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Powerful Data Integration

Say goodbye silos, hello insights

With the Semarchy xDI, powerful data integration is built right in. Quickly integrate and transform data from every possible source, all in one place. Ready to put actionable insights into every team’s toolkit?

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Schedule your customized demo today!

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Optimizing Your Business with Data Integration

Leveraging data is critical for building a successful business strategy. The deployment of a data integration solution is the first step for any organization wishing to connect, transform, and easily manage its data.

In this eBook, Semarchy has five ways to optimize structure and costs with data integration.

Master Data Management & Data Integration

Master Data Management (MDM) & Data Integration or Extract, Transform, Load tools (DI or ETL) are all part of a complete Enterprise Information Management (EIM) architecture.

Understand how these different technologies compare and compliment each other.

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Discover Semarchy xDI

Experience the next-generation, high-performance data
integration platform with this quick datasheet.

Start delivering the data your business requires
in time while keeping your costs under strict control.

Learn Why 95% of Customers Recommend Semarchy

3x Gartner Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management Solutions Leader (2020-2022)
2020 Customer Choice in Master Data Management
The Forrester Wave™: Master Data Management Solutions, Q4 2021

Semarchy xDI solving your data integration challenges

From staggering data volume to real-time data demands, Semarchy tackles your data integration challenges. Fully 63% of our customers utilize multiple use cases with Semarchy xDI. That’s why we say switch once, solve infinitely.

Application & streaming

From batch to real-time demands, exchange data effortlessly.

Business intelligence & analytics

Aggregate data from all sources, and reveal actionable insights.

Cloud migration

Move data to the cloud and between applications, anywhere.

Data anonymization

Maintain security and compliance while providing data access.

Aggregate, load, and check big data environments with ease.

Data services

Expose complex data and processes with no-code configuration.

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Need More Information?

Submit the form below and one of our Data experts will help you start your journey.