This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 5.3 or earlier, which is no longer supported.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Install the License Server

The Semarchy xDI License Server is an optional component you can install to manage internally the Designer instances' licenses when they do not have access to the internet.

This document details how to install Semarchy xDI License Server.

Before the installation, make sure to understand the architecture and review carefully the system requirements.

What is the License Server?

The Designer refreshes its license token periodically, by synchronizing with a License Server.

This License Server is usually the central license server managed by Semarchy, where all licensed Designer are registered.

You can optionally install a license server in your organization’s network for your Designer instances to synchronize their license when your organization’s network configuration does not allow internet connections.

The License Server is a Java service, usually installed on a production or development server.

Download the License Server

The License Server is shipped as an archive file. It runs on any platform with a supported Java Virtual Machine.

Install the License Server

To install the license server:

  1. Uncompress the License Server archive to a temporary directory. Move the archive content to the target installation directory.

  2. Check and set, if needed, execution permission on all the .bat (Windows) and .sh (Linux or macOS) scripts located in the bin/ sub-folder of the installation directory.

  3. Configure the License Server.

  4. Install the License File

The configuration of the license server is mandatory. The License Server will not start if there is no configuration file or if the security properties are undefined.

Install the License File

Semarchy can provide a license file to deploy in your license server. Copy this file to the License Server installation directory.

Start the License Server

To start the license server:

  1. In the bin/ sub-directory of the License Server installation directory, run the start.bat (Windows) or (Linux or macOS) file.
    The license server starts.

When started, the standard output should contain a message as below:

2022-03-30 10:18:21.242:INFO::jetty-7.3.1.v20110307
2022-03-30 10:18:21.275:INFO::started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}
2022-03-30 10:18:21.487:INFO::Started SslSocketConnector@

The com.semarchy.xdi.license.server.log file indicates possible errors and should contain the following when the license server is started:

2022-03-30 10:18:20,989 [INFO ] Loading server properties
2022-03-30 10:18:21,106 [INFO ] Server properties are loaded

License Server as a Service


To install the license server as a Windows service, use the following scripts provided in the bin/ sub-directory:

  1. serviceInstall.bat -i [<Service Name>] to add the License Server as a service.

  2. serviceUninstall.bat -i [<Service Name>] to remove the service.

Depending on the operating system configuration, you might need to run these commands as a system administrator.

You can configure this service using the \ext\yajsw\conf\wrapper.conf file.
For example, to configure the path of the Java machine:

# Use lowercase fo the path. = D:\\apps\\java\\jre1.8.0_121\\bin\\java.exe

# Using the JAVA_HOME system property = ${java_home}\\bin\\java.exe
The user configured to start this service must have network capabilities. It is typically a domain user.


To install the License Server as a Linux/Unix service, refer to the service setup procedure specific to your operating system. This usually requires a startup script and a shutdown script for the License Server process.

  • The License Server startup script is

  • The License Server shutdown script is