Salesforce Component Release Notes
This page lists the main features added to the Salesforce component.
Feature Highlights
Version 2.0.2
Change Data Capture (CDC)
Multiple improvements have been performed to homogenize the usage of Change Data Capture (CDC) in the various Components.
Parameters have been homogenized, so that all Templates should now have the same CDC Parameters, with the same support of features.
Multiple fixes have also been performed to correct CDC issues. Refer to the changelog for the exact list of changes.
Version 2.0.0
Storage folder
The template "Integration rdbms to Salesforce" creates a temporary exchange file, in the temporary folder of the Runtime.
A new parameter named "Out File Name" has been added to customize the path of this temporary file.
When setting this parameter, the exchange file will be located at another place than default. |
Change Log
Version 5.3.12 (Component Pack)
Bug Fixes
DI-7663: Salesforce upsert operation fails with the error 'InvalidJob : External ID was blank'.
DI-7667: Missing result data after Salesforce integration process.
DI-7765: In some situations, Salesforce returns error messages that are incomplete or truncated.
exception in Designer when loading some components.
Version 3.0.0 (Component Pack)
New Features
DI-3035: Use Salesforce BULK API V2 to write
DI-3701: Allow Components to contribute to Designer monitored statistics
DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions
DI-4727: Rebranding: Templates and sample projects
DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management
Version 2.1.2 (Salesforce Component)
Version 2.1.0 (Salesforce Component)
New Features
DI-3510: EMF compare utility - Component has been updated to support EMF Compare comparison utility
Bug Fixes
DI-1621: When extracting data from Salesforce, such as when using the replicator, a "Connection reset" was thrown in some situations, most notably when extracting large sets of data
DI-1961: Template - Integration Rdbms to Salesforce - fix a typo on "SQL Fetch Size" parameter, "Fecth" instead of "Fetch"
DI-2810: When the execution of an asynchronous SalesForce batch was terminated externally, the exception was not recognized and the session appeared as normally executed
DI-3561: Having a line return character in a filter defined on a Salesforce datastore in Mapping unexpectedly produces a "Malformed Query exception" at execution
Version 2.0.3 (Salesforce Component)
Version 2.0.2 (Salesforce Component)
New Features
DI-2855: Load Salesforce to RDBMS and Load XML to RDBMS Templates should not be proposed when loading data from Salesforce to Hive (they are not applicable in this situation)
DI-1910: Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet
DI-1909: Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking