Semarchy xDM 3.0 release notes

Feature highlights

Semarchy xDM 3.0 introduces many new capabilities that expand your ability to manage master and reference data. This release includes a simplified user experience supporting mobile devices, greater control over visual composition for data forms and enhancements to the data models

Redesigned user experience

The user experience in MDM applications has been redesigned in this version from the ground up, to make it more intuitive for business users. By implementing principles such as clickvertizing (only show available actions), single-click and responsive design, we have made this interface simpler to use on every device. By adding dozens of enhancements including breadcrumbs and a new search window. We ensure that you have the power of the platform at your fingertips.

Embedded dashboards - powered by Pulse

Pulse Metrics dashboards are automatically embedded in the applications generated for business users and data stewards.
MDM users and data stewards can now access Data Quality, Duplicates, Timeline and Workflow Performance dashboards right from their application.

Application design enhancements

This release enables application designers to deliver highly customized MDM applications.

Application designers can now choose the available features (dashboards, lineage, etc.) for the applications, and limit access to these applications and their features to specified roles.

Form views now support flow and grid layouts to quickly create simple forms or highly complex ones, using a visual composition editor. You can now choose the exact position, sizing, and more, for each attribute and section in a form. Attributes in these forms benefit for a rich palette of display components. You can design forms that will look good on desktop and mobile platforms, without a line of code.

Business object views are enhanced: they support customized labels and display names as well as sort in the hierarchy. You can also explicitly design the reference navigation and selection in business object views.

New and updated plugins

New built-in plugins are added to the platform:

  • Person Name enricher to extract the given name, surname and gender from a person’s full name,

  • Google Translate enricher to automatically translate text for 80 languages,

  • Phone Extractor enricher to retrieve the phone numbers from any text,

  • OpenStreetMap enricher plugin for address enrichment,

  • Email Validator to check syntactic and domain validity of emails.

Other notable changes


  • Additional validations detect if the integration job at the end of a workflow does not process all entities referenced in the workflow.

  • Nodes are reordered in the model to indicate the sequence of objects to create.

  • Validations and enrichers support parent and child entities' attributes.

  • References now support Referencing Role Plural Label and Referencing Role Label to refer to one or multiple child records.

  • Field Level Consolidators using a Custom Ranking strategy now support a Skip Null option to skip null values and pick the highest-ranking not null value.

  • Attribute Groups are deprecated. Entities automatically display attributes in the order defined in the entity in a User Attributes group. Technical attributes are displayed in a Built-in Attributes group.

  • Consolidators now default to Most Frequent for all non-LOB values, and Longest Value for LOB values.

  • Transitions in Business Objects now support a Customized Label options that allows defining a custom label, plural label and description for the transition.

  • Default Application is created on model creation. The upgrade process replaces the No Application pseudo application with the Default Application.

  • Applications now support global access restrictions and specific features access restrictions by role.

  • Customize business object views to open with a search on the list of records or the first record.

  • Business object views support data entry form views in addition to the data browsing form views.

  • Reference Navigation is now customizable for business object views. The navigation target may point to another business object view.

  • Selection of references from business object views for data entry can also be configured with a filter applied to the reference picker. This makes Data Stewards more efficient while working with very large data sets.

  • Visual Composition for Table and Form Views, including a grid-based design for form views.

  • Display Name can be customized for a node in a BO View.


  • Data Location deletion also supports optional drop for all the objects in the data location schema. This convenient mechanism allows resetting the hub content at the early model design stages.

  • Notification Servers now support a Default option to indicate which notification server is used for workflow notification emails.

  • Notification Servers creation wizard now includes SMTP authentication options.

  • Administrators can now suspend a Job that is running in order to abort it.


  • Performances

    • Data Certification Process now uses NDV Algorithm for gathering statistics for Oracle 11g versions and above.

    • Matching Process Performance improvement for incremental loads

  • Certifications

    • Apache Geronimo 3.0.1 and IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5.x are now certified.

    • Oracle WebLogic 11g is no longer supported as it is not JEE 6 compliant.

MDM applications

  • Master/Detail editors reorganized using tabs

  • Responsive home page, layout, editors and toolbars

  • Suggest Mappings in the Excel import wizard ignores noise (case, underscores, spaces) when matching Excel columns and attributes.

  • Action clickvertizing

  • Simplified customized Sort with support for multi-column sort

  • Breadcrumb in data browsing editor

  • Dialogs with a file download option immediately download (no extra clicks needed).

