Hadoop component release notes

This page lists the main features added to the Hadoop Component.

New Features

Version 2023.1.0

Ability to choose Hive table type

The Hive metadata now supports defining the Hive Table Type, which can be EXTERNAL or MANAGED.

The default type is EXTERNAL, which requires a specific configuration in the metadata. Update your hive metadata to define the external storage location, or change the type of table to MANAGED depending on your configuration.


Version 2024.3.0

This version of the connector requires Semarchy xDI version 2024.3.0 or later.

Feature improvements

  • DI-9585: Updated main component libraries to the latest versions.

Bug fixes

  • DI-8563: Updated Apache Ivy third-party libraries.

  • DI-9710: Updated logback third-party libraries.

  • DI-9856: Fixed an issue that prevented Salesforce integrations from recognizing OAuth2 JSON properties.

  • DI-9902: Template LOAD Salesforce to Hive: Adjusted text area truncation to 65535 characters.

Version 2024.2.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-8882: Updated Hadoop component libraries and dependencies.

Bug fixes

  • DI-8922: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an error when string data contains special characters.

  • DI-9323: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an issue that caused mappings to crash or output incorrect results.

Version 2024.1.12

Bug fixes

  • DI-10922: Updated Spring Context third-party libraries.

Version 2024.1.11

Feature improvements

  • DI-10239: Upgraded Hadoop libraries to the latest versions.

Bug fixes

  • DI-10195: Fixed an issue with Hive that caused the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hive/service/cli/HiveSQLException.

Version 2024.1.8

Bug fixes

  • DI-8563: Updated Apache Ivy third-party libraries.

  • DI-9902: Template LOAD Salesforce to Hive: Adjusted text area truncation to 65535 characters.

Version 2024.1.6

Bug fixes

  • DI-9856: Fixed an issue that prevented Salesforce integrations from recognizing OAuth2 JSON properties.

Version 2024.1.5

Feature improvements

  • DI-9585: Updated main component libraries to the latest versions.

Version 2024.1.2

Bug fixes

  • DI-8922: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an error when string data contains special characters.

  • DI-9323: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an issue that caused mappings to crash or output incorrect results.

Version 2024.1.0

Bug fixes

  • DI-8555: TOOL HDFS File Connect: variable values are not initialized correctly in BeanShell scripts.

Version 2023.4.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-8189: Third-party library upgrade.

Version 2023.1.16

Bug fixes

  • DI-8563: Updated Apache Ivy third-party libraries.

  • DI-9902: Template LOAD Salesforce to Hive: Adjusted text area truncation to 65535 characters.

Version 2023.1.14

Bug fixes

  • DI-9856: Fixed an issue that prevented Salesforce integrations from recognizing OAuth2 JSON properties.

Version 2023.1.13

Feature improvements

  • DI-9585: Updated main component libraries to the latest versions.

Version 2023.1.10

Bug fixes

  • DI-8922: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an error when string data contains special characters.

  • DI-9323: Template LOAD XML to Hive: fixed an issue that caused mappings to crash or output incorrect results.

Version 2023.1.9

Bug fixes

  • DI-8555: TOOL HDFS File Connect: variable value is not initialized correctly in BeanShell scripts.

Version 2023.1.5

Bug fixes

  • DI-8175: When using HBase in an Sql to Parameters Process Action, the connection unexpectedly fails.

  • DI-7745: Third-party library upgrade.

  • DI-7797: Third-party library upgrade.

  • DI-7944: Third-party library upgrade.

Version 2023.1.4

Feature improvements

  • DI-7915: Add tooltips to Hive External Table properties.

Version 2023.1.3

Bug fixes

  • DI-6521: Jackson Third-Party library upgrade.

Version 2023.1.0

Breaking changes

  • DI-5390: The metadata now supports defining the Hive Table Type, which can be EXTERNAL or MANAGED.
    The default type is EXTERNAL, which requires a specific configuration in the metadata Update your hive metadata to define the external storage location, or change the type of table to MANAGED depending on your configuration.
    See External and managed tables.

Feature improvements

  • DI-5312: The metadata now supports hexadecimal properties.

  • DI-5389: The metadata reverse-engineering has been improved.

  • DI-5653: Log4j version 1 has been removed from the dependencies.

  • DI-5817: Multiple third-party libraries upgarde.

  • DI-6225: The Post Processing Operation option has been added to the Load Xml To Hive template.

Bug fixes

  • DI-4000: The specific hive serde is missing from the Hadoop module.

  • DI-6077: Hadoop tools are missing from the process palette.

  • DI-6234: Some built-in templates cannot be saved after being modified and a NullPointerException is thrown.

Version 5.3.7 (Component pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-6077: Hadoop tools are missing from the process palette.

Version 3.0.0 (component pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4053: Query Editor menu renamed to "Launch Query Editor"

  • DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions

  • DI-4727: Rebranding: Templates and sample projects

  • DI-4731: Rebranding: Template messages

  • DI-4813: Rebranding: Drivers classes and URLs

  • DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management

Version 2.2.1 (Hadoop component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-4559: Hive - table and column names were unexpectedly truncated to 30 characters

Version 2.2.0 (Hadoop component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3713: Internal change on how some libraries are built to ease maintenance

Version 2.1.1 (Hadoop component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3959: Component updated to support the replacement of SQL Explorer with the Stambia Query Editor

Version 2.1.0 (Hadoop component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3510: EMF compare utility - Component has been updated to support EMF Compare comparison utility

Version 2.0.5 (Hadoop component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3614: New TOOL "HDFS Get File List" allowing to retrieve a list of HDFS files and store the result in a table

Version 2.0.4 (Hadoop component)

Bug fixes

  • DI-2736: Template - LOAD Rdbms to Hive - generated temporary file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters

  • DI-2737: Template - LOAD Rdbms to Impala - generated temporary file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters

Version 2.0.3 (Hadoop component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1775: New template Load Salesforce to Hive

  • DI-1777: TOOL Hdfs File Connect - an "HDFS Error" session variable is now published when a connection fails, providing more detailed information about the error

  • DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet

  • DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking

Bug fixes

  • DI-1729: HDFS File Get Process Tool - Module specification was missing when using WebHDFS mode, which was causing errors as the required dependencies could not be found

  • DI-1908: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates on Lock / Unlock CDC steps

  • DI-1907: Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates when querying the source data