Semarchy xDM 5.3 release notes

This page provides the latest information about Semarchy xDM version 5.3, including new features and bug fixes.

Feature highlights

Integrated authentication

Semarchy xDM version 5.3 brings considerable improvements for authenticating and managing users:

  • Users and roles can now be managed into Semarchy xDM, reducing the dependency on the application server and facilitating user administration tasks such as provisioning, assigning roles, or resetting passwords. These tasks can be performed using the Semarchy xDM Configuration user interface of the administration REST API.

  • Built-in identity management supports all identity providers and protocols—​such as Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory), Google, OKTA, or Auth0, using OpenID Connect, SAML, or LDAP—​which facilitates the implementation of single sign-on (SSO) authentication. Administrators can easily configure and test how users authenticate to the corporate identity provider, retrieve their roles, and synchronize their profile information.

Using these new features, administrators can set up and maintain users, roles, and SSO for the Semarchy xDM platform, in cloud and on-premises infrastructures.

Integrated datasources

Administrators can now configure in Semarchy xDM the datasources to connect the databases storing the data hubs, as well as xDM Dashboard and xDM Discovery data. They can also limit the usage of these datasources to specific functionalities to enhance data security.

The integrated datasources simplify setting up new database connections for data hubs, profiling, and dashboarding, and streamlines the deployment of Semarchy xDM across environments.

Secrets management

Secrets management allows administrators to secure the Semarchy xDM platform’s sensitive configuration items such as credentials, API keys, or passwords.

  • Secrets may be stored in the repository, encrypted with a choice of methods, using a local key or third-party key management services such as AWS Key Manager Service, Azure Key Vault or Google Cloud Key Management.

  • Semarchy xDM can also use secrets stored in third-party secrets managers such as AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or Google Cloud Secret Manager.

With this feature, administrators and designers can store and manage sensitive configuration items with the highest security and leverage corporate encryption or secret stores, on-premises, or in the cloud.

Data notifications

Data notifications enable designers to easily automate data and change propagation from the data hub to consuming applications.

Data Notifications are delivered—​on schedule or data change—​to event streaming platforms (such as Apache Kafka) or applications via REST API calls and message services. Their payload is fully customizable, using Semarchy xDM’s named queries, and can contain any data change performed in the hub on golden data, master data, history, etc.

With Data notifications, the designers and integration team can simplify data integration and change propagation patterns from the data hub to downstream systems.

Database views

Database views allow designers to design logical views in the model and deploy them in the data hub schema as views, where they can be consumed by external applications or xDM Dashboard charts and dashboards.

Database views use the full power of SemQL transformations, functions, and expressions to define each column’s content as well as data filters.

Using database views, developers can quickly design and deploy SQL APIs for their data hubs, aligned with the model structure and lifecycle.

Other notable changes


  • Delayed continuous loads prevent job contention with continuous loads by delaying load submission in the event of long-running certification job instances.

  • A new REST API Mass update action on the Manage load endpoint allows updating multiple records in a single call, using literal or SemQL expressions.

  • The REST API Manage load endpoint can be configured to limit the response payload to a summary of the changes instead of all records.

Application Builder

  • Compact Mode in Steppers: application authoring form fields have been rewritten to support the compact mode.

  • New Markdown form field supports rich text editing.

  • A new reference is automatically added to the model diagrams containing both entities linked by the reference.

  • New Add Existing Reference actions in the model diagram palette to add existing references.

  • The properties view of the Collection Columns and Form Fields have been reorganized in the Application Builder. This view now appears in a vertical panel and supports multi-selection.

  • The Melissa Personator Enricher plugin is updated with the latest features of the Melissa API.

  • New Current task performer assignee available in workflow transitions.

  • New and updated design-time properties to limit import to record creation or update in workflow transitions, stepper collection steps, and actions.

  • In SemQL, The MasterRecords transition is now available on the GoldenDataWithErrors view.


  • The Semarchy xDM Configuration user interface is moved to Material Design.

xDM Dashboard

  • xDM Dashboard charts now support drilldown data export in Excel or CSV format.

  • A new Dashboard Designer privilege provides access to dashboards and charts, but not to queries, datasources, and applications.


Version 5.3.27

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. As a result, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14297: Processing entities inheriting from the same parent entity in separate queues may cause the certification jobs to produce discrepancies or errors in the data, as jobs performed on one child entity can incorrectly update the batch IDs of another child entity’s records and disrupt job completion.

  • MDM-14604: On browsing forms, an unexpected backslash character (\) is observed at the end of the line just before a bullet-point list in bold formatting when inputting content into a long text field using a Markdown component.

  • MDM-14793: Third-party library upgrade: Azure Identity.

  • MDM-14794: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM preconfigured).

  • MDM-14822: An allowlist mechanism now restricts the classes permitted in Groovy conditions or scripts to enhance security within Semarchy xDM. To modify the default allowlist without compromising security, platform administrators are invited to contact our Technical Support team.

  • MDM-14823: Security enhancement: notification server.

  • MDM-14870: Third-party library upgrade: io.projectreactor.netty.

  • MDM-14908: Third-party library upgrade: io.projectreactor.netty.

  • MDM-14909: Third-party module upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM preconfigured).

  • MDM-15093: Third-party library upgrade: Bouncy Castle.

  • MDM-15196: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.

  • MDM-15204: Third-party component upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

  • MDM-15214: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons Compress.

  • MDM-15317: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat for xDM preconfigured, Docker image, and cloud images (QuickStart VM and Azure Solution Template).

  • MDM-15320: Third-party component upgrade: Apache CXF.

  • MDM-15354: Third-party component upgrade: Markdown-it.

  • MDM-15377: Third-party library upgrade: Bouncy Castle.

  • MDM-15448: When creating a child record through the REST API, if the parent is an instance of a fuzzy-matched entity, the FP_ and FS_ values provided in the source record are overwritten with values from another existing parent master record, resulting in a loss of information and incorrect associations between the child and parent records.

