This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 5.3 or earlier, which is no longer supported.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Upgrade Semarchy xDI Production Analytics

This document provides instructions for the upgrade of Semarchy xDI Production Analytics.

The following procedure describes the steps to upgrade from 3.9 or 5.3.x to 5.3.y. For other upgrade scenarios, refer to the Analytics 2 and Analytics 3 installation and configuration guides.

Pre-Upgrade Steps

This section describes the operations to perform before upgrading Semarchy xDI Production Analytics.

Review The Release Notes

The Release Notes provides the latest information about the Semarchy xDI Release, including new features, bug fixes and breaking changes.

System Requirements

Review the system requirements for this release.

Backup Semarchy xDI Production Analytics

Before upgrading Semarchy xDI Production Analytics, it is recommended to perform a backup of your current installation:

  • Backup the Semarchy xDI Production Analytics database.

  • Backup the Semarchy xDI Production Analytics webapp home.

  • Backup the current Web Application Archive and configuration.

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade Semarchy xDI Production Analytics, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Download the latest version of Semarchy xDI Production Analytics from the Semarchy website. It is shipped as an archive file, containing a Web Application Archive.

  2. Undeploy the previous version of Analytics from your application server.

  3. Configure Analytics’s home application folder as detailed in the installation guide.

    The STAMBIA_WEBAPP_HOME environment variable is renamed to XDI_ANALYTICS_WEBAPP_HOME in Semarchy xDI Production Analytics 5.3.0. Make sure you propagate the new name in your configuration.
  4. Deploy the new Semarchy xDI Production Analytics web application (refer to Deploy Analytics).

Connect to Analytics

When the deployment is complete, you can access the Semarchy xDI Production Analytics application at the following URL (This URL may vary depending on the application server configuration): http://<host>:<port>/semarchy-xdi-analytics/semarchy

After logging in with a user having the required roles, the Semarchy xDI Production Analytics main page opens.