This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 5.3 or earlier, which is no longer supported.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Manage image libraries

Image libraries contain images and icons used in Semarchy xDM applications. These libraries are stored in the repository, are global to the platform, and are accessible to all applications. Designers reference images and icons from the libraries within applications by using image library URLs.

Default image libraries

When the repository is created, built-in image libraries are pre-populated with default Semarchy xDM images and icons:

  • mdi is the library that contains all the Material Design icons and assets. This library cannot be modified.

  • default includes Semarchy branding images as well as the default images used by applications, such as those for actions. Icons provided in addition to the mdi library are also stored here. This library cannot be modified.

  • demo<application_name>_ contains the images and icons used in the <application_name> demonstration application. This library is created when a demo application is installed.

The content of the default image libraries changes with new versions of Semarchy xDM. If an image is removed or modified in these libraries, it will be marked as deprecated in the validation report for models that reference it. Model designers should update their models to use the latest versions of the affected images.

Browse image libraries

The Image Libraries editor, available in the Configuration interface, allows administrators to view and manage the image libraries.

To browse the image libraries:

  1. Open Configuration.

  2. Select Image Libraries in the navigation drawer.
    The Image Libraries editor opens.

Use the filter box in the Image Libraries editor to reduce the number of images displayed. You can use the % sign to replace any number of character.

Manage image libraries

Image libraries are created and modified by importing files. You can import two types of files:

  • Image files, where you must select a target library.

  • ZIP files, with images organized into folders. When a ZIP file is imported, a library is created for each folder at the root of the ZIP file, and the images within the folder are imported into the corresponding library. Exporting images generates a file in the same format.

To import images:

  1. Open the Image Libraries editor.

  2. Click the Import Image Library button.
    The import dialog opens.

  3. Drop either a ZIP file or multiple image files into the dialog, or click Add to select a ZIP file or multiple image files.

  4. If you import image files, select the Target Library for these images.

  5. (Optional) Select Create a New Library to create a new library for these images.

  6. Click OK to import the images.

To delete images:

  1. Open the Image Libraries editor.

  2. Click an image to select it.
    Repeat this operation for all images you want to delete. You can also click the Select All option in the toolbar to select all the filtered images.

  3. Click the Delete Selected Images button, and then confirm the deletion.

If you delete all the images from a library, the library disappears.

To export images:

  1. Open the Image Libraries editor.

  2. Click the image to select it.
    Repeat this operation for all images you want to delete. You can also click the Select All option in the toolbar to select all the filtered images.

  3. Click the Export Selected Images button.

A ZIP file is downloaded containing all selected images, organized into folders named after their respective libraries.

This export method allows you to transfer an image library to a remote repository or reorganize the library before reimporting it.
If an image is removed from a library while it is still referenced in a model, a warning will appear in the model validation report. Designers should correct these outdated image references and update their models to point to valid images.