  • MDM-15488: Security enhancement: login process.

Version 5.3.26

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. As a result, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

New features

  • MDM-14684: Semarchy xDM instance information and usage metrics can be downloaded and exported from the Manage license page for instances on which the automatic license synchronization has not been enabled.

  • MDM-14738: Support added for the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14635: When setting the queryPotentialMatchesHighestScoreOnly parameter to true in a Certify One Record API request, the API returns all matches instead of just the one having the highest score as expected.

  • MDM-14642: Using invalid decimal values such as ,,, or . in an authoring form field does not trigger an error message, and results in the attribute value being processed as null.

  • MDM-14677: The official xDM Docker image ships a Log4j default configuration file ( instead of Log4j 2 (log4j2.semarchy.xml).

  • MDM-14680: Third-party component upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM Preconfigured).

Version 5.3.25

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14622: File upload security enhancement.

  • MDM-14514: REST API calls raise a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed error in the logs when the logger is set to DEBUG level.

Version 5.3.24

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14406: Basic entity golden references to fuzzy-matched entities are temporarily reset to null in GD tables during the certification process. To fix this issue, the model must be redeployed after applying this patch.

  • MDM-14362: When a form is opened in a stepper, a nested exception Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order' is raised with SQL Server under certain conditions.

Version 5.3.23

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Breaking changes

  • MDM-14408: To increase security, the X-Forwarded-For,Forwarded, and X-Real-IP HTTP headers are now ignored by default. A new allowXForwardedHeaders system property is available to process these headers, which should be activated only when the xDM instance is exclusively accessible through a reverse proxy.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14407: Third-party module upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM Preconfigured).

  • MDM-14405: Starting xDM on a Mac M1 or M2 CPU using an arm64 JDK fails with an org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module error.

  • MDM-14355: With ID-matched entities, the absence of publisher ID for referenced records causes components such as browsing, named queries, enrichers, and validations to fetch incorrect references when several master records have the same ID but different publishers. A new -Dmdm.dataaccess.resolveIDMatchedRefsWithSamePubId system property allows bypassing this limitation by forcing the publisher ID to the same value as the child record’s. This property is set to false by default and must be set to true to enable this behavior.

  • MDM-14164: File upload security enhancement. The maximum number of files that can be uploaded at once in Configuration and in the Application Builder is now set to 100 files. A new -Dcom.semarchy.mdm.maxImportFileCount system property allows customizing this value.

  • MDM-14138: When a form is opened in a stepper, a nested exception Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order' is raised with SQL Server under certain conditions.

  • MDM-13876: HTTP connections are not closed by REST data notifications.

Version 5.3.22

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14279: Zipped SVG files are not imported in image libraries.

  • MDM-14245: Third-party module upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM Preconfigured).

  • MDM-14114: Reference fields do not show the selected record after selection when using a reference picker.

  • MDM-12395: Leading and trailing spaces are removed in browsing forms and collections.

Version 5.3.21

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14221: Duplicate managers performance optimization.

  • MDM-14210: Third-party library upgrades: net.minidev and nimbus-jose-jwt.

  • MDM-14205: Column Values histograms in xDM Discovery show duplicate values counts.

  • MDM-14146: Enabling the Tomcat security manager causes server startup and integration jobs to raise a access denied error.

  • MDM-14127: Third-party library upgrade: Commons File Upload.

  • MDM-14125: Third-party library upgrade: Kafka Client.

  • MDM-14095: Validation error on record ID entered manually is still returned after correcting the field value.

  • MDM-13946: Duplicate managers' performance improvement.

  • MDM-13900: REST client authentication combining basic authentication and a custom header fails with a 401 HTTP response status code.

Version 5.3.20

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

New feature

  • MDM-14020: Adding official support for Eclipse Temurin JDK (Java 11).

Bug fix

  • MDM-14022: Performance improvement for Duplicate managers.

Version 5.3.19

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-13899: When a workflow is started by user1 and when a user with the backslash character ( \ ) in their name is performing the second task, user1 is not able to see the item in the Done section of the inbox.

  • MDM-13870: The Value tab does not load if the user who created or updated a record has a special character in their username.

  • MDM-13863: Third-party library upgrade: Apache CXF.

  • MDM-13862: Third-party library upgrade: Netty-codec.

  • MDM-13858: Third-party library upgrade: Woodstox-core.

  • MDM-13852: Setting the Editing Format to 00 on text fields for integer attributes causes numbers lower than 10 to be unexpectedly rejected on authoring forms.

  • MDM-13848: Third-party library upgrade:

  • MDM-13847: Third-party library upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver.

  • MDM-13846: Third-party library upgrade: SnakeYAML.

  • MDM-13783: When a Hyperlink field is configured in read-only mode, the button for accessing the URL is missing on authoring forms.

  • MDM-13773: When the Suspend on Error option is un-selected for a job execution queue, it is automatically re-selected on application server restart.

  • MDM-12480: Trailing zeros entered in text fields for attributes with Decimal data type raise a number format validation error on authoring forms.

Version 5.3.18

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-13657: Third-party module upgrade: Apache Tomcat (xDM Preconfigured).

  • MDM-13612: Third-party library upgrade: Reactor Netty core.

  • MDM-13580: Third-party library upgrade: Protocol Buffers.

  • MDM-13579 and MDM-13577: Third-party library upgrade: Jackson Databind.

  • MDM-13410: Third-party library upgrade: ZRender.

Version 5.3.17

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

New features

  • MDM-12409: A new system property SEMARCHY_SETUP_TOKEN sets the setup token in the startup configuration.

  • MDM-12511: PostgreSQL versions 14.x are now supported for Semarchy xDM repository and data locations.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12828: Third-party library upgrade: Jackson.

  • MDM-13155: The deletion of a model with large amounts of editions using the REST API or the Application Builder fails.

  • MDM-13405: Third-party library upgrade: SnakeYAML.

