Semarchy xDM 2024.2 release notes

This page provides the latest information about Semarchy xDM version 2024.2, including new features and bug fixes.

Support information

Semarchy xDM version 2024.2 is a mainstream support (MS) release.

MS product versions are released throughout the year. They showcase the latest features and enhancements, and will receive active support for a limited period.

Alternatively, long-term support (LTS) versions offer a longer maintenance period with patches and fixes, and benefit from extended support.

For more details about our releases and support policies, see our support and maintenance terms.

Feature highlights

Generative AI enrichers

Two new AI-powered API enrichers are available to enhance data authoring and editing using generative AI capabilities. The Semarchy GenAI OpenAI enricher is designed to generate text responses based on user prompts, while the Semarchy GenAI OpenAI structured enricher simplifies the process of extracting structured data from unstructured text. With advanced customization options, these versatile enrichers can serve a broad spectrum of use cases across various industries and applications. From generating personalized responses to extracting specific information or automating repetitive tasks, they provide flexibility to meet diverse requirements.

Run enrichers on button click

A new action button is now available for end-users to activate enrichers on form fields. With a single click, output fields are automatically populated with the data retrieved or processed by the corresponding enricher, simplifying the process of enriching form fields with relevant data during record authoring or editing. Additionally, a revert functionality offers users the ability to restore enriched fields to their initial, pre-enriched state if necessary.
To enable this feature, model designers must specifically configure form step enrichers for on-demand execution, using the new On Button Click option.

Start workflows from a completed batch

Workflows can now be configured to start automatically when a batch from specified root entities is completed, generating either golden records or errors, in the data hub. This new feature seamlessly integrates with the data publishing flow by eliminating the need for manual triggers, and enhances efficient data management by accelerating the pace of data processing within the publishing process.

Deletion approval workflows

A new Delete Data automation is now available in xDM data-driven workflows. Workflow designers can define precise criteria using SemQL conditions to target records or specific data for deletion in the current workflow’s dataset. Additionally, they can configure hard or soft delete options, tailoring the deletion approach to meet specific data management requirements.

Golden-record error recycling

A new PARAM_RECYCLE_POST_CONSOLIDATION_ERRORS integration job parameter allows for the recycling of erroneous golden records from previous jobs. When activated, this parameter triggers the reinjection of all master records related to erroneous golden records into the SD tables, and all data-entry-based golden records are reintroduced into the SA tables to be recycled in the current job. This addition minimizes the need for manual intervention in error handling, ultimately driving greater productivity and accuracy in data management.

Record errors visible in collections

Error details are now visible in the form of <Constraint Name>:<Constraint Type> when browsing error views (from the SAWE, SDWE, or GDWE tables) and exporting data to Excel or CSV. The newly added Errors column is displayed in the Table view, enabling easier filtering and sorting of erroneous records by error type.

Other notable changes

Deprecated SemQL attributes for assignment conditions in user tasks

To ensure that SemQL expressions align with the expected execution behavior of user task steps within a workflow definition, the UserTaskInstance and UserTaskInstanceID attributes have been deprecated in the Assignment Condition view of the SemQL editor.
When defining an assignment condition, workflow designers should replace these attributes with StepInstance and StepInstanceID, respectively.

Java support

Semarchy xDM now supports Java 21.


Version 2024.2.1

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not properly handle dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. Consequently, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-15226: Attempting to create a replica datasource through the user interface when the original datasource was initially created using the REST API fails with the following JavaScript error message: Error: Minified React error #31.

  • MDM-15315: While configuring a SAML identity provider, trying to access the service provider metadata URL results in an internal server error and writes a java.lang.IllegalStateException error to the PDE log. This prevents the download of the SAML service provider metadata in XML format.

  • MDM-15317: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat for xDM preconfigured, Docker image, and cloud images (QuickStart VM and Azure Solution Template).

  • MDM-15320: Third-party component upgrade: Apache CXF.

  • MDM-15335: Semarchy GenAI OpenAI enrichers now include tolerance for trailing commas to prevent JSON parsing failures caused by trailing commas in OpenAI JSON responses.

