This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2023.1, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Send Email



Sends an email.


Name Mandatory Default Description

Mail Hostname


Email server host name or IP address.

Mail Port


25 (or 995 if Mail Use SSL is set to true).

Email server host name or IP address.

Mail From


Email Sender.

Mail User


User connecting to the email server.

Mail Password


This user’s password, encrypted.

E-mail account providers such as Google or Microsoft may require to use an App Password in third-party applications such as Semarchy xDI instead of the real user’s password, for security purposes. See App Passwords for further details.

Mail Unencrypted Password


This user’s password, in plain text.

E-mail account providers such as Google or Microsoft may require to use an App Password in third-party applications such as Semarchy xDI instead of the real user’s password, for security purposes. See App Passwords for further details.

Mail To

Email Recipient. At least one of the Mail To, Mail Cc or Mail Bcc parameters must be set.

Mail Cc

Email Cc Recipient. At least one of the Mail To, Mail Cc or Mail Bcc parameters must be set.

Mail Bcc

Email Bcc Recipient. At least one of the Mail To, Mail Cc or Mail Bcc parameters must be set.

Mail Subject


Email subject.

Mail Attach


Semi-colon separated list of file names. These files are attached to the email.

Mail Text


Body of the email. If not defined, then the action’s ``Expression Editor'' is used as the body content.

Mail HTML Mode



Set to true if the email body format is HTML.

Mail Content File


Name and path of the file to use as the email body.

Mail Content File Encoding


Encoding to use to read the content of the file specified by Mail Content File.

Mail Use SSL



Set to true of the email server requires a secured connection.

Mail SSL Protocol



Secured protocol used for the connection. SSL or TLS.

Passwords are encrypted using the encrypt <password> command on the Runtime engine console (engine command line tool).

App Passwords

E-mail account providers such as Google or Microsoft may require to use an App Password in third-party applications such as Semarchy xDI instead of the real user’s password, for security purposes.

When this is the case, you will have authentication errors if you try connecting with the real user’s password. In such a situation, you have to login to your account on a web browser, create an app password for your account, then use it as password inside Semarchy xDI.

See Google’s documentation, Microsoft’s documentation, or any of your e-mail provider’s documentation to learn how to create app passwords, if necessary.