This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2023.4, which is no longer supported.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Upgrade the Semarchy xDI Runtime

This document provides instructions to upgrade the Semarchy xDI Runtime.

Pre-upgrade steps

This section describes the operations to perform before upgrading Semarchy xDI Designer.

Review the release notes

The Release Notes provides the latest information about the Semarchy xDI Release, including new features, bug fixes, and breaking changes.

System requirements

Review the system requirements for this new release.

Runtime 2023.3 and above requires a JDK 17. If you are using an older version, upgrade to JDK 17. The supported Java versions are listed in the system requirements.

Stop the Runtime

Stop the current Runtime if it is running.

Backup the Runtime

Upgrade steps

Get and install the Runtime

  1. Download the new version of the Semarchy xDI Runtime from the Semarchy website.

  2. Uncompress the downloaded file and move the content to a new installation folder.

  3. Check and set the execute permission on all the .bat (Windows) and .sh (Linux or macOS) scripts located at the root of the new installation directory.

  4. Replicate the read/write permissions for other files from the previous installation folder. In particular, check and set write permissions for the following sub-directories:

    • ./temp

    • ./build

    • ./sessions

  5. Copy the content of the following folders from the previous Runtime installation to the new installation:

    • ./build/deliveries

    • ./build/packages

    • ./scheduler (if you are using the Runtime’s scheduler)

    • ./sessions (if you use the Runtime’s internal log database)

    • ./temp (if your Processes store specific files in this directory)

Copy modules

Copy the Modules from the previous installation to the new installation folder.
In the default configuration, Modules are in the ./modules sub-folder of the Runtime installation folder.

Configure the Runtime

Configure the new Runtime based on the previous Runtime’s configuration.

When upgrading the Semarchy xDI Runtime to version 2023.x, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Support for the RMI protocol has been discontinued, and RMI-related parameters have been removed or renamed. See the Release Notes for more details.

  • JDBC Connection management and pooling have been reviewed and certain parameters have changed. See the Release Notes for more details.

  • A new user role named ExecuteAPI is added to run deliveries through the API endpoints and the Execute loses this privilege. If running deliveries through the REST or SOAP API, make sure to configure users with the new role. See Configure Authenticated Access and the Release Notes for more details.

  • Semarchy xDI Runtime now uses Log4J2 for logging. If you customized the previous Log4J1 configuration, adapt it to the Log4J2 configuration format. See Migrating Logging Configurations to Log4J2 format for more details.

  • The Java Management Extensions (JMX) is now disabled by default. See Java Management Extensions (JMX) Variable for more details.

  • Runtime Access Restriction configuration is now forbidden by default when using HTTP instead of HTTPS. See Access Restriction Configuration for more details.

  • The Semarchy xDI Runtime built-in H2 database has been replaced by an HSQL database, only accessible from the runtime itself. See Built-in HSQL database and Migrate the built-in database from H2 to HSQL.

  • The Semarchy xDI Runtime scheduler is now configured in the main runtime configuration file, engineParameters.xml. The legacy file is still supported but is no longer available by default. See Runtime Scheduler.

Migrate the built-in database from H2 to HSQL

The Semarchy xDI Runtime built-in H2 database has been replaced by an HSQL database in version 2023.4.0.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2023.4.0, and you were using the built-in H2 database, you must manually migrate your H2 data to HSQL if you want to keep your data. See Migrate the built-in database from H2 to HSQL

Update the scheduler database

If you upgrade from a version before 2023.1.0, and you are using the Semarchy xDI Runtime Scheduler, you must manually update the Scheduler database before starting the upgraded Semarchy xDI Runtime.

The database structure has changed following an upgrade of the third-party library used for the Scheduler, which requires an update of the database structure.

Start the new Runtime

Start the new Runtime.

Post-upgrade steps

Depending on the version of Semarchy xDI from which you upgrade, you need to perform actions after the upgrade procedure.

The actions are listed incrementally, please read all the sub-sections in this document until you reach your current Semarchy xDI product version. If no action is indicated in this document for your versions, then no specific action is required.

For example, when upgrading from S17 to 2023.1.x, install version 2023.1.x and follow the upgrade steps for S20, for 5.3.x, then for 2023.1.x.

