This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 5.3 or earlier, which is no longer supported.

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Wait for Files



Waits and detects a set of files on the Runtime engine file system using the poll technique. This Action also allows to bind the result or store in a table the list of detected files.


Name Mandatory Default Description

Wait File Dir

Detection directory. Mandatory if Wait File is not set or if Wait File Includes/Excludes are set.

Wait File

File to detect. Mandatory if Wait File Dir is not set.

Wait File Includes


List of files to include. This is a semi-colon separated list of file masks. The wildcard can be used to filter the files, and the wildcard can be used to retrieve also the files inside subdirectories. For instance to retrieve files contained in the current directory: .xls;*.xml;file.csv. And to retrieve files contained in the current directory and subdirectories: /*.csv

Wait File Excludes


List of files to exclude. This is a semi-colon separated list of file masks. For example: .xls;.xml;file.csv

Wait File Timeout


See description

Timeout in milliseconds after which the action stops trying to detect the files. –1 is an infinite waiting time. The default value is 1 if Wait File Nb Files=–1 and –1 otherwise.

Wait File Pollint



Polling interval in milliseconds.

Wait File Nb Files



Number of files to wait for before completing the wait action. –1 means an infinite number of files.

SQL Connection


SQL connection into which the list of detected files is published.

SQL Transaction Name


SQL transaction into which the list of detected files is published.

SQL Schema Name


SQL schema into which the list of detected files is published.

If this action is linked to a metadata schema, it will store in a table the list of detected files. In this case, the file names are stored when the detection criteria are met.
This Action can be used as the source of a bind link, allowing to pass directly to the target action the properties of the files that have been found.

Published Variables




Number of files detected.