  • Data entry workflow editor layout change: the history and overview tab now appear in a popup dialog.

  • Data Filtering is enhanced with a new single window to manage and edit all filters.

  • Seamless navigation experience in BO View and Entity: Access the whole lineage from the business object views.

  • Explicit record selection with a selection column.

  • Reorganized display properties menu. Pagination directly customized from the display menu

  • Improved selection dialog when moving a master record to a new golden

  • Embedded Pulse Metrics dashboards: Data Quality, Duplicates, Timeline and Workflow Performance


  • Phone

    • New Phone Extractor Enricher to extract a list of phone numbers from a given text

    • Phone Enricher changes: Now supports better localization of phone numbers and detailed return codes and messages explaining phone processing. Support for timezones and carrier detection from the phone number.

    • Phone enricher returns the original phone number instead of a null value when parsing fails.

    • Phone Validator supports validation leniency parameter to manage validation level.

  • Text Enricher

  • Email

    • New Email Validator plugin checks email validity without transforming it.

    • Email Enricher: Valid Domain and Valid Input Domain now return null instead of N/A for domains that are unchecked.

      • New Processing Mode for email enrichers uses an in-memory-only domain cache.

  • Translate

    • New Google Translate Enricher using the Google Translate service.

  • Person Name

    • New Person Name Enricher extracts from a person’s full name his/her Given Name, Surname and Gender.

  • Geocoding

    • Yahoo! PlaceFinder plugin is removed from the product and documentation due to Yahoo discontinuation of this service.

    • Added OpenStreetMap plugin.

    • Google Maps enricher now supports a Status output to indicate the status of the request and possible errors.

    • Google Maps enricher now returns a Formatted Address output that contains the human-readable version of the geocoded address.

    • Google Maps enricher now supports request throttling.


Version 3.0.4

Known issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with 'Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the "All Tasks" with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row-level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2444 - Incorrect warning "Malformed SemQL Attribute Qualified Name. …​" on an advanced search when no attribute is selected.

  • MDM-2480 - Form fields much too small in the Filter By Form dialog.

  • MDM-2515 - "ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits" error in the certification job when loading the hub with certain Oracle 11g versions configured with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR.

  • MDM-2516 - "Update On" timestamp is incorrectly set after an edit.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-2575 - IE8 crashes when clicking the Overview tab in the workbench

  • MDM-2624 - Person Name enricher is not present in packaged version 3.0.x.

  • MDM-2651 - Move to Existing Golden action does not limit the selectable golden to those in the current workflow.

  • MDM-2652 - Error when changing the page size in certain conditions?

  • MDM-2659 - CSV import with a client in French locale requires double file selection due to an incorrect date pattern.

  • MDM-2662 - Reference Picker does not display validation errors. It shown an empty field when an unresolved ID is typed in.

  • MDM-2664 - Reference Display Name containing a FDN unexpectedly displays the FID in data entry.

  • MDM-2666 - Number formatting is not used by navigation table for numbers with decimal places

  • MDM-2669 - Create New action in data entry workflows creates the record under the previously selected parent record if the parent record is not explicitly selected.

  • MDM-2671 - Form attribute Date display type behaves as Text display type

  • MDM-2672 - Form Field Help Popup should be shown on Mouse click not mouse up

  • MDM-2675 - Incorrect Encoding the Workflow Notification Email

Version 3.0.3

Known issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form. This issue is due to Chrome Issue #401047

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row-level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2444 - Incorrect warning Malformed SemQL Attribute Qualified Name. …​ on an advanced search when no attribute is selected.

  • MDM-2480 - Form fields much too small in the Filter By Form dialog.

  • MDM-2515 - "ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits" error in the certification job when loading the hub with certain Oracle 11g versions configured with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR.

  • MDM-2516 - "Update On" timestamp is incorrectly set after an edit.

New features

  • MDM-2531 - Reference picker dialog is now resizable and have maximize button.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-2453 - When using a JDK 8, opening a business object view in an application causes a stack overflow exception.

  • MDM-2478 - Internal Error 500 when running the demonstration platform with a JDK 8: login page compilation fails.

  • MDM-2487 - Embedded Content display type is not available for Text datatypes.

  • MDM-2494 - Reference Form Attributes incorrectly wrap in form views.

  • MDM-2502 - Data export (XLSX) opens in Excel 2010 with certain columns hidden.