  • MDM-13456: Startup configuration prevents usage of Oracle Wallet as the repository username is mandatory.

  • MDM-13477: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Kafka.

Version 5.3.16

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

New feature

  • MDM-13310: In the Application Builder, reference relationships now return a warning during model validation when the Delete Propagation property is set to Nullify and the override strategy for the referencing entity is set to Override - Until consolidated value changes.
    Previously, this configuration was not allowed and returned an error in the model validation report.
    A configuration with the Delete Propagation property set to Nullify and the override strategy for the referencing entity set to No override is still not allowed and raises a model validation error.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-13368: Entity Collections security enhancement.

  • MDM-13377: Browser freezes when the user switches between two browsing form tabs containing embedded collections before the embedded collection has finished loading in the first tab.

  • MDM-13395: Third-party library upgrade: org.yaml:snakeyaml.

  • MDM-13364: Third-party library upgrade: moment.js.

  • MDM-13303: Third-party library upgrade: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver.

  • MDM-13301: Third-party library upgrade: DOMPurify.

  • MDM-13181: Secured Kafka data notification fails when using sasl.jaas.config with the org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka producer error.

Version 5.3.15

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13055: Decimal numbers containing 15 digits are unexpectedly rejected.

New feature

  • XDMDOC-193: The Azure Production Deployment guide is now part of the official documentation.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10959: The current tab selection is not reset when re-opening a business view.

  • MDM-12884: Browsing a hyperlink form field to a business view causes an infinite loading.

  • MDM-13029: Typing quickly into a dropdown reference picker causes non-consistent search results.

  • MDM-13041: Switching between Business views quickly and repeatedly causes an Out Of Memory error.

  • MDM-13065: Tables in the Markdown authoring component did not render correctly. The component now renders tables as read-only blocks. To edit tables in text attributes, users should either use inline HTML code or edit the raw Markdown content using a multi-line text field.

  • MDM-13185: The Model Documentation export generates an empty when an enricher cache has a parameter with a null or empty value.

Version 5.3.14

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

New features

  • MDM-12997: Adding support for the Amazon Corretto Java Development Kit (JDK). This JDK is currently not supported on Apple M1 systems.

  • MDM-13154: Improved logging for the RefineNonSingle step in the integration process.

    A new system property xdm.IntegrationBatchRawGroupsRefiner.useStatsMBean is used to register and expose the RefineNonSingleton process to MBean. The MBean should be named com.semarchy.xdm.integrationprocess:type=RefineNonSingletonStatus,name=$batchId.$entityPhysicalName.

  • MDM-13167: The Data Location status is now cached for REST API requests.

    A new system property com.semarchy.mdm.datahub.admin.DataLocationStatusCache allows disabling the cache.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-11806: Foreign key validation optimization for the Integration Process on PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-13145: Continuation Load creation with the REST API is not possible if the model has been deployed more than once.

  • MDM-13147: HTML stored in Long Text attributes is not rendered correctly by the Object form field in browsing forms.

  • MDM-13052: Performance improvement for the Unique Key Constraint Query in the Integration Process.

  • MDM-13170: Modifying the configuration log on the active instance causes the passive instances to generate logs in DEBUG mode.

Version 5.3.13

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12230: Performance optimization for the Fix Exclusion Groups Inconsistencies certification job task. A new mdm.integjob.fixXgrpInconsistenciesUsePK system property is available to switch back to the previous task definition.

  • MDM-13021: Collection step filters are not applied on export if stepper contains several collection steps for the same child entity.

  • MDM-13038: Third-party library upgrade:

  • MDM-13050: Enricher Cache for the Melissa Plugin Enricher causes integration jobs to fail with an org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: relation does not exist error.

  • MDM-13068: Third-party library upgrade: Netty.

  • MDM-13070: Third-party library upgrade: Markdown-it.

Version 5.3.12

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12547: Error messages returned by validations in authoring forms on numeric attributes show a sample value that is not consistent with the performed validation.

  • MDM-12551: Error messages in authoring forms, in case of an invalid numeric value, show a sample value that is not consistent with the corresponding attribute’s data type.

  • MDM-12824: Numeric values containing more than 9 digits are rejected on authoring forms.

  • MDM-12846: Markdown fields on Long Text attributes do not raise any mandatory error when left empty on authoring forms.

  • MDM-12860: The public Docker image is not compatible with Apple M1 systems.

  • MDM-12983: Low bandwidth connection causes enrichers to be triggered several times on data change.

  • MDM-12988: Entity collections security enhancement.

Version 5.3.11

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12869: Spring Framework is updated to version 5.3.18 and Spring Security is updated to version 5.5.3. See details here.

  • MDM-12856: Incorrect French description in the Application Builder for the Searchable attribute property.

  • MDM-12808: The display card fallback image is not displayed in collections using the grid view.

  • MDM-12724: Data applications fail to load while trying to fetch a favicon at the root of the server.

  • MDM-10799: Two new system properties are available to configure the timeout response for HTTP clients. Dxdm.http.connectionTimeout and Dxdm.http.receivedTimeout allow setting the timeout in milliseconds for Enrichers, Data Notifications, and Job Notifications through HTTP and REST clients.

Version 5.3.10

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

New features

  • MDM-12613: REST API performance improvements for PERSIST and MASS_UPDATE queries.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12678: Hyperlink fields in browsing forms are not redirecting to the correct form after multiple clicks.

  • MDM-12637: Secrets Management security enhancement.

Version 5.3.9

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

Breaking changes

  • MDM-10824: Apache Log4j version 2 replaces Log4j version 1 for the logging in Semarchy xDM. Following this change, it is required to upgrade the current startup and platform logging configurations to the Log4j 2 XML format. Instructions are provided in the Pre-Upgrade and Post-Upgrade actions of the Upgrade Guide. Refer to the Logging documentation for more details about configuring Log4j 2.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12540: SemQL Lookup fails at runtime with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: SemQLDataAccessToParent not supported error if the expression navigates from the ParentRecord through more than one level of hierarchy.

