This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2023.4, which is no longer supported. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Manage the execution engine
The execution engine processes the data certification process, as well as the deployment, upgrade and maintenance jobs for the data hub.
Access the execution engine
To access the execution engine:
In the Management view, expand the Job Executions node and double-click the Execution Engine node. The Execution Engine editor opens.
The execution engine editor
This editor displays the list of queues grouped by clusters. Queue currently pending on suspended jobs appear in red.
The list of queues and clusters displays the following information:
Cluster/Queue Name: the name of the cluster or queue.
Status: Status of the queue or cluster. A queue can be either READY, SUSPENDED or BLOCKED. A cluster may be in a BLOCKED or READY status.
Queued Jobs: For a queue, the number of jobs queued in this queue. For a cluster number of jobs queued in all the queues of this cluster.
Running Jobs: For a queue, the number of jobs running in this queue (1 or 0). For a cluster, the number of jobs running in all the queues of this cluster.
Suspend on Error: Defines the behavior of the queue on job error. See Manage job execution for more information.
From the Execution Engine editor, you can perform the following operations:
Stop and start the engine
To stop and start the execution engine:
In the Management view, expand the Job Executions node and double-click the Execution Engine node. The Execution Engine editor opens.
Use the
Stop this component and
Start this component buttons in the editor’s toolbar to stop and start the execution engine.
Stopping the execution engine does not kill running jobs. The engine stops after all running jobs are completed. Beside, the content of the queues is persisted. When the execution engine is restarted, the execution of queued jobs proceeds normally. |
Change a queue behavior on error
See Manage job execution and Queue Behavior on Error for more information about queue behavior on error and error management. |
To change the queue behavior on error:
In the Management view, expand the Job Executions node and double-click the Execution Engine node. The Execution Engine editor opens.
Select or de-select the Suspend on Error option for a queue to set its behavior on error or on a cluster to set the behavior of all queues in this cluster.
Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the configuration. This configuration is immediately active.