Semarchy xDM 2025.1 release notes

This page provides the latest information about Semarchy xDM version 2025.1, including new features and bug fixes.

Support information

Semarchy xDM version 2025.1 is a long-term support (LTS) release.

LTS product versions are released annually, and include all changes introduced since the last LTS release. They are maintained and supported for an extended period with patches and fixes.

Alternatively, mainstream support (MS) versions offer the latest improvements and features, and are released more frequently.

For more details about our releases and support policies, see our support and maintenance terms.

Feature highlights

Fuzzy lookup capabilities

New fuzzy lookup capabilities introduce advanced tools for improving reference selection in MDM applications. Designers can define custom SemQL expressions to create fuzzy lookup rules that assess the similarity between parent and child records. These rules enable the system to suggest or automatically populate reference relationships based on relevance, making the process more accurate and efficient.

Designers can now configure reference selection in steppers with the new Fuzzy Lookup Rule property to filter records based on a specified fuzzy lookup rule. This feature improves the precision of suggestions in auto-complete lists and collection reference pickers, providing users with more relevant and contextually appropriate options. Additionally, similarity scores are now displayed for records in both auto-complete lists and collection picker table views. These scores, calculated using the applied fuzzy lookup rule, allow users to filter and sort records by relevance. In the collection table view, the Filter by Fuzzy Lookup button toggles between filtered results and the full list of suggestions, with a tooltip displaying the name of the rule applied during the fuzzy lookup.

Fuzzy lookup classification enricher

A new Fuzzy lookup classification enricher automatically sets references to parent records by applying SemQL-based fuzzy lookup rules that assess attribute similarity between child and parent records. The enricher then uses the results from these rules to generate a lookup score and identify the most suitable references. In MDM applications, the enricher integrates seamlessly with steppers to automatically populate reference relationships. This enricher serves as an alternative to AI-based classification methods, offering a rule-based approach for categorizing data.

Data-driven workflow email notifications

Email notifications can now be configured for workflow instances and user task events to notify candidates, assignees, and administrators of key workflow events, such as task expiration dates and workflow due dates, along with the previously available task assignment notifications. Additionally, users with specific roles can now receive email notifications when a task reaches its time limit.

These features, combined with improvements made to data-driven workflows throughout the 2024 MS cycle, now provide the same core capabilities as legacy workflows, bringing smoother migration to data-driven workflows.

Summary of 2024.x features

As mentioned above, the 2024 MS cycle for Semarchy xDM saw a number of developments introduced for data-driven workflows. These include greater flexibility in start events, automations, and how validations are configured.

Improvements were made to how errors during record consolidation are handled, how records in error are displayed in collections, and in the efficiency of named queries.

A number of features have been added for enrichers, including the capability of running enrichers on button-click in an MDM application user interface. New enrichers, including GenAI and AI-based classification enrichers are now available in Semarchy xDM.

Finally, updates were made to the Microsoft Purview connector, allowing users to publish Semarchy xDM entities to a data product in Microsoft Purview.

For more details, see the feature highlights available for the 2024.2, 2024.3, and 2024.4 MS versions.

Other notable changes

PostgreSQL 16 certification

Semarchy xDM supports PostgreSQL 16 across on-premises installations and cloud platforms, including Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.


Version 2025.1.2

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not properly handle dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. Consequently, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-16611: Third-party library upgrade: Apache CXF Core.

  • MDM-16683: Third-party library upgrade: JSON-Smart.

  • MDM-16710: Third-party library upgrade: Netty Handler.

  • MDM-16711: Third-party library upgrade: Netty Common.

  • MDM-16740: Reverse engineering fails when creating a data location or deploying a model on a Snowflake schema, reporting a NoSuchTableException message for existing tables. This error prevents model deployment.

Version 2025.1.1

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not properly handle dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. Consequently, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-15702: Administrator passwords containing special characters prevent the successful creation of a production-ready instance when using the Azure template. The deployment fails and causes the VM to become inaccessible, with the following error message displayed: Invalid admin credentials (response status: 401).

  • MDM-16211: On SQL Server, attempting to import more than 2,100 records using a data-driven workflow results in the workflow instance failing with the following error message: The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters.

  • MDM-16506: Third-party component upgrade: Apache MINA Core.

  • MDM-16572: Attempting to delete a large number of records (e.g., 40,000 or more) from a business view in an MDM application does not trigger a deletion load to process the records. This failure results in delays, unresponsive behavior, or failed deletions.

  • MDM-16580: The User Task Instances REST API endpoints fail with a 500 Internal Server Error when accessed with an API key assigned to a workflow administrator role.

  • MDM-16581: The User Task Instances REST API endpoint returns both KILLED and STARTED steps when filtered on userTaskStatus=STARTED, instead of only showing STARTED steps.

  • MDM-16597: Workflow notifications for candidates and assignees may fail or show incomplete information when the root entity’s FDN attribute includes a lookup and no corresponding child entity exists. In this case, the lookup returns a null value. If the lookup is not enclosed in a COALESCE function, the notification fails without recording an error in the PDE log. If the lookup is wrapped in COALESCE, the notification is sent successfully, but the display card in the email does not include the lookup value.

