This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.2, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Manage runtimes

Product users monitor and manage runtimes in Semarchy xDI Analytics, including their status and deliveries.

In the Navigator view, under the Runtimes node the runtimes included in the selected profiles are listed.

ana navigator runtimes

If the list is empty, check that a profile is selected, and that is configured with runtimes.

Select a profile

Listed runtimes are retrieved from the currently selected profile or runtime.

You can select a profile or a runtime from the profile view drop-down at the lower-left corner of the xDI Analytics window.

ana profiles

Runtime details

Edit a runtime by right-clicking it in the Navigator, and choosing Open.

This editor has several tabs:

  • The Monitoring tab provides information about the clients currently connected to the runtime and about the running session threads.

  • The Virtual Machine tab provides real-time information about the Java Virtual Machine hosting the runtime.

  • The Purge tab is used to schedule a purge for the runtime log database. You can add, edit or remove purges with the corresponding buttons. You can also configure scheduled purges.

  • The Command tab allows you to execute remote commands on the runtime.

Manage runtime deliveries

Deliveries deployed in a runtime appear under their respective runtimes in the Navigator view.

You can open a delivery by double-clicking it in the Navigator view. You can start, restart or delete sessions for this delivery from that view.

You can right-click a delivery in the navigator to run or schedule that delivery. If the delivery contains variables that need to be set with values, a dialog appears allowing you to enter the values before executing the delivery.

For example, to schedule a delivery:

  1. Expand the runtime and then right-click the delivery in the Navigator view.

  2. Select New Schedule.
    A New Schedule dialog appears.

  3. In this dialog, set a schedule and a job name.

  4. Define the execution options, and select the execution schedule either by filling the Second, Minute, etc, tabs to generate a cron expression for the runtime scheduler.

ana schedule editor