  • MDM-15347: Third-party component upgrade: Netty.

  • MDM-15376: When multiple transitions are available from a user task in a workflow, the Assignee drop-down menu for selecting the next task’s assignee in the transition dialog consistently and exclusively shows the candidate list for the task targeted by the first transition configured in the current user task’s settings.

  • MDM-15377: Third-party library upgrade: Bouncy Castle.

  • MDM-15454: Upon importing or publishing master records for a fuzzy-matched child entity through a workflow designed to handle erroneous golden records of this entity, the workflow encounters a failure while attempting to update multiple columns within the child entity table referencing the parent. This failure results in a multiple assignments to same column "parent" error message in the PDE log.

Version 2024.2.0

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not properly handle dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. Consequently, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

New features

  • MDM-7782: Error details are now visible in the form of <Constraint Name>:<Constraint Type> when browsing error views (from the SAWE, SDWE, or GDWE tables) and exporting data to Excel or CSV. The newly added Errors column is displayed in the Table view, enabling easier filtering and sorting of erroneous records by error type.

  • MDM-14340: To ensure that SemQL expressions align with the expected execution behavior of user task steps within a workflow definition, the UserTaskInstance and UserTaskInstanceID attributes have been deprecated in the Assignment Condition view of the SemQL editor. When defining assignment conditions, workflow designers should replace these attributes with StepInstance and StepInstanceID, respectively.

  • MDM-14525: To eliminate confusion regarding which element to interact with when initiating a search, the magnifier icon on the Search tab has been removed, leaving only the Search button visible.

  • MDM-14558: A new Delete Data automation is now available in xDM data-driven workflows. This feature allows for the creation of workflows specifically designed to review and approve record deletion requests, while also supporting other use cases involving the deletion of specific elements of a dataset.

  • MDM-14597: Workflows can now be configured to start automatically when a batch from specified root entities is completed in the data hub.

  • MDM-14723: Semarchy xDM supports PostgreSQL 15 across on-premises installations and cloud platforms, including Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-14742: A new PARAM_RECYCLE_POST_CONSOLIDATION_ERRORS integration job parameter allows for the recycling of erroneous golden records from previous jobs. Following the introduction of this parameter, model designers should assess its relevance to their current error-handling procedures and adjust the configuration of existing integration jobs accordingly.

  • MDM-14995: To clarify its scope of application, the integration job parameter previously called PARAM_RECYCLE_ERRORS—which, when enabled, activates pre-consolidation error recycling—has been renamed to PARAM_RECYCLE_PRE_CONSOLIDATION_ERRORS. Existing jobs are automatically upgraded to reflect this renaming.

  • MDM-15017: Semarchy xDM supports Java 21.

  • MDM-15092: Administrators can deactivate the default security enforcement that temporarily blocks users after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts by setting the xdm.idm.maxloginattempts.enable startup property to false.

  • MDM-15111: A new Run <Enricher> action button is now available to activate enrichers on form fields during record authoring or editing. This feature is available provided model designers specifically select the new On Button Click option within the Application Builder to configure form step enrichers for on-demand execution.

  • MDM-15120: A new Delete Data automation is now available in xDM data-driven workflows to remove records or specific data from workflow datasets.

  • MDM-15150: To configure when enrichers should execute, model designers can now select the On Button Click option within the Form Enrichers properties of a stepper. This option enables end-users to generate enriched output in form fields by simply clicking a button during record authoring or editing.

  • MDM-15153: To enhance accessibility and provide clarity in case of issues arising from disabled JavaScript, Semarchy xDM now dynamically detects JavaScript status on its welcome page. If disabled, users are prompted to enable JavaScript.

  • MDM-15165: Two new AI-powered API enrichers are available to enhance data authoring and editing using generative AI capabilities. The Semarchy GenAI OpenAI enricher is designed to generate text responses based on user prompts, while the Semarchy GenAI OpenAI structured enricher simplifies the process of extracting structured data from unstructured text. Both enrichers offer advanced customization options, allowing users to tailor responses to meet their specific needs.

