This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Runtime commands

The Semarchy xDI Runtime has its own command line to manage deliveries and the integration process.

Connect to the runtime

To issue commands on a runtime, first connect to that runtime.

Connect from the xDI Designer

To connect to a runtime from Designer:

  1. In the xDI Designer Runtime view, click the Runtime Command button to open the Console view.

  2. In the Console view, use the Connect command to connect to a runtime.

Connect from the command line

To connect a runtime from the Command Line:

  1. Run the startcommand.bat or script bundled with the xDI Runtime.

  2. Use the Connect command to connect to a runtime.

Connect from xDI Analytics

To connect to a runtime from xDI Analytics, open the runtime editor and go to the Command tab to issue commands to a given runtime.

Commands reference