Manage job logs

Job logs display the jobs being executed or executed in the past by the execution engine. Reviewing the job logs allows you to monitor the activity of these jobs and troubleshoot execution errors.

Access the job logs

To access the logs:

  1. In the Management view, expand the Job Executions node and double-click the Executions node.

  2. The Job Logs editor opens.

The Job Logs editor

From this editor you can review the job execution logs and drill down into these logs.

The following actions are available from the Job Logs editor toolbar.

  • Use the refresh Refresh button to refresh the view.

  • Use the autofit Auto Fit Column Width button to adjust the size of the columns.

  • Use the filter Apply and Manage User-Defined Filters button to filter the log. See Filter the logs for more information.

  • Use the delete Purge Selection button to delete the entries selected in the job logs table. See Purge the logs for more information.

  • Use the purgelog Purge using a Filter button to purge logs using an existing or a new filter. See Purge the logs for more information.

The job logs editor only shows the first 100 jobs matching your filter.

Drill down into logs

The Job Logs editor displays the log list. This view includes:

  • The Name, Start Date, End Date and Duration of the job as well as the name of its creator (Created By).

  • The Message returned by the job execution. This message is empty if the job is successful.

  • The rows statistics for the Job:

    • Row Count: Sum of all the Select, Insert, etc metrics.

    • Insert Count, Update Count, Deleted Count: number of rows selected, inserted, updated, deleted, merged as part of this job.

To drill down into the logs:

  1. Double-click on a log entry in the Job Logs editor.

  2. The Job Log editor open. It displays all the information available in the job logs list, plus:

    • The Job Definition: this link opens the job definition for this log.

    • The Job Log Parameters: the startup parameters for this job. For example, the Batch ID and Load ID.

    • The Current Task information, if the job is still running.

    • The Tasks: in this list, task groups are displayed with the statistics for this integration job instance.

  3. Double-Click on task group in the Tasks list to drill down into sub-task groups or task.

  4. Click on the Task Definition link to open the definition of a task.

By drilling into the task groups down to the task, it is possible to monitor the activity of a job, and review in the definition the executed code or plugin.

You can export a job log to an Excel file where you can analyze that job, including the execution times, the row counts, etc.
To export a job log from the Job Log editor, click the export Export Job Log button in the toolbar.

Filter the logs

To create a job log filter:

  1. In the Job Logs editor, click the filter Apply and Manage User-Defined Filters button and then select Search. The Define Filter dialog opens.

  2. Provide the filtering criteria:

    • Job Name: Name of the job. Use the _ and % wildcards to represent one or any number of characters.

    • Created By: Name of the job creator. Use the _ and % wildcards to represent one or any number of characters.

    • Status: Select the list of job statuses included in the filter.

    • Only Include: Check this option to limit the filter to the logs before/after a certain number of executions or a certain point in time. Note that the time considered is the job start time.

  3. Click the Save as Preferred Filter option and enter a filter name to save this filter.

Saved filters appear when you click the Apply and Manage User-Defined Filters button.
You can enable of disable a filter by marking it as active or inactive from this menu. You can also use the Apply All and Apply None to enable/disable all saved filters.

Filters are saved in the user preferences and can be shared using preferences import/export.

To manage job log filters:

  1. Click the filter Apply and Manage User-Defined Filters button, then select Manage Filters. The Manage User Filters editor opens.

  2. From this editor, you can add, delete or edit a filter, and enable disable filters for the current view.

  3. Click Finish to apply your changes.

Purge the logs

You can purge selected job logs or all job logs returned by a filter.

To purge selected job logs:

  1. In the Job Logs editor, select the job logs you want to purge. Press Control (or Command on macOS) to select multiple lines, or Shift to select a range of lines.

  2. Click the delete Purge Selection button.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation window.
    The selected job logs are deleted.

To purge filtered job logs:

  1. In the Job Logs editor, click the purgelog Purge using a Filter button.

    • To use an existing filter:

      1. Select the Use Existing Filter option.

      2. Select a filter from the list and then press Finish.

    • To create a new filter:

      1. Select the Define New Filter option and then click Next.

      2. Provide the filter parameters, as explained in Filter the logs and then click Finish.

    • To purge all logs (no filter):

      1. Select the Purge All Logs (No Filter) option and then click Finish.

The jobs logs are purged.

The REST API provides an endpoint to script and automate the log purge.