This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2023.3, which is no longer supported. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Create a survivorship rule
A Survivorship Rule defines, for attributes in Fuzzy Matched and ID Matched Entities, how golden record values are computed. It applies to a single attribute or to a set of attributes of a given entity.
Every entity is created with a Master ID Survivorship Rule and a Default Survivorship Rule using the Custom Ranking consolidation strategy with no ranking expression. These default rules should be modified to reflect the entity requirements. You can also create new survivorship rules to handle specific attributes. |
Define a survivorship rule
To create a survivorship rule:
Right-click the Survivorship Rules under the entity and then select Add Survivorship Rule. The Create New Survivorship Rule wizard opens.
In the Create New Survivorship Rule wizard, check the Auto Fill option and then enter the following values:
Name: Internal name of the object.
Label: User-friendly label for the object.
Default Rule: Define this new rule as the default rule for the entity.
Click Finish to close the wizard. The Survivorship Rule editor opens.
In the Survivorship Rule editor, provide a Description for this rule and a Documentation. In the documentation, use plain text or the Markdown syntax for rich text. This text provides detailed documentation for the rule. It appears in the documentation side nav.
Select the attributes managed with this rule:
In the Attributes table, select the
Define Survivorship Rule Attributes button.
In the Create New Survivorship Rule Attribute dialog, double-click the attributes that you want to add.
Click Finish
Define the consolidation rule:
Select a Consolidation Strategy.
Set the parameters depending on the selected strategy:
Any Value, Largest Value , Longest Value, Most Frequent Value, Shortest Value and Smallest Value: No parameter is required.
Custom Ranking:
On the Ranking Expression field, click the
Edit Expression button. The SemQL editor opens.
Create a SemQL expression used to rank the records, and then click OK to close the SemQL Editor.
Select the Skip Nulls option if you want to skip null values and pick the highest ranking not null value.
Preferred Publisher:
On the Preferred Publisher field, click the
Select Publishers button. The Manage Survivorship Rule dialog opens.
Double-click the first publisher in the Available Publishers list to add to the Publishers list.
Repeat this operation to add the other publishers in the preference order.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to order the publishers.
Click Finish to close the dialog.
Select the Skip Nulls option if you want to skip null values returned by publishers.
Set the Ranking Expression to sort records in the event of an ambiguity for the strategy.
On the Ranking Expression field, click the
Edit Expression button. The SemQL editor opens.
Create a SemQL expression used to handle consolidation disambiguation, and then click OK to close the SemQL Editor.
Define the override rule:
Select a Override Strategy.
Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the editor.
Close the editor.