  • MDM-2507 - Form View used for data entry only displays writable attributes.

  • MDM-2508 - NullPointerException when using SemQL search expression ANY (

  • MDM-2510 - In form views, enrichers using expressions not displayed in the form fail with property 'xxx' is not readable error.

  • MDM-2511 - Importing a tab-delimited file results in an exception.

  • MDM-2512 - HTTP 404 error appears when the browser loses connection to the server. Lost connections are now redirected to the login page.

  • MDM-2530 - Inherited validators and enrichers do not appear in the workflow configuration.

  • MDM-2539 - CSV export results in "Illegal Pattern" error and an empty export file when an incorrect data pattern is used.

  • MDM-2541 - Notify assignee is now disabled when claim task is checked. Claim Task and Notify assignee checkboxes are now hidden when the transition goes to submit or cancel.

  • MDM-2542 - Workflow Notifications notifies the user when claim task is checked instead of notifying when notify assignee is checked.

  • MDM-2543 - Multi-valued LOV selection dialog does not display code, label and description as expected.

  • MDM-2546 - The "Content Popup" display type used in a data entry form now displays a link to view the content in a popup as expected. The More button allows for editing the content.

  • MDM-2547 - Export does not respect the LOV format selected in the export dialog.

Version 3.0.2

Known issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form. This issue is due to Chrome Issue #401047

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row-level security uses model variables.

New features

  • MDM-1506 - Batches with no Job Logs have a nicer rendering in Certification queue

  • MDM-1633 - Sort indicator is now displayed on column headers in table views

  • MDM-1647 - Deleting, editing, multiple-selection and renaming is now supported for duplicate management workflows checkout filters.

  • MDM-1829 - Certification Queue display the user who submitted the load in a new Batch Creator column

  • MDM-1874 - Sibling navigation is now supported when viewing child records in tables

  • MDM-2024 - Better default names suggested when renaming quick filters

  • MDM-2025 - The first page of the duplicate management workflows checkout wizard is now merged in the second page (filter selection and definition).

  • MDM-2077 - Plug-in deployment: The session no longer need to restart and a Diagnose button is available to troubleshoot plug-in installation

  • MDM-2121 - The display of IDs while browsing and editing in Data Entry workflow is more consistent

  • MDM-2187 - The terminology for the privileges is simplified. Privileges types are re-named to None, Read and Read/Write.

  • MDM-2308 - Editor title now indicates the type of view when browsing non-golden records (Master, Source, etc.)

  • MDM-2386 - Specific icons and tooltips to differentiate next/previous page from next/previous record actions.

  • MDM-2392 - New application server certified: Jetty 9.x

  • MDM-2398 - Default configuration files (context.xml and semarchy.xml) include a Semarchy Pulse datasource configuration example

  • MDM-872 - SemQL validators support more attributes when a validation is pre or post-consolidation only. This includes LoadID, FID_xxx, BatchID, PublisherID and SourceID.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-1298 - 403 error page is not displayed when user is not authorized on WebLogic 12c

  • MDM-1514 - Preferred Source is renamed Preferred Publisher for terminology consistency

  • MDM-1607 - Clearer error message indicating privilege requirements for duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-1663 - Client Error Flashing on Logout

  • MDM-1711 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: HttpSession is invalid exception after logout with WebLogic 12c

  • MDM-1925 - Business object using in the root filter attributes with no read privilege are automatically masked to the user instead of having a Read Privilege on xxx is denied error.

  • MDM-2173 - Imprecise outputs from Google Maps (street_address, intersection, airport) are marked as deprecated in the plug-in. A new AddressTypes output list the address types returned by the service.

  • MDM-2311 - User is stuck at the login page after importing preference from another environment.

  • MDM-2323 - Create New button incorrectly inactivated when browsing the lineage records

  • MDM-2324 - Value pickers for filters By Form do not work in data entry workflows

  • MDM-2334 - SMTP notification server fails with mail.transport.protocol property is not set error after an upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0

  • MDM-2365 - Data export action is available but export fails if the export is not allowed by security privileges.

  • MDM-2370 - Record creation fails in data entry workflows with a Query returned 0 rows when 1 was expected error when row-level security is used

  • MDM-2397 - Create new record button is available but raises a Data Edition is not in OPEN status error in a closed data edition

  • MDM-2400 - CSV Data Export now includes a validation for the date format pattern.

