Delete a model edition

Designers can delete one or several closed model editions that have been deployed and are deemed unnecessary or redundant. This operation helps optimize storage space for the repository database, as closed model editions can contain large amounts of data that may no longer be useful.

Deleted model editions cannot be restored. Platform administrators should exercise caution when performing this action to avoid unintended data loss.

To delete a model edition:

  1. In the Management view of the Application Builder, expand the Model Administration node, then expand the model and the model branch containing the edition (or editions) that you want to delete.

    • Only closed model editions can be deleted. Those serving as the parent model edition of any branch or those currently deployed on any data location are not eligible for deletion either.

    • Model edition deletions are only allowed in a design repository, which is used for model development. Deployment repositories do not support these operations.

  1. Select one or several model editions, right-click, and select Delete.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

This operation removes both the selected model editions and their associated database objects, such as related tables, diagrams, job definitions, and deployment history.

Deleting a model edition can also be executed through the REST API. For the complete list of available API endpoints, see the REST API documentation.