Breaking changes

  • MDM-14402: For Semarchy xDM containers to handle requests to the server root without returning 404 errors, the default context root has been updated from /semarchy to /. Starting from version 2024.2, platform administrators should appropriately define the customizable CONTEXT_PATH parameter in the Docker image configuration file if they prefer accessing xDM via /semarchy or any other path.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14083: Despite configuring a URL link to open in a new browser tab, the link opens in the active tab instead of a new tab when it is nested within a folder and displayed in list mode.

  • MDM-14264: Accessibility enhancement: the alternative description of the Semarchy logo (previously "logo") has been updated to "Semarchy xDM logo" to improve screen reader accessibility.

  • MDM-14265: Accessibility enhancement: to mitigate the risk of screen readers generating irrelevant or inaccurate descriptions, an empty default alternative description has been applied to the application logo in the navigation drawer of an MDM application.

  • MDM-14266: Accessibility enhancement: the inline frame embedding a dashboard within MDM applications now includes a title, improving accessibility for users who rely on screen readers.

  • MDM-14267: Accessibility enhancement: the contrast ratio of the Clear selection button, located at the top of data tables within MDM applications, has been increased to enhance visibility.

  • MDM-14271: Accessibility enhancement: the contrast ratio of the empty state message and image has been heightened for better visibility.

  • MDM-14272: Accessibility enhancement: the contrast ratio of the selected item in the Search type drop-down menu of the Filter side panel has been improved to enhance visibility.

  • MDM-14273: Accessibility enhancement: the navigation drawer in MDM applications now highlights the currently selected item, providing visual feedback for users to determine their current location within the application’s navigation structure.

  • MDM-14274: Accessibility enhancement: the contrast ratio of unselected checkboxes in a collection view has been heightened for better visibility.

  • MDM-14275: Accessibility enhancement: the contrast ratio of checkboxes selected using the Select Column action from the Options menu in an MDM application has been heightened to enhance visibility, particularly against the hover background color.

  • MDM-14276: Accessibility enhancement: the discrepancy between the aria-label (More…​) and tooltip ("Options") for the Options menu button has been addressed, ensuring consistent labeling within business views.

  • MDM-14277: Accessibility enhancement: <h1> tags are now incorporated into all Semarchy xDM module and MDM application pages, enhancing screen reader accessibility and overall HTML page structure.

  • MDM-14278: Accessibility enhancement: structural HTML tags such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, and <aside> are now included in application pages for improved navigation and accessibility, especially for users relying on screen readers.

  • MDM-14305: Accessibility enhancement: navigation drawer items are now structured to be identified as clickable links by screen reader technologies, enhancing navigation through the application’s interface.

  • MDM-14306: Accessibility enhancement: error messages associated with authoring fields are now formatted to be vocalized effectively by screen reader technologies.

  • MDM-14307: Accessibility enhancement: in MDM applications, the quick search text bar now includes a corresponding label, making it accessible to users who rely on screen readers.

  • MDM-14308: Accessibility enhancement: checkboxes in a collection’s table view now feature explicit labels for screen readers, replacing the generic Select aria-label previously used for each row.

  • MDM-14604: An unexpected backslash character (\) is observed at the end of the line just before a bullet-point list in bold formatting when inputting content into a long text field using a Markdown component.

  • MDM-14628: Security enhancement: datasource configuration.

  • MDM-14633: Within an authoring or editing form, searching and selecting a record using a reference picker fails to populate form fields until the user clicks the Finish button.

  • MDM-14661: Longer workflow transition labels appear off-center and truncated in transition dialogs.

  • MDM-14690: When selecting a value in a reference field during record authoring, non-writable child FDN fields, which derive their value from another reference of the selected parent record, incorrectly display the parent’s FDN value instead of the expected data.

  • MDM-14805: In the Configuration module, the Identity Provider Test side sheet fails to display logs when testing a SAML connection, regardless of whether the connection is made over HTTP or HTTPS.

  • MDM-14819: Security enhancement: login page content.

  • MDM-14832: Despite being displayed in custom business views and forms, complex attribute fields do not appear in Browse Entity Folder collections.