  • MDM-2402 - Duplicate management button is available but raises a Data Edition is not in OPEN status error in a closed data edition

  • MDM-2403 - SWTException: widget is disposed when selecting data from a reference picker

  • MDM-2404 - FIDs are no longer present in source error views

Version 3.0.1

Known issues

  • MDM-1925 - DataAccessPermissionDeniedException when accessing a business object view with a root filter using a non-authorized attribute.

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2311 - User is stuck on the login page after preferences import.

  • MDM-2323 - Create New button incorrectly inactivated when browsing the lineage records

  • MDM-2324 - Form filter value picker does not work in Data Entry Browsing

  • MDM-2334 - SMTP notification server issue after migrating from 2.2 to 3.0

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row-level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2365 - Data export action is available but export fails if the export is not allowed by security privileges.

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

New features

  • MDM-1959 - Task comments are displayed in the tasks/activities list.

  • MDM-1699 - Tomcat Role Mapper is now available in the release.

  • MDM-2288 - Full Text Search automatically adds % wildcards around the search term.

  • MDM-2321 - Embedded Pulse Dashboards now support horizontal bars

  • MDM-1090 - Support for Edit/Checkout actions while browsing Rejects/Errors (SE,GE)

  • MDM-2317 - Task Overview and History options added to the toolbar of My Tasks.

  • MDM-2237 - Complete and Un-claim buttons are merged in the toolbar of My Tasks.

  • MDM-1804 - Support for Mixed Authentication. The SingleSignOn parameter in the Context.xml file allows configuring this authentication.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-2315 - ActivityService WS : StartActivity response does not comply with WSDL

  • MDM-2341 - Data Edition is unavailable error after a v3.0 upgrade. This issue is due to a silent validation that prevents the underlying model to be upgraded. To fix this issue, set the following system property on the server startup command prior to the upgrade: -Dcom.semarchy.mdm.logical.boentity.includeUnreachableBOEntities=true.

  • MDM-2312 - Workbench crashes with the following error on a server launched in German: SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet [equinoxbridgeservlet] in context with path [/semarchy].

  • MDM-2293 - Clicking Log Out for the current user context menu has no effect until the user clicks in the frame.

  • MDM-2313 - Matcher on ID Matching entity raises exceptions when Binning uses Complex Types

  • MDM-1683 - Pulse Profiling should skip unsupported datatypes (rowid, lob, raw, xml, etc.).

  • MDM-2316 - Popup dialog never display for a long text type in a table view.

  • MDM-2309 - Create actions are enabled even if user does not have the create privilege

  • MDM-2320 - java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException error when selecting a referenced attribute in data entry.

  • MDM-2307 - Access to Source and Post Consolidation Errors view, Master and Golden Integration Records view fails

  • MDM-2325 - Unable to edit a Variable Value Provider configuration

  • MDM-2344 - Edit Action not available for record matching row-level security filter

  • MDM-2266 - Display attribute validation messages always mention form attributes even for table attributes.

  • MDM-2267 - Visual representation of attributes in the grid at design-time do not have the expected height. Runtime remains unaffected.

  • MDM-2272 - Web services do not start on Glassfish and WebLogic application servers.

  • MDM-2277 - Data Navigation: Customized Sort is ignored unless user defined sort is disabled

  • MDM-2161 - When creating a child record, the reference is not automatically set to the parent.

  • MDM-2351 - Error when browsing a BOView that uses an abstract (used for inheritance only) ParentEntityEO as root

  • MDM-2354 - NoSuchViewAttributeException when defining a Reference Filter on a Reference FormAttribute containing trailing spaces

Version 3.0.0

Known issues

  • MDM-2272 - Web services do not start on Glassfish and WebLogic application servers.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form.

  • MDM-2293 - Clicking log out for the current user context menu has no effect until the user clicks in the frame.

  • MDM-1925 - DataAccessPermissionDeniedException when accessing a business object view with a root filter using a non-authorized attribute.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2267 - Visual representation of attributes in the grid at design-time do not have the expected height. Runtime remains unaffected.

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'

  • MDM-2266 - Display attributes validation messages always mention `form attributes' even for table attributes.

  • MDM-2307 - Source Errors, Post Consolidation Errors, Master Integration and Golden Integration Records view fails.

New features

  • MDM-1664 - Data Certification Queue and Tasks List now display timestamps as well as dates.