Generic steps

Once you have validated the new Runtime is running properly, perform the following operations:

  1. Remove the old Runtime folder.

Upgrading from versions before 2023.2.0

The thread count for the runtime scheduler thread pool was changed from 50 to 3. If you are copying over a configuration, make sure you are not using the old value.

In the new engineParameters.xml file, this number is found with the org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount parameter.

Upgrading from versions before 2023.1.0

If you are upgrading from a version before 2023.1.0:

  • Switch from RMI to HTTP:

    • Replace all connections to the Semarchy xDI Runtime from RMI to HTTP protocol.

      • Replace rmi(s)://hostname:port with http(s)://hostname:port in all applicable locations.
        If you were accessing the runtime without specifying the protocol, HTTP is now the default protocol used. In this situation, you only need to change the port.

      • Replace the RMI port with the HTTP port. The default port for HTTP is 42200.

    • Fine below a list of the Semarchy xDI locations where this must be changed:

  • Update Jython scripts:
    The default Jython third-party library shipped with Semarchy xDI Runtime has been upgraded.

    • The related jythonVersion Runtime parameter has been commented by default for the Runtime to use the shipped version by default.

    • The new Jython version shipped replaces the javos with the os module. Scripts using that module must be updated accordingly.

Upgrading from version S17

If you are upgrading from version S17, follow the upgrade steps of all the major intermediate versions between your version and 2023.1.x version.


Update the scheduler database structure


If you upgrade from a version before 2023.1.0, and you are using the Semarchy xDI Runtime Scheduler, you must manually update the scheduler database before starting the upgraded Semarchy xDI Runtime.

The database structure has changed following an upgrade of the third-party library used for the Scheduler, which mandates a manual update of the database structure.

The procedure differs if you are using the built-in database or an external database.

Update the built-in scheduler database

If you were using the default, built-in H2 scheduler database, the upgrade of the scheduler database structure is performed during the migration from H2 to HSQL. See Migrate the built-in database from H2 to HSQL.

Update an external scheduler database

If you are using an external Scheduler database:

  1. Stop the Semarchy xDI Runtime.

  2. Back up the database.

  3. Update the database by running the SQL script corresponding to your provider. The scripts are located in runtime/scripts/scheduler/upgrade/2023.1.0/upgrade_tables_<database-provider>.sql.

    Run this script on the external database using Semarchy xDI Designer or an external query tool.

Migrate the built-in database from H2 to HSQL


The Semarchy xDI Runtime built-in H2 database has been replaced by an HSQL database, only accessible from the runtime itself.

  • If you were using the built-in H2 database for quickstart or temporary purposes and don’t mind about losing the quickstart data, we recommend using the new built-in HSQL database directly without migrating the old data.

  • If you were using the built-in H2 database as a production database for the session logs and scheduler:

    • As a reminder, the built-in database is provided for quickstart purposes as a convenience and is NOT recommended for production use. We highly recommend using one of the Certified Database Servers instead. See Built-in HSQL database.

    • If you want to continue using the built-in database and keep the previous data, you must manually migrate the H2 built-in database data to the new HSQL built-in database, as explained in the guide below.

The built-in HSQL database is, by default, only accessible from the runtime itself, and is NOT recommended for production use.

For production use, we recommend using the Certified Database Servers.

In the migration guide, source runtime refers to the previous runtime version that contains the built-in H2 database, and target runtime refers to the new runtime version with HSQL as the built-in database.

Pre-migration steps

  1. Backup the scheduler and sessions folders from the source runtime directory.

  2. With Semarchy xDI Designer:

    1. Create an H2 module named h2_legacy_driver.

    2. Add version 1.2.140 of the H2 JDBC driver to the module.

  3. Prepare the migration folder:

    1. Download the Migration Tool.

    2. Unzip the archive file at the location of your choice in the file system of the machine hosting the target runtime. It will be used to migrate the database from H2 to HSQL.

    3. Copy the previously created h2_legacy_driver module folder to the xdi-built-in-database-migration/modules folder.

    4. Copy the scheduler and sessions folders from the source runtime to the xdi-built-in-database-migration/source_data folder.

