This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 5.3 or earlier, which is no longer supported. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Move a model to a different repository
At design-time, it is possible to move models from one repository to another design repository using Export/Import:
Export is allowed from a design repository, but also from a deployment repository.
Import is possible in a design repository, either:
to create a new model from the import
or to replace an existing open model edition.
Import works if the model was exported using the same version of Semarchy xDM. Exporting a model from a product version and importing to a different product version (even a more recent one) is not supported. Make sure that both environment have the same version prior to an export/import operation. |
Export a model edition
Export a model edition to download an XML file which may be imported into another repository.
To export a model edition:
In the Management view of the Management perspective, expand the Model Administration node, then expand the model and the model branch containing the edition that you want to export.
Select the model edition you want to export, right click and select Export Model Edition….
In the Model Edition Export dialog, select an Encoding for the export file.
Click OK to download the export file on your local file system.
Click Close.
Import to a new model
To import and create a new model:
Open the the Model Design view by clicking the Design button in the Application Builder header.
If you are connected to a model edition, click the
Switch Model button to close the connected model edition.
In the Model Design view, click the New Model from import... The Import to a New Model wizard opens.
Click the Browse button and select the export file.
Click Finish to perform the import. The newly imported model opens in the Model Design view.
When importing a model from a different repository, make sure that the correct Target Technology is set for this model. For example, a model developed for the Oracle target technology will not work if you attempt to deploy it on a PostgreSQL data location. |
Replace an existing model
To import and replace an existing model:
In the Management view, expand the Model Administration node, then expand the model and the model branch containing the edition that you want to replace.
Select the open model edition you want to replace, right click and select Import Replace…. The Import-Replace Model Edition wizard opens.
Click the Browse button and select the export file.
Click Finish to perform the import.
Click OK to confirm the deletion of the existing model.
The existing model edition is replaced by the content of the export file.