  • MDM-1665 - Incorrect date values entered in forms now appear as data validation errors.

  • MDM-2034 - New Collapse All action to collapse all nodes in the application Home Page.

  • MDM-1024 - Plugin and SemQL validations support referenced attributes.

  • MDM-1553 - Matching performance improved for Fuzzy Matching entities.

  • MDM-1578 - SMTP Properties is available in the Notification Server configuration.

  • MDM-1613 - Open Application screen is simplified.

  • MDM-1581 - New getDataEditionIdOpenedOnDate platform web service returns the data edition ID opened at a given date.

  • MDM-1533 - GetDataEditionInfos platform web service now returns the data edition creation and update date

  • MDM-1027 - Plugin and SemQL enrichers support referenced attributes.

  • MDM-994 - Purge job log now purges deprecated job definitions in a data location.

  • MDM-2125 - New logger to troubleshoot plugin execution.

  • MDM-2177 - New Formatted Address output for the Google Maps enricher returns a human readable address.

  • MDM-1556 - Checkout operation in the duplicate management workflows is optimized to handle large volumes.

  • MDM-1562 - Load ID and Workflow ID are now displayed in the Data Certification Queue.

  • MDM-1550 - Duration is now displayed in the Data Certification Queue.

  • MDM-1040 - Business Object View transitions now support a default sort configuration defined at design-time.

  • MDM-1348 - Enrichers now support the :V_USERNAME built-in variable.

  • MDM-1290 - Reference Pickers now support filters on the selectable records.

  • MDM-1614 - Access to Applications' features (entity, dashboard, lineage, certification queue) can be limited by role.

  • MDM-2182 - Google Maps enricher now supports Throttle Request to remain below rate quota.

  • MDM-1634 - Data Navigation view supports multi-column sort by clicking on the column header.

  • MDM-2056 - NDV algorithm supported for statistics gathering on Oracle versions 11g and above in the certification job.

  • MDM-1193 - Matching Expression is renamed to Matching Condition.

  • MDM-1355 - New action to suspend (kill) a job running in the Engine.

  • MDM-1519 - Update Purge Job action is moved from the root data branch node to the Update Model Edition wizard.

  • MDM-1939 - Form views are rewritten with a new design.

  • MDM-2038 - Embedded metrics dashboards are added to the application. Powered by Semarchy Pulse.

  • MDM-2181 - Google Maps enricher now expose a response status output.

  • MDM-1805 - Business Object transition definition now include customized Plural Label in addition to the (Singular) Label.

  • MDM-1323 - Deleting a data location now allows deleting all the objects in the data location schema.

  • MDM-1384 - New model validation raises an error when the integration job specified in a workflow does not process all the entities managed in this workflow.

  • MDM-1808 - Field Level Consolidators using a Custom Ranking strategy now support a Skip Null option to skip null values and pick the highest-ranking not null value.

  • MDM-1858 - New Person Name enricher to extract the given name, surname and gender from a person’s full name.

  • MDM-1414 - New OpenStreetMap enricher plugin for address enrichment

  • MDM-1598 - Text enricher now supports double Metaphone synonyms as a secondary text output.

  • MDM-2028 - Email Enricher’s Valid Domain and Valid Input Domain now return null instead of N/A for domains that are unchecked.

  • MDM-1926 - New Processing Mode for email enrichers to use an in-memory-only domain cache.

  • MDM-1857 - Phone Enricher supports better localization of phone numbers and detailed return codes and messages explaining phone processing. Support for time zones and carrier detection from phone numbers.

  • MDM-2235 - Autofill feature is made smarter to support acronyms

Bug fixes

  • MDM-1508 - Upgrading from version 2.1 to version 2.2 generates incorrect validation configurations in data entry workflows.

  • MDM-2079 - UniqueKey validation raises SQL error when key includes a FK to a SDPK entity

  • MDM-1201 - Incorrect Mixed Content Warning error in IE8 with HTTPS configuration since 2.1 upgrade.

  • MDM-1242 - Unclear SQL error raised if data imported in a Decimal field does not fit in size.

  • MDM-1346 - DataAccess API: IDataRow.getValue() returns " for FDN_* view attributes when no foreign record exists.

  • MDM-2146 - Could not open the editor: Invalid SemQL Query Error while parsing expression MastersCount when using Masters Count to order data.

  • MDM-1985 - Task list editor does not take into account the Page Size configuration.