  • MDM-12542: Sessions variables are not refreshed after a user updates his profile.

  • MDM-12550: Testing an Identity Providers fails if it has been created using the REST API.

  • MDM-12552: Creating a record using the REST API fails if the model privilege grants have a filter.

  • MDM-12562: HTTP security enhancements.

  • MDM-12570: Performance improvement for the Integration Job.

  • MDM-12578: Embedded collection in Grid view displays an empty view when browsing numerous tabs.

  • MDM-12579: Integration job fails when multiple plugin enricher caches are aggregated.

  • MDM-12582: Sending a Data Notification fails if the targeted REST server responds with a 201 code.

Version 5.3.8

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12484: Data export from a collection shows an incorrect Foreign ID value for columns containing an expression that navigates through more than one level of hierarchy.

  • MDM-12509: Performance enhancement for integration jobs executing match rules on entities' child records. A new com.semarchy.mdm.DataAccessModel.useLiteralClassname system property is available to keep the previous behavior.

Version 5.3.7

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

New features

  • MDM-10102: Functional dependency support in reference selection is improved in the context of mass update. Reference fields now show the values that match the SemQL condition defined as Picker Filter only if all records have the same values for all the attributes used in this expression. If some of the record attributes used in the condition have multiple values then the reference field won’t be filtered.

  • MDM-12228: New job parameters PARAM_SINGLE_TASK_JOB_CONSOLIDATION and PARAM_SINGLE_TASK_ENTITY_CONSOLIDATION_<entity-name> allow consolidating data in a single step. A new system property xdm.integjob.useSingleStepConsolidation allows changing the default behavior when no parameter is set.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12423: The Explain Record Value tab does not display data if more than 10 master records are attached to a golden record.

  • MDM-12428: The first login wizard opens whichever value is set for the Enable First Login Wizard property.

  • MDM-12431: Deleting the email address from a user’s profile page raises a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: email address must not be empty error.

  • MDM-12434: Preconfigured Tomcat security enhancement.

  • MDM-12440: Secrets Management security enhancement.

  • MDM-12454: Workflow notifications configured to be sent to "Members of Next Task’s Role" are sent to all users from all roles.

Version 5.3.6

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

New features

  • MDM-12081: New Semarchy Text Tokens Plugin Enricher. This Enricher replaces tokens in a text using a dictionary of strings or patterns.

  • MDM-12056: GCP Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL and SQL Server are now certified.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-11690: Performance improvement for the Delete/Publish Deletion/Cleanup Integration Tables task of the deletion process.

  • MDM-12282: Graph view for Duplicates Managers flickers.

  • MDM-12357: Updating a Data Notification with the REST API breaks its configuration and causes the Data Notification test feature to raise a The job (DataNotification.RR.DN4Q.processor) referenced by the trigger does not exist error.

  • MDM-12376: Testing an OIDC Identity Provider might fail if one attribute returns a null value.

  • MDM-12380: The auto-complete Reference authoring component does not display any value during mass update.

  • MDM-12381: User Management in platform configuration is not accessible for new users with User Management privileges.

  • MDM-12386: The Explain Record view flickers when it contains a large number of master records.

  • MDM-12387: Data Notifications security enhancement.

  • MDM-12388: Identity Management security enhancement.

  • MDM-12403: API security enhancement.

  • MDM-12416: Avatars are not displayed correctly in LOV menus.

  • MDM-12417: Adding a many-to-many reference in a stepper does not refresh the collection properly.

  • MDM-12421: Multiple values for the same field are not identified correctly during mass update.

Version 5.3.5

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12161: The form preview fails to appear with a java.lang.NullPointerException error when Semarchy xDM runs with a JDK 8.

  • MDM-12208: Testing a notification server fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException error if the optional username and password properties are not set.

  • MDM-12253: The selected value is not visible in reference fields after modification during a mass update.

  • MDM-12254: The documentation side nav fails to appear with a java.lang.NullPointerException error when Semarchy xDM runs with a JDK 8.

  • MDM-12266: Authentication with a SAML Identity Provider fails with a Saml2AuthenticationException error when EncryptedAssertion is signed but the response is not signed. A new -Dxdm.idm.saml.unsafelyDecryptAssertionsInUnsignedResponse system property is available to keep the previous behavior and support encryption in unsigned responses (unsafe).

  • MDM-12293: Receiving an HTTP 201 response status code for a job notification raises a java.lang.IllegalStateException.

  • MDM-12296: Performance improvements for Named Queries.

  • MDM-12311: The Identity Provider Entity ID and Web SSO Endpoint properties cannot be set on SAML identity providers.

  • MDM-12314: Diagram documentation fails to open with a com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.NoSuchRowTransformerException error for entities using a Custom Plugin Validator.

Version 5.3.4

Breaking changes

  • MDM-12142: This release no longer includes the javax.json library to avoid possible conflicts with other libraries (JMS drivers) or application server-provided implementations.
    Tomcat does not provide a built-in implementation of javax.json. When deploying Semarchy xDM in an existing Tomcat server, make sure to copy the org.glassfish.jakarta.json_*.jar file from the mdm-server/additional-libraries/ folder to the Tomcat lib/ folder.

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12161: The form preview fails to appear with a [http-nio-8088-exec-1] WARN org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain - Application {}DesignTimeController has thrown exception, unwinding now org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault exception when Semarchy xDM run with a JDK 8.

  • MDM-12254: The documentation side nav fails to appear with a NullPointerException error when Semarchy xDM run with a JDK 8.

  • MDM-12266: Authentication with a SAML Identity Provider fails with Saml2AuthenticationException{error=[malformed_response_data] No assertions found in response.} error when EncryptedAssertion is signed but the response is not signed.

New features

  • MDM-9290: The Persist Data and Mass Update actions in the Publish Data API now support running all enrichers/validations in addition to a list of enrichers/validations.

