REST error handling

The HTTP REST component has parameters to manage errors that can happen when making REST API calls. They define retry behaviors, retry delays, and the number of accepted errors.

You can access these parameters from within a mapping, by opening the INTEGRATION Rdbms to HTTP template. Find the REST operation object in the mapping, and click on its Integration Template icon to open the template Properties view.

howto error integration template

Error triggers and types

Semarchy xDI Designer recognizes two types of errors in HTTP REST integration flows:

Functional errors

A functional error happens when the target API is reachable, but returns an HTTP code other than 200 too many times.

Technical errors

A technical error happens when the target API is unreachable too many times.

Errors trigger as follows:

  • A runtime calls a REST API.

  • If the runtime cannot reach the API, or if it gets a response code other than 200, it retries a certain number of times.

  • If the API call isn’t successful after the retries, the runtime logs a functional or technical error.

Error control parameters

Parameter Default setting Description

Functional error acceptance number

-1 (no error limit)

How many functional errors xDI tolerates before it considers the data flow a failure.

When a data flow encounters a functional error, it moves on to other API calls. If the data flow reaches the error acceptance number, it stops, and displays an error message.

You can design HTTP error responses in HTTP REST metadata, and map them to a target datastore.

Functional retry number

How many times xDI retries a single API call before considering it a functional error.

When xDI reaches this number of retries, it stops the specific API call, and continues with the next one.

Functional retry delay

Time to wait between each retry attempt, in milliseconds.

Technical error acceptance number

0 (no error limit)

How many technical errors xDI tolerates before it considers the data flow a failure.

When a data flow encounters a technical error, it moves on to other API calls. If the data flow reaches the error acceptance number, it stops, and displays an error message.

Technical retry number

How many times xDI retries a single unreachable API call before considering it a technical error.

When xDI reaches this number of retries, it stops the specific API call, and continues with the next one.

Technical retry delay

Time to wait between each retry attempt, in milliseconds.