This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Wait for Files



Waits for, and detects files on the Runtime engine filesystem using a polling mechanism.

You can make use of detection results in two ways:

  • Use this action as the source of a bind link, to take the properties of detected files, and pass them directly to a target action.

  • Store the list of detected files to a database table.

You can also link certain metadata object nodes to this action to define some parameters automatically.


Parameter Required Default value Description

Wait File Dir

Detection directory.

  • Mandatory if Wait File is not set.

  • Mandatory if either Wait File Includes or Wait File Excludes is set.

Wait File

File to detect.

  • Mandatory if Wait File Dir is not set.

Wait File Includes


List of files to include, as a semicolon separated list of file masks. Use the * wildcard can to filter the files, and use the ** wildcard to also retrieve files in subdirectories.

For example:

  • To retrieve files in the current directory: *.xls;*.xml;file.csv

  • To retrieve files in the current directory and subdirectories: **/*.csv

Wait File Excludes


List of files to exclude, as a semicolon separated list of file masks.

For example: *.xls;*.xml;file.csv

Wait File Timeout



Duration in milliseconds, after which the action stops trying to detect files. -1 is equivalent to never stopping.

The default value is 1 if Wait File Nb Files=-1, and -1 in all other cases.

Wait File Pollint



Polling interval in milliseconds.

Wait File Nb Files



Number of files to wait for before completing the wait action. -1 is equivalent to an infinite number of files.

SQL Connection


Name of the SQL connection to use for publishing the list of detected files.

SQL Schema Name


Name of the SQL schema to use for publishing the list of detected files.

SQL Transaction Name


Name of the SQL transaction to use for publishing the list of detected files.

You can set some parameters automatically by dragging and dropping metadata nodes onto the action to link it. The following parameters inherit their values from metadata links:

Parameter Node to link Description

Wait File Dir


Link a folder node to define it as the detection directory.

Wait File


Link a file node to define it as the file to detect.

SQL Connection

RDBMS server
RDBMS server subnodes
HBase server
HBase server subnodes

Link a database server node or related subnodes to use its SQL connection.

SQL Schema Name

RDBMS server
RDBMS server subnodes

Link a database schema node or related subnodes to store the list of detected files in the schema. File names are stored when they meet detection criteria.

Published variables




Number of detected files.