  • MDM-10055: Azure instance upgrade script supports customizing the backup resources name suffix.

  • MDM-10332: Semarchy xDM QuickStart VM offer is available in the Google Cloud Platform marketplace.

  • MDM-10740: "Select All" added to the list of records in the many-to-many reference picker.

  • MDM-10948: The REST API OpenAPI documentation now exposes the description for the named queries.

  • MDM-11123: The application action description appears added as a tooltip on the corresponding navigation drawer item.

  • MDM-11146: The Persist Data and Mass Update actions in the Publish Data API now support responsePayloadRecordsBaseExpressions and responsePayloadRecordsExpressions options to configure the records returned in the response.

  • MDM-11738: New REST API probe endpoints to monitor the platform, REST API, and applications' liveliness, startup, and readiness.

  • MDM-11903: Semarchy xDM certified with PostgreSQL 13.

  • MDM-11925: New startup logging to capture clean startup logs. See Startup Logging for details.

  • MDM-11994: Mass-update UI performance improvements.

  • MDM-12046: The Persist Data and Mass Update actions in the Publish Data API now support queryPotentialMatchBaseExpressions and queryPotentialMatchExpressions options to configure the potential matches returned in the response.

  • MDM-12061: The Persist Data and Mass Update actions in the Publish Data API now support configuring the rules used to query potential matches, as well as returning only the potential match with the highest score.

  • MDM-12076: Preview in the Form editor enhanced with more accurate layout and rendering.

  • MDM-12090: REST API Certify endpoint supports running validations.

  • MDM-12117: SAML Identity Provider configuration editor properties reorganized.

  • MDM-12180: New Replicas feature in platform datasource configuration allows administrators to define distinct database connection parameters per environment and to specify in the startup configuration the environment to use.

  • MDM-12197: Platform startup correctly captured and reported in the log.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10797: Form search should set the focus on the "Find field by name" field when opening.

  • MDM-10798: Full-text search should focus on the "search text" field when opening.

  • MDM-10911: The Value tab of the Explain Record editor loads indefinitely when the form contains embedded collections.

  • MDM-11156: Import fails to parse a file and does not display the preview to configure the separator.

  • MDM-12213: Focus jumps to the first field in a search form after the user clicks fast on another field.

  • MDM-11549: The Reference Selection dialog does not display an empty state in the table view.

  • MDM-11760: Creating a function with an incorrect category in the model prevents using any SemQL editor.

  • MDM-11925: Incorrect sqlite-jdbc is not loaded errors reported in the platform startup log.

  • MDM-12032: Job enricher aggregation wrongly applies the filter to all the enrichers involved.

  • MDM-12045: Editors appear broken after an application refresh with a TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasGlobalSearchConfigLink' of undefined in the browser console.

  • MDM-12068: Missing detailed stack trace for SSL errors when testing identity providers.

  • MDM-12070: xDM Discovery and Dashboard Builder do not translate correctly/immediately when a French locale is used.

  • MDM-12094: Security hardening for identity management REST API.

  • MDM-12101: Job log export fails with a NullPointerException due to a missing end date.

  • MDM-12110: Chart based on a query with a trailing semicolon fails. The query editor now raises an error for such queries.

  • MDM-12111: Multiple concurrent logins with a named account and the internal IDP cause an HTTP-500 error.

  • MDM-12141: Login fails with a net.minidev.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String error when the "address" additional scope is configured for an OpenID Connect IDP.

  • MDM-12146: Seeding a language that is not in the known values breaks the user profile editor with a Cannot read property 'label' of undefined error.

  • MDM-12151: Using SQL Server windowing functions in dashboard queries prevents drilling down.

  • MDM-12158: Security enhancement for logging configuration.

  • MDM-12159: Reinforced checks of YAML content in Dashboard application.

  • MDM-12167: The SEM_NGRAMS_SIMILARITY function used with the ngrams length parameter raises a conversion error on SQL Server.

  • MDM-12174: The date picker component "Cancel" button is not translated into French.

  • MDM-12187: When browsing, special characters cause truncation of the rendered string in long text form fields.

  • MDM-12211: A NullPointerException is raised when no group is returned in the response token of an IDP test.

  • MDM-12216: Step transition returns an unexpected The date must be later than Invalid date validation error when min or max date format is set to 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ' on a Date Picker form field.

Version 5.3.3

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12266: Authentication with a SAML Identity Provider fails with Saml2AuthenticationException{error=[malformed_response_data] No assertions found in response.} error when EncryptedAssertion is signed but the response is not signed.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-12166: Authentication on Azure Active Directory through HTTPS fails because of incorrect reply URL.

  • MDM-12185: Calling a Named Query that contains an optional FDN raises an org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException with PostgreSQL if there is no parent record to return.

Version 5.3.2

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12166: Authentication on Azure Active Directory through HTTPS fails because of incorrect reply URL.

  • MDM-12266: Authentication with a SAML Identity Provider fails with Saml2AuthenticationException{error=[malformed_response_data] No assertions found in response.} error when EncryptedAssertion is signed but the response is not signed.

New features

  • MDM-11513: Configure the authentication request signature algorithm for SAML identity providers.

  • MDM-11596: New REST API Certify endpoint runs the certification process for a record without persisting data.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10923: Double-clicking the column separator in collection column headers does not resize the column automatically.

  • MDM-11202: Nested attributes from referenced entities having a model privilege grant of None are visible on browsing. The fix hides the values of nested attributes when the referenced entity or its attributes are not read-authorized.

  • MDM-11406: The inputs of REST clients having numerous output parameters are not visible on the test dialog.

  • MDM-11552: Explain Record displays inconsistent confirmation status.

  • MDM-11731: Application start logs show a ResourceBundle not found warning.

  • MDM-11964: Loading all images from image libraries causes xDM Configuration to freeze.

  • MDM-11982: xDM Configuration cannot open after the upgrade to version 5.3 if unsupported access modes have been set on platform privileges.