  • MDM-14868: The custom logo selected to be displayed on login, logout, and error pages does not appear in the logout dialog.

  • MDM-14874: When interacting with a drop-down list in the Workflow Builder’s side panel, the information badge related to the field behind the expanded list appears in the foreground. Hovering over this badge causes its tooltip to cover list items.

  • MDM-14933: In an authoring form, attempting to create and submit a record with an integer part exceeding the maximum number of digits allowed by the precision settings triggers a server error (Unexpected server error: An internal server error occurred) instead of displaying the expected validation message.

  • MDM-14948: Upon completing a user task in a workflow where the next task is automatically assigned to the user’s team, the completed user task stepper does not redirect to My Tasks as expected.

  • MDM-14960: When exporting entities with long text attributes as CSV, the exported content displays LongText(X char) (where X represents the character count) instead of the actual text content.

  • MDM-14963: When configuring a search form for an entity in the Application Builder and then attempting to search for this entity’s records by their identifier using all capitalized letters while browsing data, the search fails to retrieve the expected result.

  • MDM-14968: The removal of the JNDI Connection Factory that was previously shipped with xDM installation packages and Docker image causes failures in notifications sent by JMS notification servers. To address the issue, the JNDI Connection Factory has been restored with a new naming format, specifically as com.semarchy.tool.jee.tomcat_<xdm_version>.<build-date>-<git_commit>.jar. This JAR file is accessible in the additional-libraries folder of the xDM - Server installation package and is integrated into both the xDM - Preconfigured package and Docker image.

  • MDM-14970: Despite setting a display text for hyperlinks in form fields, the full URL is displayed instead of the specified text on browsing forms.

  • MDM-14979: In the navigation drawer, icons in formats other than SVG (e.g., PNG, JPG, GIF, WebP, and ICO) are not vertically centered with their respective menu item labels, resulting in a misalignment within their respective buttons.

  • MDM-14987: Custom translations are not supported for the My Task interface.

  • MDM-14988: Special characters are not encoded correctly when incorporated through a SemQL custom parameter in an email subject line configured within the properties of the Send Email workflow automation.

  • MDM-14989: When attempting to open a dashboard application from the welcome page, a blank screen is displayed in the browser.

  • MDM-14997: Attempting to open the Configuration module results in an unexpected error in the browser, along with a 404 not found message when opening the Dashboard Builder or Workflow Builder.

  • MDM-15025: Attempting to view profiles associated with datasources in the Discovery module or to open a profiling application from the welcome page results in an unexpected application error and a 404 not found message.

  • MDM-15063: Additional localizable files are now included in the custom translation archive, allowing custom translation of all user-facing components. Custom translation files have been reorganized into an extended set of folders to export and import back into Semarchy for localization purposes.

  • MDM-15066: When creating a new user and enabling the Ask for a password change at the next login setting, subsequent user attempts to log in result in an application error with a 404 not found message.

  • MDM-15091: When attempting to edit the value of a hyperlink field in an authoring form and intervene in the middle of a URL, the cursor unexpectedly jumps to the end of the edit box upon typing.

  • MDM-15095: When trying to substitute the value of a hyperlink field with valid binary content in an authoring form, the initial binary content remains unchanged unless the field is reset.

  • MDM-15105: When validations for a reference relationship are disabled and a record contains a broken reference, the corresponding form field’s Value tab displays <null> instead of the expected value indicating the broken reference.

  • MDM-15151: Attempting to override a reference on a record that originates from a fuzzy- or ID-matched entity within a workflow’s user task causes the subsequent Submit Data automation step to fail with a PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar error.

  • MDM-15152: When testing REST APIs set up in Semarchy xDM REST clients to receive data from an external API, an unexpected error occurs due to misconfigurations in the JSONPath library.

  • MDM-15159: The execution engine’s performance has been optimized by reducing the number of database queries required to identify running loads in the continuous load process.

  • MDM-15167: When creating a dashboard, despite successful completion, an unexpected error page appears within the Dashboard Builder with no corresponding entry in the PDE log.

  • MDM-15196: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.

  • MDM-15204: Third-party component upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

  • MDM-15214: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.