This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained.

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GCS Update Blobs



Use this tool to modify the online metadata of blobs in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

To use this tool, define a Google Cloud Storage source bucket or folder that contains the blobs to modify, then add parameters to control the modifications.


  1. Add the process action TOOL GCS Update Blobs from the Process Palette, under the Tools section.

  2. Select a source:

    • Drag and drop one of the following Google Cloud Storage metadata nodes onto the <SOURCE> field of the tool:

      • Storage

      • Bucket

      • Folder

  3. Set the blob metadata to update or set in other tool parameters as needed.

The tool inherits parameters from the metadata node you drag onto it.

If you leave a Target parameter empty, the tool does not attempt to modify the corresponding metadata in Google Cloud Storage.

For information about metadata in Google Cloud Storage, see the official documentation.


Name Default Description

XPath Expression For Source


A valid XPath expression referencing a Bucket to use as a source location. The expression can return a storage, bucket, or folder node from a Google Cloud Storage metadata object.

The source bucket location is searched in this bucket or directory unless you set one of these parameters instead:

  • Source Bucket Name

  • Source Directory Path

  • Source Blob Name

Source Bucket Name

Manual entry of the source bucket name.

You can omit this parameter if XPath Expression For Source returns a valid reference to a bucket or one of its children.

Source Directory Path

Manual entry of the source directory. You can omit this parameter if XPath Expression For Source returns a valid reference to a directory or one of its children, or if the bucket itself is the root directory.

For better performance, use a directory as the source, or set this parameter for any static subdirectories. For example, specify this:

  • Source Directory Path → tmp

  • Source Blob Includes → *.txt

instead of this:

  • Source Directory Path → <empty>

  • Source Blob Includes → tmp/*.txt

Source Blob Includes

A list of blobs to include in the operation, as a semicolon-separated list of blob masks. An empty value matches all blobs.

When the source is a directory, or if you set the Source Directory Path, the blob mask evaluates inside this directory.

The following wildcard characters are supported:


Matches one character in a segment of the blob’s path.


Matches zero or more characters in a segment of the blob’s path.


Matches zero or more segments of the blob’s path of the blob.


  • to retrieve XML and JSON blobs in the current directory: *.xml;*.json

  • to retrieve XML blobs in any test subdirectory: **/test/*.xml

When this parameter is set, the tool ignores the Source Blob Name parameter.

Source Blob Excludes

A list of blobs to exclude from the operation, as a semicolon-separated list of blob masks. An empty value matches all blobs.

When the source is a directory, or if you set the Source Directory Path, the blob mask evaluates inside this directory.

The following wildcard characters are supported:


Matches one character in a segment of the blob’s path.


Matches zero or more characters in a segment of the blob’s path.


Matches zero or more segments of the blob’s path of the blob.


  • to ignore XML and JSON blobs in the current directory: *.xml;*.json

  • to ignore XML blobs in any test subdirectory: **/test/*.xml

When this parameter is set, the tool ignores the Source Blob Name parameter.

Source Metadata

One or more key-value pairs to filter blobs based on their metadata in Google Cloud Storage. The tool only processes source blobs that match these values. You can set this parameter in the form of Java properties.

For instance:


Target Content-Type (RFC 2616)

Specifies the media type of the target Blob.

Target Content-Disposition

Specifies presentation information headers for the target Blob.

Target Content-Language

Specifies the intended languages of the target Blob.

Target Content-Encoding

Specifies content compression headers for the target Blob.

Target Cache-Control

Specifies browser cache headers for the target Blob.

Target Metadata

One or more key-value pairs to set on the remote target blob. You can set this parameter in the form of Java properties.

For instance:


This tool sets and updates all metadata key-value pairs entered in this field, and leaves unspecified ones alone.