  • MDM-16600: When exporting data in batches using the -DexportBatchSize=N system property, queries may gradually increase in size due to the accumulation of batch filters. While unlikely, this behavior could affect performance or reach database limitations, such as SQL Server’s 2100-parameter limit.

  • MDM-16613: Workflow notification emails do not correctly embed the application logo if the logo file name contains a blank space. Instead, the logo is sent as an attachment.

  • MDM-16624: Upgrading a data location to version 2025.1.0 fails on SQL Server databases with the following error message: A SQL exception was caught while processing SQL statement: alter table (…​) alter column (…​) bitNULL.

  • MDM-16639: When an enricher nullifies an attribute upon opening a form, re-entering the same value that the attribute previously had results in the attribute being treated as null.

  • MDM-16656: When creating a child record, using a parent foreign display name (FDN) in the form may cause the form to load incorrectly, resulting in hidden fields or a blank form after entering the parent FDN value. This issue occurs during any transition that accesses the parent FDN.

Version 2025.1.0

Known issues

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the xDM instance and the database server must be in the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7917: A boolean field default value is set to null when creating a record and to false when editing it.

  • MDM-7949: A model with a physical column name using a reserved name raises a validation error but can be deployed.

  • MDM-8034: When stopping xDM using the Tomcat Manager, a Severe message is logged with org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks…​. This message is a known Tomcat issue that can be ignored.

  • MDM-8703: Data import from Excel does not properly handle dates before February 28, 1900.

  • MDM-8977: Changing a reference to a fuzzy-matching entity while authoring a master record is not taken into account.

  • MDM-9184: Existing FS_ and FP_ reference column values in a basic entity are overwritten by an enricher when this record is modified by the API or by authoring.

  • MDM-10193: When a record in an entity is updated, records with the same ID in inheriting entities are also updated.

  • MDM-10269: Using the SEM_NUMBER_TO_CHAR function with a string argument does not raise a model validation error but fails with an invalid number error in the log.

  • MDM-10319: Authoring the same record in two different browser windows makes the second authoring fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException: Current Step (products) should be a form step error.

  • MDM-10738: Duplicate flexElement error occurs at runtime when using a transition named like a form element (e.g., "field", "container") in a business view.

  • MDM-12415: Long-integer values higher than 9223372036854700 raise errors when authoring (Invalid ID for data type (longInteger)) or browsing (<entity name> not found) records.

  • MDM-13099: When moving an attribute from one group to another governed by a different survivorship rule, any overridden value within this attribute causes all other attributes in the new group to be considered overridden as well. Consequently, the values of these attributes may be nullified during the subsequent execution of the certification process, unless override values have previously been defined. To minimize potential negative impacts on data consistency and accuracy, designers should consider moving attributes with pre-existing overridden values to a group that does not include any other attributes.

New features

  • MDM-13176: REST clients have been enhanced to address limitations when handling responses with empty or null bodies and to support additional 2xx status codes. These updates ensure broader compatibility with standard HTTP responses, particularly 202 Accepted and 204 No Content.

  • MDM-14334: Closed model editions can now be deleted from design repositories, either through the Application Builder interface or a new REST API endpoint, providing the flexibility to reduce the size of repository database schemas.

  • MDM-14347: Email notifications can now be configured for workflow instances and user task events to notify candidates, assignees, and administrators of key workflow events, including task assignments, task expiration dates, and workflow due dates. Additionally, users with specific roles can now receive email notifications when a task reaches its time limit.

  • MDM-14725: Semarchy xDM supports PostgreSQL 16 across on-premises installations and cloud platforms, including Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-15834: Designers can now create custom SemQL expressions to define fuzzy lookup rules for matching parent and child records. These rules can be used to either automatically populate a reference relationship through an enricher or provide suggestions to users within steppers, based on the similarity between the parent and child records.

  • MDM-15835: A new Fuzzy lookup classification enricher is available to automatically classify records by applying SemQL-based fuzzy lookup rules that assess attribute similarity and compare child records with parent records. The enricher then uses the results from these rules to generate a lookup score and identify the most suitable reference. In MDM applications, the enricher integrates with steppers to automatically populate reference relationships. This enricher serves as an alternative to AI-based classification methods, offering a rule-based approach for categorizing data.

  • MDM-15924: When configuring a reference picker within a stepper, the new Fuzzy Lookup Rule property allows records to be filtered based on a specified fuzzy lookup rule. This property applies to both auto-complete lists and collection table views, leveraging fuzzy logic to suggest more precise and contextually relevant record options for users to select.

  • MDM-15925: To help users make more informed and accurate reference selections when using fuzzy lookup capabilities, a relevance score is now displayed for each record in both auto-complete lists and collection picker table views. The score, calculated based on the applied fuzzy lookup rule, determines how records are filtered and sorted. In a collection’s table view, users can toggle between filtered results and a full list of available results using the Filter by Fuzzy Lookup button. The name of the applied fuzzy lookup rule is displayed in a tooltip for this toggle button.