  • MDM-1787 - Missing Parenthesis error when filtering/searching in a Business Object View based on a Business object that has a root filter.

  • MDM-1788 - Entities with a display name containing a foreign attribute appear with the display name altered in forms for checked-out records.

  • MDM-1657 - Newly created editor master records not appearing when clicking refresh on the golden record editor, even after the certification job is complete.

  • MDM-1992 - Details panel goes blank with Firefox 29.

  • MDM-1828 - Enrichers triggered in workflows do not run in the same order as in the certification process.

  • MDM-1670 - An Invalid SemQL Query exception is raised when opening a duplicate management workflow if the user has full read privileges but limited export privileges.

  • MDM-1669 - Model variables are not really available in enrichers and validations.

  • MDM-1792 - An error is raised when using the :V_USERNAME built-in variable in a filter in a duplicate management workflow.

  • MDM-1491 - IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null raised when accessing the Dashboard and an integration batch has related no related job.

  • MDM-1595 - Upgrade process incorrectly enables the Skip Null option on the preferred publisher field-level consolidator.

  • MDM-1597 - Field-level consolidation performance improvement when using Preferred Publisher with Skip Nulls, Largest or Smallest Value.

  • MDM-1616 - My Tasks list does not show the workflow label.

  • MDM-1516 - Inherited entities should not raise a warning on Display name when their parent provides the display name.

  • MDM-1515 - Inherited entities should not raise attribute group warnings when their parent has an attribute group.

  • MDM-1521 - GetDataEditionInfos platform web service raises a metadata property name not found error when filtering by data location name.

  • MDM-1549 - Excessive memory consumption from data access web services

  • MDM-1497 - Documentation indicates non-existing Submit/Cancel Activity WS operations

  • MDM-2049 - Phone Enricher should return the original value if parsing fails

  • MDM-1617 - NullPointerException when using the Google Maps enricher with null parameters.

  • MDM-1558 - Child Records section in data browsing editor is too tall when the page size is large.

  • MDM-1561 - Columns selected in the Data Certification Queue are not saved in the user preferences.

  • MDM-1560 - Data page size should reflect immediately after a refresh.

  • MDM-1577 - Google Maps enricher does not correctly support proxies.

  • MDM-2105 - org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Graphic is disposed error when opening a diagram in the workbench.

  • MDM-1798 - Google Maps enricher should keep HTTP connection to process several records and use HTTP keep-alive.

  • MDM-2157 - Google Maps enricher should define only Address Line as mandatory

  • MDM-2172 - NULL values should sort first or last

  • MDM-1559 - Child Records section does not move correctly when form sections above it are collapsed

  • MDM-1661 - PK_MTA_ENTITY violated error appears when saving a changed entity after an upgrade to version 2.1 or 2.2.

  • MDM-1797 - Data import reports missing privileges on attributes that are not mapped for the import.

  • MDM-2103 - Check box height in forms is inconsistent between viewing and editing mode.

  • MDM-2108 - Consolidation query fails with exception when involving LongText attributes in complex Type.

  • MDM-1582 - Business Object View order is lost when opening the business object view selection in a data entry task wizard.

  • MDM-1554 - Schema Update Fails on Indexes with NoSuchTableException when schema contains SYS_XXX index.

  • MDM-2139 - Mandatory attribute Error while editing a record that contains a value for the mandatory attribute.

  • MDM-793 - Database is queried twice when opening a table view in an MDM application.

  • MDM-733 - Inconsistent management of update date and updator between data entry workflows and integration jobs.

  • MDM-1530 - Model Validation fail with a Duplicate Key Value error after an upgrade to version 2.2.

  • MDM-1509 - HTTP 500 appears on the welcome page when the model is not valid.

  • MDM-1703 - When the data entry generated WSDL contains accents in attributes descriptions or labels, it cannot be parsed and raises a Malformed UTF-8 Character error.

  • MDM-2036 - Text enricher should provide explicit exceptions when the configuration is incorrect.

  • MDM-1977 - NullPointerException when using the Semarchy Text enricher with null parameters.

  • MDM-1628 - Google Maps enricher does not return bounding box coordinates for US addresses.

  • MDM-1463 - Geronimo 3.0.1 and WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5 are not supported due to class loading incompatibility.

  • MDM-1489 - SemQL functions updated to include Oracle 12c compatible functions.

  • MDM-1539 - WLS 11g is no longer supported by Semarchy xDM.