This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Data historization
You can enable historical tracking for an entity to maintain a record of data changes, allowing access to historical data at any given moment.
Golden data can be historized for all entities, and master data can be historized for ID- and fuzzy-matched entities. Historization settings are configured when creating or altering an entity.
When an application uses entities with historization enabled, you can activate the history browsing functionality in the application configuration and optionally specify a role necessary to access this feature.
The history functionality employs specific table structures that are managed by jobs generated during the deployment of the model edition. Modifying the history configuration necessitates re-deploying the model edition. |
History tracing begins only after the model is re-deployed. If you enable historization for an entity that already contains data, its history will initially be empty post re-deployment. The current state of the golden data is not automatically copied into the history; only subsequent changes are traced. You can manually initiate data loads to force the recreation of history or copy the current state of the golden data into the history to seed it with the current data state. |