Add attributes to an entity

Entities are described by a set of characteristics or properties known as attributes. These attributes can be:

  • Simple attributes, which use built-in types, user-defined types, or lists of values created in the model.

  • Complex attributes, which use complex types created in the model.

This page details how to add attributes to an entity.

Add a simple attribute

To add a simple attribute:

  1. Expand the entity node, right-click the Attributes node, and select Add Simple Attribute.
    The Create New Simple Attribute wizard opens.

  2. In the wizard, select the Auto Fill checkbox and then enter the following values:

    • Name: internal name of the object.

      Due to a legacy constraint based on the maximum object name length in certain relational database management systems, physical data object names that are generated during model deployment are truncated to 25 characters. Designers should plan accordingly when choosing logical data object names.

      The Application Builder does not allow the use of SQL keywords that are labeled "reserved" as an attribute’s physical name—​or as database, table, column, or other object names. To avoid naming conflicts, users should consult the list of reserved SQL keywords specific to their database platform.

      Generally, it is also recommended to avoid using SQL non-reserved keywords specific to a database platform, as they may cause database operations to fail.

      In some cases, the ROLE and TYPE words cause the certification process to fail when used as an attribute’s physical name in a model that is to be deployed on a PostgreSQL database prior to version 14. To prevent such potential issues, model designers should refrain from using those keywords.
    • Label: user-friendly label for this object. Since the Auto Fill checkbox is selected, the Label field is automatically filled in. Modifying this label is optional.

    • Physical Column Name: this name is used to name the physical column that will be created to store values for this attribute.

    • Type: select the type of the attribute. This type can be a built-in type, a user-defined type, or a list of values (LOV).

    • Length, Precision, Scale: size for this definition attribute. The fields available depend on the built-in type selected. For example, when using a string built-in type, only the length can be specified. However, if a list of values or a user-defined type is selected, these values cannot be altered.

    • Mandatory: select this checkbox to make this attribute mandatory.

    • Mandatory Validation Scope: this option is available if the Mandatory option was selected. Select whether this attribute should be checked for null values pre and/or post-consolidation.

    • LOV Validation Scope: this option is applicable when the selected type is a list of values. It determines whether the attribute’s value should be validated against the codes listed in the LOV.

  3. Click Finish to close the wizard.
    The Simple Attribute editor opens.

  4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the simple attribute.

  5. (Optional) In the Documentation field, enter the user-facing documentation for this attribute. Use plain text or the Markdown syntax for rich text. This text provides detailed documentation for the attribute and appears in the documentation side nav.

  6. (Optional) For a mandatory attribute, define a custom Error Message. This message appears instead of a default message when this attribute is left empty.

  7. Select the Searchable option to use this attribute when performing a full-text search on this entity.

  8. Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) or to save the editor.

Add a complex attribute

To add a complex attribute:

  1. Expand the entity node, right-click the Attributes node, and select Add Complex Attribute.
    The Create New Complex Attribute wizard opens.

  2. In the wizard, select the Auto Fill checkbox and then enter the following values:

    • Name: internal name of the object (subject to the above-mentioned 25-character limit).

    • Label: user-friendly label for this object. Since the Auto Fill checkbox is selected, the Label field is automatically filled in. Modifying this label is optional.

    • Physical Prefix: a 3-character prefix for the physical column that will be created to store values for this complex attribute. The column name is <Physical Prefix>_<Definition Attribute Physical Column Name>.


    • Complex Type: select the complex type of the attribute.

    • Mandatory Validation Scope: this option is available if the Mandatory option was selected for at least one of the definition attributes of the selected complex type. Select whether the mandatory definition attributes of the complex type should be checked for null values pre and/or post-consolidation.

    • LOV Validation Scope: this option is available if at least one of the definition attributes of the complex type is a list of values. It defines whether the definition attribute’s value should be checked against the codes listed in the LOV.

  3. Click Finish to close the wizard. The Complex Attribute editor opens.

  4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the complex attribute.

  5. (Optional) In the Documentation field, enter the user-facing documentation for this attribute. Use plain text or the Markdown syntax for rich text. This text provides detailed documentation for the attribute and appears in the documentation side nav.

  6. Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the editor.

Work with attributes

It is possible to edit, order, or delete attributes in an entity from the Attributes list in the entity editor.

To order the attributes in an entity:

  1. Open the editor for the entity.

  2. Select the Attributes item in the sidebar.

  3. Select an attribute in the Attributes list, and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to order this attribute in the list.

To delete attributes from an entity:

  1. Open the editor for the entity.

  2. Select the Attributes item in the sidebar.

  3. Use the Delete buttons to remove the attribute from the list.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.