

The component example project can now be imported directly in the "New" menu of the Project Explorer.

Version 2.0.2

Maximum VARCHAR2 size

From Oracle V12, the size of VARCHAR2 type fields is no longer limited to 4000 characters.

Define the Oracle Version on your Metadata, in the "database major version".

If this version is less than 12 or empty, the size remains limited to 4000.

If this version is greater than or equal to 12, the size is no longer limited (up to 32,767 characters maximum).

Version 2.0.1

Fix an issue with creation mask for VARCHAR2 and CHAR datatypes

Creation mask for VARCHAR2 and CHAR datatypes should use 'CHAR' as character type when no information is provided.

Now when loading data into Oracle from any source, if there is no character type information defined on the sources Metadata, the columns created using the creation will use "CHAR" as character type instead of specifying an empty value.

For instance: mycolumn VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) instead of mycolumn VARCHAR2(255)

This will make sure the same character type is used when no information is provided instead of relying on the database default value which may vary between databases configuration and which can cause issues.

Change Log

Version 2023.1.19

Bug fixes

  • DI-9914: Fixed an issue that generated queries with placeholders instead of actual column names.

  • DI-10150: Template INTEGRATION Rdbms: corrected the template’s behavior so it avoids trying to create indexes on tables that already have one, which causes processes to fail.

Version 2023.1.18

Bug fixes

  • DI-9382: Template LOAD File to Oracle: fixed an issue that generated an incorrect Oracle control file when not all source columns are mapped.

  • DI-9617: Optimized the queries for CDC Data View and CDC Lock View to speed up reads from CDC tables.

Version 2023.1.14

Bug fixes

  • DI-9616: Template INTEGRATION Oracle: fixed an issue that stopped target indexes from being created in a target schema.

  • DI-9856: Fixed an issue that prevented Salesforce integrations from recognizing OAuth2 JSON properties.

Version 2023.1.12

Feature improvements

  • DI-6371: Added support for using aggregation functions when Change Data Capture is active.

Bug fixes

  • DI-9212: Fixed an issue which inserted a wrong number when copying an Int64 from MongoDB to Oracle Database.

  • DI-9232: INTEGRATION ORACLE TEMPLATE with CDC: fixed an issue which prevented INCREMENTAL_FLAG from appearing in a "group by" clause.

Version 2023.1.10

Feature improvements

  • DI-9076: Added support for XML field types in database metadata and integration flows.

Version 2023.1.9

Bug fixes

  • DI-8938: Template INTEGRATION Oracle: Fix compatibility between append integration strategy and useDistinct option calculating sequence on target.

Version 2023.1.6

Bug fixes

  • DI-8061: Template INTEGRATION Oracle to File (SqlPlus): the "lineSize" option is miscalculated.

Version 2023.1.1

Bug fixes

  • DI-7132: In the INTEGRATION Oracle to File (Sqlplus) template, the sort feature does not work.

Version 2023.1.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-4674: The Create indexes on Target Table parameter has been added to the INTEGRATION Oracle template.

  • DI-6021: An alternative template is now available to load a file into Oracle through a generic JDBC method instead of specific loaders.

  • DI-6537: The sorting feature has been added to the INTEGRATION Oracle to File (Sqlplus) template.

Bug fixes

  • DI-5785: Temporary table names are unexpectedly truncated to 30 characters when using Oracle 12 or higher.

  • DI-5812: In the INTEGRATION Oracle template, the append mode creates and use an integration table for performance purposes.

  • DI-6020: The Purge Temporary Tables parameter is missing in some Oracle templates.

  • DI-6234: Some built-in templates cannot be saved after being modified and a NullPointerException is thrown.

Version 5.3.10 (Component Pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-6702: Append mode does not work when reject control is enabled.

Version 5.3.10 (Component Pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-6702: Append mode does not work when reject control is enabled.

Version 5.3.7 (Component Pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-6021: Add an alternative template to load a file into Oracle through a generic JDBC method instead of specific loaders.

Bug fixes

  • DI-6020: The "Purge Temporary Tables" parameter is missing on some Oracle templates.

Version 5.3.6 (Component Pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-5812: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle: Append mode should not create and use an integration table for performance purposes.

  • DI-5785: Temporary table names are unexpectedly truncated to 30 characters when using Oracle 12 or higher.

Version 3.0.0 (Component Pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions

  • DI-4727: Rebranding: Templates and sample projects

  • DI-4731: Rebranding: Template messages

  • DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management

Version 2.2.3 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-5024: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle - use md:paramValue() instead of ${}$ syntax

  • DI-5025: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle to File (Sqlplus) - Allow this template to be used with Transparent Staging Areas

Version 2.2.2 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4811: New template INTEGRATION Oracle to File (Sqlplus)

Bug fixes

  • DI-4869: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle - "Error Log Prefix" parameter was ignored

Version 2.2.1 (Oracle Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-4835: Template - Integration Oracle - Creation of index on preintegration table should be done in the prepare step for performance and optimization purposes

Version 2.2.0 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-2719: Addition of some new datatypes In Oracle Metadata

Version 2.1.0 (Oracle Component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-2529: Oracle Metadata - When adding a column in an Oracle Metadata, INTEGER type was missing

Version 2.0.6 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-2001: Oracle Metadata and INTEGRATION Oracle Template - Allow to specify an 'Error Log Mask mask in Metadata for the Error Log Table, and new parameters on integration Template to enable error logging

  • DI-2167: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle - support target tables with no source datastore

  • DI-2170: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle - New options deletionStrategy and deletionWhereClause

  • DI-2553: Template - Load Rdbms to Oracle (with Sql Loader) - add support for the STR clause in the CTL file, for specifying the rowSeparator

  • DI-2645: Template - Load Salesforce to Oracle - new dedicated optimized template to load data from Salesforce to Oracle (which uses sqlldr to improve performances)

Bug fixes

  • DI-2171: Template - INTEGRATION Oracle - Add missing space character before the Error Log Clause

  • DI-2552: Template - Load Rdbms to Oracle (with Sql Loader) - the datatype TIMESTAMP was unexpectedly producing a DATE clause

  • DI-2643: Template - Load Xml to Oracle - export boolean datatypes as numbers to load them properly in the load table which expects them as numbers

  • DI-2644: Template - Load Xml to Oracle - TIMESTAMP should be used instead of DATE in CTL file for timestamp fields

  • DI-2746: Template - LOAD Rdbms to Oracle (with SQL Loader) - generated temporary file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters

  • DI-2778: Template - Staging Oracle as Table - "Transactional Mode On Work Tables" parameter does not work properly

  • DI-2820: Template - STAGING Oracle As Table - fix missing variable during code generation

Version 2.0.5 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1772: INTEGRATION Oracle - New options to add Oracle Hints on select and update statements

  • DI-1788: Templates updated - support the "Default Table Storage Clause" and "Default Index Storage Clause" attributes which are defined in Metadata

  • DI-1912: Templates updated - support having CDC sources on Templates which were not supporting it (such as staging templates)

  • DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet

  • DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking

Bug fixes

  • DI-2961: Template - STAGING Oracle As Table - the Template did not support having different sets

  • DI-1907: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates when querying the source data

Version 2.0.4 (Oracle Component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-2119: Oracle Component - update module definition to propose more accurate driver and urls

Version 19.0.25 (Designer)

Bug fixes

  • DI-1932: Oracle Component: Maximum VARCHAR2 size should be up to 32767 on Oracle 12 and above