This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Delivery Project Supervisor
The Delivery Project Supervisor provides an overview of the deployments across projects and package managers. It also allows mass analysis and deployment of deliveries.
Open the delivery project supervisor
To open the Delivery Project Supervisor:
In the Navigator view, right-click the Delivery Projects node and select Open Delivery Projects Supervisor.
The Delivery Projects Supervisor editor opens.
This editor shows all the configured Deployments, that is the Package Managers with their Delivery Projects, Environment, and Working Versions.
If a package manager version is deployed in multiple environments, all these deployments appear in the table, with one row per deployment environment. |
Use the Delivery Project Supervisor
In this table, you can sort the table by clicking on the column headers.
You can also filter the rows by selecting a Delivery Project, a Package Manager, or an Environment.
Note that the filters are combined. For example, if you select a value in the Delivery Project field, the Package Manager field only shows the package managers from that delivery project.
You can also use the Filter Text field to filter based on a text search on all values in the table.
Manage package managers and deliveries
In the Delivery Project Supervisor, you can:
Open a Package Manager by clicking its name in the table.
View the details of a Working Version by clicking its name in the table.
Analyze a deployment by clicking the Analyze button to refresh the status indicator.
Analyze the filtered deployments by clicking the
Refresh Status button in the table toolbar.
Perform a deployment for a given package manager version in a given environment by clicking the Build and Deploy button on the corresponding row. When you click the button, a dialog allows you to choose to only build, only deploy or build and deploy the given package manager.
Deploy the filtered deployments by clicking the
Build and Deploy (BULK) button in the table toolbar. When you click the button, a dialog allows you to choose to only build, only deploy or build and deploy the filtered deployments.