  • MDM-12003: The first attempt to edit the arguments of a step trigger fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException and the dialog cannot be resized.

  • MDM-12034: The Service Provider Metadata URL of SAML identity provider is not accessible while the IDP configuration is incomplete or invalid.

  • MDM-12052: String search patterns that include a % wildcard followed by numeric digits cause filter loss and bad pagination.

  • MDM-12079: Calling a procedure within a step trigger or stepper trigger on SQLServer raises an org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException.

  • MDM-12083: Date field causes the REST API to fail while sending response with a com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException.

  • MDM-12084: Embedded collections cannot be sorted on attributes that also exist in the parent entity.

Version 5.3.1

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

New features

  • MDM-10498: Azure Solution Template VM updated to use JDK 11.

  • MDM-11471: Reference, Menu, and Chips components usability enhancements to update an existing value.

  • MDM-11499: Markdown browsing component updated for consistency with the authoring component.

  • MDM-12020: LDAP identity provider new bind as User authentication mode.

  • MDM-12025: Active Directory identity provider new Search filter and RootDN properties.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-10715: The display card column width is not configurable for business view transitions.

  • MDM-11024: Dashboard charts are zoomed-in with Chrome version 75.

  • MDM-11235: The record action menu appears with extraneous menu items that disappear after a few seconds.

  • MDM-11351: Data access SQL errors security enhancements.

  • MDM-11464: Match detection fails when using a matcher on a basic entity by a user who does not have permission to view all of the attributes in the entity.

  • MDM-11845: Unnecessary Hikari driverClassName warning is logged when starting Semarchy xDM on Tomcat.

  • MDM-11880: Adding a new column to a collection in the Application Builder raises a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-11892: Entity forms with a large number of references generate large HTTP responses.

  • MDM-11913: Tomcat manager is not restricted to localhost access on Azure Solution Template VM.

  • MDM-11936: Exporting the content of an embedded collection fails with a Multiple entries with same value error if the sort expression uses one of the exported fields.

  • MDM-11942: Expanding a data location node in the Application Builder causes excessive server memory consumption when the data location has numerous loads.

  • MDM-11944: Excessive server memory consumption caused by retained TreeItems in the Application Builder.

  • MDM-11946: Incorrect label for the Confirm Password field in the Setup and Upgrade wizard.

  • MDM-11948: Startup information is no longer displayed in the System and Repository Information.

  • MDM-11952: The setup and upgrade wizards are not translated according to the browser locale.

  • MDM-11961: Unable to authenticate on a passive instance with a SAML or OpenID Connect identity provider.

  • MDM-11969: Repository upgrade fails with a DDL: EXEC sp_RENAME 'PDS_DATASOURCE.CONFIG', 'POOL_CONFIG', 'COLUMN' error on a case-sensitive SQL Server database.

  • MDM-11978: Documentation updated to better explain the Active Directory Domain property for the Active Directory identity provider.

  • MDM-11979: Configuring an LDAP identity provider with an empty User DN Pattern raises a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-11980: The welcome page displays as HTML source code under certain conditions.

  • MDM-11988: The Encryption Public Key and the Signature Public Key can not be reset to null for a SAML identity provider.

  • MDM-11990: Creating a user with an empty email address fails with an email address must not be empty error.

  • MDM-11996: Importing a model on a QuickStart VM instance (Azure and AWS) fails with an Upload canceled because an error has occurred error message.

  • MDM-11998: Using a SAML identity provider with an incorrect private key format raises an org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo cannot be cast to org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair error.

  • MDM-12001: Secrets Management usages fixed to support true or false values.

  • MDM-12002: Excessive number of network requests due to Inbox badges.

  • MDM-12006: Built-in roles are not available in the API Key configuration.

  • MDM-12012: Image Library Import security enhancements.

  • MDM-12040: Incorrect email validation in the user creation dialog prevents emails with multiple "." characters.

Version 5.3.0

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping Semarchy xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not handle properly dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-11731: Application startup logs a ResourceBundle not found warning, which should be ignored.

  • MDM-11923: Application startup logs startup configuration issues as verbose exceptions in catalina.out such as:

    [Blueprint Extender: 2] ERROR org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.ServiceRecipe - Error retrieving service from ServiceRecipe[name='.component-1']
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing required property xdm.repository.url (or env variable XDM_REPOSITORY_URL)

    Administrators should review the second exception to troubleshoot configuration issue.

  • MDM-11928: Application startup logs a sqlite-jdbc is not loaded warning, which should be ignored.

Features removed and changed

  • MDM-10591: SOAP Web Services are fully decommissioned.

  • MDM-10656: REST API now requires authentication with at least the SemarchyConnect role.

  • MDM-10658: Accessing the REST API Documentation requires an authenticated user.

  • MDM-10698: Checkbox Form Fields no longer support the Text Typography property.

  • MDM-10806: The B_OLDMATCHGRP column and OldMatchGroupID attribute are deprecated.

  • MDM-10891: Chart drill-down is disable by default in xDM Discovery dashboards.

  • MDM-10942: The REST API now only works in stateless mode to reduce server-side resource consumption.

New features

  • MDM-5736: Form fields now support the background color property in authoring.

  • MDM-6863: Designers can select and update properties for multiple Collection Columns/Form elements at the same time in the Property Inspector.

  • MDM-8081: New Markdown form field supports rich text editing.

  • MDM-7067: Compact Mode is available in Authoring Forms.

  • MDM-7743: Improved look and feel for multi-valued list of values.

  • MDM-8113: Named Query parameters can be sorted alphabetically in the Add Properties dialog.

  • MDM-8488: New Default Limit property in named queries to limit the number of root records returned.

  • MDM-8834: New Dashboard Designer platform privilege available to only allow designing charts and dashboards.

  • MDM-9019: xDM Dashboard charts now support Drilldown Data Export in Excel or CSV format.

