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Mastering Student Data Management: The Role of Master Data Management in Higher Education
BlogsHigher Education Data

Mastering Student Data Management: The…

Universities are data rich, but need the right data management systems in place so that they can realize the true…

The 3 Dimensions of Master Data Evolution
Blogsmaster data management

The 3 Dimensions of Master…

Due to its highly organized and governed nature, Master Data is often mistaken for information with a structure and rules set…

Intelligent Master Data Management: Smart, Agile, and Measurable
Blogsmaster data management

Intelligent Master Data Management: Smart,…

Salah Kamel, a Founder of Semarchy says, “I was born and raised in data.” Kamel has been an innovator throughout…

GDPR Master Data Management: A Cure for Compliance
BlogsData Integration

GDPR Master Data Management: A…

By Scott Moore, Director of Presales, Semarchy The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is just as relevant today as it was…

Mastering Patient Data Management: The Role of Master Data Management in Healthcare
BlogsHealth Data

Mastering Patient Data Management: The…

Patient data is exploding. Healthcare represents 30% of the global data share and is expected to climb to 36% by…

USCDI: Expand Patient Data Sets For Better Data Exchange & Equity
BlogsData Quality

USCDI: Expand Patient Data Sets…

In this blog, we discuss the United States Core for Data Interoperability (USCDI) and how it will expand patient data…

ETL vs MDM: How Do They Relate?
BlogsData Hub

ETL vs MDM: How Do…

By Scott Moore, Director of Presales, Semarchy Master Data Management (MDM) and Data Integration or Extract, Transform, Load tools (DI…

Even for Data, “More is Different”
BlogsData Integration

Even for Data, “More is…

In 1972, Philip Warren Anderson, American Physicist, and Nobel Laureate, published in “Science” an article that I enjoy reading regularly, as…

Sizing Up the Data Hub for Your Enterprise: Is it Worth the Cost?
BlogsData Management

Sizing Up the Data Hub…

By Kevin Petrie, Vice President of Research, Eckerson Group The first blog in this series explored the vision of the data hub…