Bug fixes

  • MDM-14807: When a filter is applied to an embedded collection and records are edited, the filter resets upon saving changes and reloading the view. This behavior differs from the main view, where filters remain active after editing.

  • MDM-15796: During model validation, users may encounter the warning message: One or several workflow definitions contain warnings. even when no data-driven workflows have been created in the Workflow Builder.

  • MDM-15810: When using the Mass Update action in an MDM application, users with read-only access to an entity can still modify or remove data from its attributes, despite receiving warnings that indicate insufficient permissions.

  • MDM-15907: In an MDM application, when a hyperlink field is configured with a string datatype, using URL as the link source and set to open in a new window, the Display Text value is rendered incorrectly in the collection view, appearing cut off from the bottom. This issue occurs specifically when there is only a single-line value in each column of the collection.

  • MDM-15960: During model validation, if an enricher output references a non-existent attribute, a warning is displayed instead of an error. Additionally, trying to access documentation for affected items in the MDM application’s user interface triggers an error message, indicating that the documentation is unavailable or inaccessible.

  • MDM-16081: The Platform Administration section of the REST API documentation for the PUT method on the admin/users endpoint incorrectly lists BasicAuth as a supported authentication mode. An API key is required to successfully use this endpoint for user replacement.

  • MDM-16092: Third-party library upgrade: Apache Commons IO.

  • MDM-16102: The SEQ_NEXTVAL function implementation for Snowflake leads to improper sequence value generation.

  • MDM-16107: When using Snowflake as the database system, paginated queries generated by DataPageJdbcHelper return inconsistent and unpredictable pagination results.

  • MDM-16108: A validation error stating Some workflow definitions are not valid appears after validating a model in the Application Builder. Additionally, in the Workflow Builder, the error The root entity and its child entities manipulated in the selected stepper must be declared in the Entities section of this workflow definition occurs inconsistently, even when all required entities are correctly declared.

  • MDM-16120: In Oracle database environments, clicking the application icon on the xDM welcome page causes an infinite loading loop and triggers a java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException error.

  • MDM-16125: With the optimization parameter xdm.namedqueries.singlerecordexpressions.optimise enabled, calls to named queries fail in the following scenarios: when a named query of type Single Record Expression includes a reference relationship that targets a foreign attribute with a name differing from that of the referenced entity; and when a SemQL expression is specified at a non-root level within the query, which triggers an invalid SemQL request error.

  • MDM-16129: After upgrading to version 2024.1.8, validation rules using square brackets in LIKE statements may fail in SQL Server environments, potentially resulting in valid data being incorrectly rejected. This issue is associated with the fix for MDM-15633. Users can disable this fix by setting the optional system property com.semarchy.xdm.sqlserver.escapeSquareBracketsInLikeExpressions to false if reverting to the previous behavior is required.

  • MDM-16137: When entering values for attributes of type decimal, an incorrect error message is displayed if the total digit count exceeds the allowed limit of 21 digits. Instead of indicating the maximum digit limit for the value, the error incorrectly refers to the number of decimal digits, even when none are entered.

  • MDM-16160: When a collection table contains a column with HTML and JavaScript embedded within the value property, the resolved content fails to display immediately. The correct content becomes visible only after resizing the table’s column.

  • MDM-16161: When authoring a golden record for a fuzzy-matching entity, attempting to update the reference to a parent fuzzy-matching entity using the parent’s FDN attribute does not update the parent reference (FID or FDN attributes) during the certification process.

  • MDM-16196: Accessing the Semarchy login page causes an increase in the number of open cursors. These cursors do not close automatically, potentially leading to an ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded error on Oracle databases.

  • MDM-16197: When using the Collection picker type in a reference selection form, the results list in the dialog displays no left margin, with the text in the first column aligned directly with the left edge of the window.

  • MDM-16201: Third-party library upgrade: Netty common.

  • MDM-16204: Exporting data from an MDM application’s interface to CSV or Excel formats does not preserve the date format specified in the user profile, resulting in inconsistencies when the data is viewed in external tools like Excel.

  • MDM-16234: In the My Tasks interface, a Missing named parameters error occurs when the value property of a column in the selected task’s collection contains a SemQL expression with a colon (:), such as in timestamp formats. This error prevents the collection from being displayed.

  • MDM-16257: Third-party component upgrade: Snowflake JDBC driver.

  • MDM-16475: When configuring a collection, if a column is set as a component of type Hyperlink and the Display Text property contains an apostrophe ('), no data is displayed for that column or any subsequent columns. This issue occurs regardless of whether the display text is set using a literal value or a SemQL expression containing an apostrophe. Additionally, no errors are logged in the PDE log.

  • MDM-16501: SMTP servers fail to send candidate or assignee notifications if the application logo is missing from the image bank. This issue occurs without any error being logged in the PDE log.