  • MDM-9376: Interacting with non-existing dashboard applications using the REST API now raises clearer error messages.

  • MDM-9488: Better error message logged at application startup when the repository is not created.

  • MDM-9560: The state of the xDM Dashboard application slicer panel is saved with the user profile.

  • MDM-9756: PostgreSQL 11 Stored Procedures are now supported in stepper triggers. A new usePostgreSQLFunctionsAsProceduresInStepperTriggers system property is available to keep the previous behavior and use functions as stored procedures.

  • MDM-9819: The Batch Update Size properties of enricher plugins default to 1,000 when empty.

  • MDM-9921: Database views allow designers to design logical views in the model and deploy them in the data hub schema as views.

  • MDM-10094: Delayed continuous loads prevent job contention with continuous loads by delaying load submission in the event of long-running certification job instances.

  • MDM-10104: A new Select All button is available in the Add Properties dialog when configuring a Named Query.

  • MDM-10190: SQL exceptions are now displayed in the Dashboard Builder’s Query Editor.

  • MDM-10194: Enhanced UX for unparsable dates and number values in authoring fields.

  • MDM-10253: New and updated design-time properties to Limit import to record creation or update in workflow transitions, stepper collection steps, and actions.

  • MDM-10329: Datasources are now configured in Semarchy xDM configuration and no longer in the application server.

  • MDM-10339: Reduced loading times for Model Documentation diagrams.

  • MDM-10341: Named query properties appear in the REST API documentation with their datatype.

  • MDM-10367: New Current Task Performer assignee available in workflow transitions.

  • MDM-10461: Support the IP Address, SSN, and other inputs in the Melissa Personator enricher plug-in.

  • MDM-10500: The AWS Marketplace AMI and Azure Quickstart VM now allocate more memory to the Application Server based on the virtual machine size.

  • MDM-10503: New Add existing reference actions in the model diagram palette to add existing references.

  • MDM-10537: The Semarchy xDM Configuration user interface is moved to Material Design.

  • MDM-10584: The Properties view of the Collection Columns and Form Fields has been reorganized in the Application Builder.

  • MDM-10678: Dashboard Pivot tables now support the right alignment for numeric values.

  • MDM-10696: Image Form fields now support the Text Color property.

  • MDM-10727: Semarchy xDM product documentation reorganized with a different format supporting local search.

  • MDM-10754: The application folders and actions use by default a Sort Method by position instead of alphabetical.

  • MDM-10764: The REST API Manage Load endpoint can be configured to limit the response payload to a summary of the changes instead of all records.

  • MDM-10765: New REST API Mass Update action on the Manage Load endpoint allows updating multiple records in a single call, using literal or SemQL expressions.

  • MDM-10778: Payload samples in the REST API Documentation are now specific to the data models.

  • MDM-10790: Apache Tomcat upgraded to version 9 in the xDM - Preconfigured with Apache Tomcat package.

  • MDM-10801: User variables are updated after each update of the user profile.

  • MDM-10804: In SemQL, The MasterRecords transition is now available on the GoldenDataWithErrors view.

  • MDM-10857: The Melissa plug-ins now support TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions 1.2 and 1.3.

  • MDM-10867: Data Notifications enable designers to easily automate data and change propagation from the data hub to consuming applications.

  • MDM-10889: Secrets Management allows administrators to secure the Semarchy xDM platform’s sensitive configuration items such as credentials, API keys, or passwords.

  • MDM-10927: Notification Server properties can be defined as secrets.

  • MDM-10928: Users are now managed from the Platform Administration.

  • MDM-10937: Semarchy xDM now supports Identity Management Providers for authentication.

  • MDM-11087: The documentation now indicates that SQL Server’s Common Table Expressions (CTE) are not supported in Dashboard Queries.

  • MDM-11327: Variable Provider parameters can be defined as secrets.

  • MDM-11347: The documentation has been updated HTTP cookie security recommendations.

  • MDM-11348: HTTP Cookies security enhancements.

  • MDM-11350: The Workflow Notification Server property is renamed Default Notification Server

  • MDM-11382: Documentation update for system and sizing requirements.

  • MDM-11449: New roles and privileges for identity provider, user, and role management.

  • MDM-11450: The Setup and Upgrade processes have been modified and now require a security token during the first login.

  • MDM-11557: The repository connection (formerly SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY application server datasource) is now configured as two datasources set in the startup configuration.

  • MDM-11646: The User Profile Timezone property is now mandatory.

  • MDM-11836: Cloud Virtual Machine images have been updated with new memory management settings to improve performance on medium and large cloud instances.

  • MDM-11882: Refine Non Singleton Groups certification job task performance optimization.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-8878: FDN attributes are not colorized for master records lineage table view if they match the golden record value.

  • MDM-9251: Changes to an entity’s primary key attribute sequence Start With are not taken into account after the first deployment.

  • MDM-9801: Duplicate manager is broken with a wrong editor title when resuming an obsolete suggestion.

  • MDM-10346: Repository creation fails with an ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded error on an Oracle database configured with MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED.

  • MDM-10383: Using the PostgreSQL driver version above 42.2.11 causes unexpected exceptions with timestamp datatypes.

  • MDM-10439: Using the Most Frequent Value consolidation strategy for the default rule should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-10466: Batch poller crashes if two root data models have the same name in a deployment environment.

  • MDM-10470: An entity can have more than one default collection.

  • MDM-10472: In the form and collection editors, the Configuration column does not use all the available space.

  • MDM-10492: Integration Job generation optimizations.

  • MDM-10507: The model documentation export misses the Allow publishing as user in API, Allow Enrichment Documentation, and Allow Data Quality Documentation model privilege grants.

  • MDM-10527: Configuring a decimal attribute with a scale higher than the precision should raise a model validation error.

  • MDM-10535: A user filter deletion is not effective if refreshing the page.

  • MDM-10556: The EntityNames job notification property does not list all the entities processed by the integration job in the Test Values tab.

