This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Workflow attributes
This page lists the workflow attributes that can be accessed within the SemQL editor when creating or editing workflow definitions.
corresponds to the current instance of a workflow and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
ID of the workflow instance. |
Number |
Initiator of the workflow. |
String |
Comment added by the initiator on startup. |
Long Text |
Attachments added by the initiator on startup. |
Set of WorkflowAttachment attributes. |
Description added by the initiator on startup. |
LongText |
Priority given to the workflow. Possible values are:
String (list of values) |
DueDate (current value). |
Timestamp |
Name of the workflow definition object. |
String |
Date when the current workflow instance started. |
Timestamp |
Date when the current workflow instance ended. |
Timestamp |
Status of the workflow. Possible values are:
String (list of values) |
Application from which the current workflow is started. |
String |
List of root steps of the workflow |
Set of StepInstance attributes. |
Flattened list of all the steps of the workflow including the sub-branches of the parallel steps. |
Set of StepInstance attributes. |
represents an attachment added to the current workflow and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
Name of the attachment file. |
String |
Attachment file in binary format. |
Binary |
ID of the workflow instance in which the attachment is included. |
Number |
corresponds to the instance of a step in the current workflow and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
ID of the current step instance. |
Number |
Workflow to which the current step belongs. |
ID of the workflow instance. |
Number |
ID of the optional parent parallel step to which the current step belongs. |
Number |
Name of the optional branch to which the current step belongs. |
String |
Optional branch to which the current step belongs. |
Name of the step definition. |
String |
Number |
Data set at the beginning of the step. |
Number |
The current dataset for the step. |
DataSet (or null) |
Position of the step in its containing branch or workflow. |
Integer |
Type of step. Possible values are:
String (list of values) |
User task instance information. |
UserTaskInstance (or null) |
Parallel Block instance information. |
Name of the transition selected at the end of the step. |
String |
Previous step, if any. |
StepInstance |
Next step, if any. |
StepInstance |
corresponds to the instance of a user task in the current workflow and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type | ||
ID of the user task instance. |
Number |
Links back to the instance of the step containing the current user task instance. |
List of candidate assignees who can claim the current user task. |
Set of UserTaskAssigneeCandidate attributes. |
Name of the user task assignee. |
String |
Alias for |
Number |
ID of the previous data set. |
ID of the current data set. |
Number |
Alias for |
DataSet (or null) |
Date when the task was created? |
Timestamp |
Date when the task started. The task is started by the user. |
Timestamp |
Date when the task was completed. |
Timestamp |
Name of the transition used at the end of the task.
String |
Comment added in the current user task instance. |
String |
List of attachments added in the current user task instance. |
Set of UserTaskInstanceAttachment attributes. |
corresponds to an attachment added in the instance of a user task in the current workflow. It includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
Name of the attachment file added in the current user task instance. |
String |
Content of the attachment file in binary format. |
Binary |
ID of the user task instance. This is the same as |
Number |
includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
ID of the user task instance that can be claimed by the current assignee candidate. |
Number |
Username of the user task assignee candidate. |
String |
corresponds to the data authored by the current workflow instance and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type | ||
Load ID used to store data. |
Long Integer |
SemQL alias of the entity as defined in the workflow definition. |
corresponds to the instance of a parallel block in the current workflow and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
ID of the current parallel block instance. |
Number |
Links back to the instance of the step containing the current parallel block instance. |
List of branches in the current parallel block instance. |
Set of BranchInstance attributes. |
corresponds to the instance of a branch in a parallel block and includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
ID of the parallel block instance containing the current branch instance. This is the same as |
Number |
Links back to the instance of the parallel block containing the current branch instance. |
Name of the branch. |
String |
List of steps in the current branch instance. |
Set of StepInstance attributes. |
includes the attributes listed below.
Attribute name | Description | Type |
Instance of the current user task. |
ID of the current task instance. |
Number |
Name of the user that maps the username considered as a candidate. |
String |
To ensure that SemQL expressions align with the expected execution behavior of user task steps, the However, these attributes remain valid when used as subordinate objects in an assignment condition. Example
SemQL examples in workflow definitions
Workflow initiator
The following SemQL condition is used as an assignment condition in a user task. The condition assigns the user task to the initiator of the workflow.
StepInstance.AssigneeName = WorkflowInstance.InitiatorName
Route conditions using record data
The following SemQL condition is used in a route to evaluate whether the country of origin of a product is the USA.
If the condition is true, the workflow progresses in this route, and the product is sent for review to the respective reviewers. If the condition is false, the workflow switches to another route.
CurrentDataSet.Product.Origin = 'USA'