This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2023.4, which is no longer supported. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Deploy to a remote repository
Frequently, the deployment environment is separated from the development environment. For example, the development/QA and production sites are located on different networks or locations. In such cases, it is necessary to use export and import to transfer the model edition before performing the deployment in production.
A remote deployment consists in moving a closed model edition:
From a design repository or a deployment repository used for Testing/UAT purposes;
To a deployment repository.
Remote deployment architecture
In this configuration, two repositories are created instead of one:
A Design repository for the development and QA site, with Development data locations attached to this repository.
A Deployment repository for the production site. Production data locations are attached to this repository.
The process for deploying a model edition in this configuration is given below:
The model edition is closed in the design repository.
The closed model edition is exported from the design repository to an export file.
The closed model edition is imported from the export file into the deployment repository.
The closed model edition is deployed from the deployment repository into a production data location.
Export a model edition
To export a model edition:
In the Management view, expand the Model Administration node, then expand the model and the model branch containing the edition that you want to export.
Select the closed model edition you want to export, right click and select Export Model Edition.
In the Model Edition Export dialog, select an Encoding for the export file.
Click OK to download the export file on your local file system.
Click Close.
Import a model edition in a deployment repository
To import a model edition in a deployment repository:
Open the Model Design perspective.
Select the Import Model Edition link. The Import Model Editions wizard opens.
Click the Browse button and select the export file.
Click Next.
Review the content of the Import Preview page and then click Finish.
When importing a model edition, the root model and the branches containing this model edition are automatically created as needed. |
When importing successive versions of model editions in a deployment repository, it is not recommended to skip intermediate versions, as it is not possible to import these intermediate versions later. For example, if importing version 0.1 of a model, then importing version 0.4, the intermediate versions - 0.2, 0.3 - can no longer be imported into this repository. |
Elements not exported with the model edition
When exporting then importing a model to a different repository, note that some elements are not included in the model and need to be reconfigured in the remote environment. These elements are listed below.
Elements used by the model and applications:
Applications common configuration
Image libraries
Installed plugins
REST clients
Role definitions
Variable value providers
Elements not used by the model, but required for operations:
Notification servers
Notification policies
Continuous loads
Purge schedules
Batch poller configuration