  • MDM-10572: The model validation does not identify two attributes with the same name as an error.

  • MDM-10575: Using a Named Query parameter of type UUID on entities with UUID primary keys can raise Unexpected errors with PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-10600: Custom Translations using a single space or an empty string are not taken into account. The documentation now indicates that they need to be replaced by the notation \u0020.

  • MDM-10605: Dashboard charts are truncated after opening and closing the fullscreen mode.

  • MDM-10608: Custom translations used by the class DefaultMessageBundleLoader are ignored for languages other than English and French.

  • MDM-10638: An embedded dashboard' slicer panel has no title.

  • MDM-10663: Server error pages security enhancements.

  • MDM-10680: An object component with a URL source type automatically downloads the targeted file when opening an authoring or browsing form.

  • MDM-10695: Date picker do not use the Text Color property in authoring forms.

  • MDM-10697: The Click to upload action is not working on an Object form field if it is associated with a binary attribute.

  • MDM-10703: Form and Collection validation errors are not redirecting the user to the root cause of the error.

  • MDM-10708: The Import and Import-Update workflow actions have the same label in the user action menu.

  • MDM-10726: The confirmation message to delete selected records in a stepper is not accurate.

  • MDM-10753: Boolean checkboxes do not use properly the theme’s secondary color in an authoring form.

  • MDM-10762: Importing master records with a fuzzy-matched entity using a sequence for master ID generation can cause duplicate records in the SD table if the Import ignoring errors option is used.

  • MDM-10780: Using a PostgreSQL function with numeric parameters in a step procedure trigger raises a function does not exist error.

  • MDM-10785: The right side sheet is truncated in applications with a Safari browser.

  • MDM-10795: The REST API should prevent creating a model without a name.

  • MDM-10796: The density mode profile setting is not translated into French.

  • MDM-10823: Saving a job filter using Include Only cause Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET' error with a SQL Server repository.

  • MDM-10829: Using comments in a SemQL expression can cause NoSuchViewAttributeException errors in an authoring form.

  • MDM-10868: In an authoring form, a text field associated with a number or decimal attribute removes incorrect characters automatically with no error message displayed.

  • MDM-10880: Missing recommendation in the documentation to use UTF-8 collations with SQL Server 2019 or Azure SQL Database.

  • MDM-10904: Users can bypass the Max Character Length validation on a text field by entering the correct number of characters, pausing, and then adding more characters to exceed the max length.

  • MDM-11008: The workflow Reassign Task dialog now shows users' first and last names instead of their username.

  • MDM-11017: Inconsistent labels for the attribute data type and form/collection default data type in the Application Builder.

  • MDM-11038: HTTP-500 error pages security enhancement.

  • MDM-11042: The Phone Extractor plug-in fails to run when the optional input Accepted Region is not set.

  • MDM-11099: On SQL server, using the entity ID in the display card causes an Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric error with the Explain Record action on suggestions.

  • MDM-11100: On SQL server, using the entity ID in the display card causes an Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric error with the Review Duplicate Suggestion action on suggestions.

  • MDM-11176: The PARAM_AGGREGATE_JOB_PLUGIN_ENRICHERS parameter causes the integration job deployment to fail with a value too large for column error if a plugin enricher uses an input expression longer than 128 characters.

  • MDM-11239: A named query property with a coalesce expression on date fields returns a timestamp.

  • MDM-11245: Specifying an unexisting validation or enricher in the integration REST API causes an Unexpected Error response.

  • MDM-11256: Accessing the REST API with an API key from an IPv4 address fails with a Failed to parse address IP:port if the port is specified.

  • MDM-11259: Listing Job Notification Policies using the REST API causes an Unexpected Error if one of the policies has the Job Name Pattern property set to an empty string.

  • MDM-11321: A Date Picker field is not filtered correctly by the Min Date and Max Date properties in an authoring form.

  • MDM-11332: Job notifications using an HTTP notification server with the POST method ignore the PARAM_PARAMS notification properties.

  • MDM-11337: HTTP-400 error pages security enhancement.

  • MDM-11340: With a long-integer value, a search criterion autocomplete field does not always show the value matching the user input, depending on the global application configuration Autocomplete Max Results property. If a value matches exactly the user input, it now appears first in the autocomplete search field.

  • MDM-11364: Reference selection in authoring forms that use a search on open do not take into account the search criteria if the search form is submitted too quickly.

  • MDM-11383: A missing ID attribute in a REST API call causes an Unexpected Error response.

  • MDM-11408: The REST API documentation is only accessible to users with the semarchyAdmin role.

  • MDM-11420: Workflow transition triggers do not run on cancel events.

  • MDM-11463: Sorting a collection on the ID (Golden ID) attribute fails on SQL Server with an error code [169]; A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique. error

  • MDM-11479: Datasources are not listed in the Dashboard Builder if at least one datasource configuration is invalid.

  • MDM-11517: Accented characters do not carry over properly when exporting and importing models through the REST API.

  • MDM-11545: A REST client enricher can suspend an integration job if it processes invalid data with the settings Behaviour On Error set to Skip Record and Behaviour On Absent Value set to Use default value.

  • MDM-11559: Object and Image fields now always use the Height property, even when there is no content in the preview zone.

  • MDM-11561: Selecting two previously split golden records found using an advanced search with two criteria on the same attribute, and then performing any action on these records fails with a Conflicting binding name error.

  • MDM-11600: Unable to export data from business views with a custom sort that uses a lookup on date fields.

  • MDM-11619: A new user accessing an application for the first time receives an unexpected database error when opening the inbox.

  • MDM-11643: The user variable :V_USER_COUNTRY used in an enricher makes the integration job fail if the user profile has no country defined.

  • MDM-11726: Login page security enhancements.

  • MDM-11741: Performance improvements for complex Named Queries.

  • MDM-11795: Export data from a business view might be erroneous when a sort is applied on columns containing empty values.