  4. Prepare the target runtime:

    1. Copy the previously created h2_legacy_driver module folder to the modules folder of the target runtime.

    2. Copy the sessionLogs_migration.deliv and sessionLogs_migration.deliv files from the xdi-built-in-database-migration/deliveries folder to the build\deliveries folder of the target runtime.

    3. Ensure the target runtime configuration (engineParameters.xml file) matches the following prerequisites:

      1. The temporary folder must be configured with the default value temp.

      2. The admin user must exist with admin-password as the password. It is required by the migration script to stop the runtime.

Known Limitations:

  • Scheduler: The source and target schemas must be the default value SCHEDULER.

  • SesssionLogs: The source and target schemas must be the default value LOGS.

Migration steps

Open a prompt command and run the startMigration.bat (Windows) or (Linux) script.

The following arguments are available:

  1. Common arguments:

    Arguments Description

    runtimePath <path>

    The target runtime path. This argument is mandatory.

    The target runtime path must not contain any spaces or special characters.

    deliveryLogLevel <logLevel>

    Set the log level used by the migration deliveries. The default value is 0 if this parameter is not set.

  2. Scheduler database arguments:

    Arguments Description


    When this argument is defined, the script migrates the scheduler database from H2 to HSQL.

    Only one of the schedulerMigration or sessionLogsMigration argument must be used at the same time.


    Deletes the target HSQL scheduler database prior to the migration. Use this argument if you want to ensure that the target database is emptied before the migration.

    This argument can be used only when migrating the scheduler database with schedulerMigration.

    h2SchedulerLogin <login>

    The login of the source H2 scheduler database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    h2SchedulerPassword <password>

    The password of the source H2 scheduler database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    hsqlSchedulerLogin <login>

    The login of the target HSQL scheduler database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    hsqlSchedulerPassword <password>

    The password of the target HSQL scheduler database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    schedulerInstanceId <instanceId>

    The target scheduler instance identifier. It must be equal to the org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId parameter of the engineParameters.xml` file.

    The default value is RUNTIME_HSQL_STD if this parameter is not set.

    schedulerInstanceName <instanceName>

    The target scheduler instance name. It must be equal to the org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName parameter of the engineParameters.xml`file.

    The default value is RUNTIME_HSQL_STD if this parameter is not set.

  3. Sessions logs database arguments:

    Arguments Description


    When this argument is defined, the script migrates the session log database from H2 to HSQL.

    Only one of the schedulerMigration or sessionLogsMigration argument must be used at the same time.


    Deletes the target HSQL session logs database prior to the migration. Use this argument if you want to ensure that the target database is emptied before the migration.

    This argument can be used only when migrating sessions logs with sessionLogsMigration.

    h2SessionLogsLogin <login>

    The login of the source H2 session logs database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    h2SessionLogsPassword <password>

    The password of the source H2 session logs database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    hsqlSessionLogsLogin <login>

    The login of the target HSQL session logs database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

    hsqlSessionLogsPassword <password>

    The password of the target HSQL session logs database. To specify an empty value, omit this argument.

Session logs database migration example:


startMigration.bat -runtimePath C:\Semarchy\runtime -sessionLogsMigration -deleteHsqlSessionLogs -h2SessionLogsLogin sa -hsqlSessionLogsLogin backend-user -hsqlSessionLogsPassword backend-password


bash -runtimePath /Semarchy/runtime -sessionLogsMigration -deleteHsqlSessionLogs -h2SessionLogsLogin sa -hsqlSessionLogsLogin backend-user -hsqlSessionLogsPassword backend-password

Scheduler database migration example:


startMigration.bat -runtimePath C:\Semarchy\runtime -schedulerMigration -deleteHsqlScheduler -h2SchedulerLogin sa -hsqlSchedulerLogin backend-user -hsqlSchedulerPassword backend-password -schedulerInstanceId RUNTIME_HSQL_STD -schedulerInstanceName RUNTIME_HSQL_STD


bash -runtimePath /Semarchy/runtime -schedulerMigration -deleteHsqlScheduler -h2SchedulerLogin sa -hsqlSchedulerLogin backend-user -hsqlSchedulerPassword backend-password -schedulerInstanceId RUNTIME_HSQL_STD -schedulerInstanceName RUNTIME_HSQL_STD