This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Manage custom translations
Custom translations let you localize and override built-in strings that appear in the Semarchy xDM user interfaces.
Semarchy xDM allows translating the strings you define in applications (e.g., the labels of business views or fields) as part of the model and application localization effort.
In addition, strings that are built in Semarchy and that are visible in all data management and dashboard applications—such as "My Tasks", "Filter" or "Global Search"—can also be modified in the platform configuration with custom translations.
With custom translations, you can:
Override existing built-in strings. For example, replace "My Tasks" with "All Tasks" in the My Tasks editor title.
Create translations for new languages for the built-in strings.
Custom translations are configured at the platform level and apply to all applications served by the platform. |
Model- or application-specific translations are managed in the model life cycle. For more information, see Model localization. |
The translation process consists of:
Exporting existing languages' localization files, or blank localization files for new languages. These files are properties files, which can be modified using a text editor.
Editing these files using a text editor.
Import the modified files.
Export custom translations
To export custom translations:
In the navigation drawer of the Configuration module, select Custom Translations.
The Custom Translations editor opens and lists the custom translations that you have configured. -
To modify existing custom translations, select these translations in the list.
Click the
Export Translations… button in the editor toolbar.
In the Export Translation Bundles dialog, select the translation bundles that you want to export. The Hide Languages with no Custom Translations option masks the languages for which you have no custom translation.
Click OK
The selected translation bundles are exported in a zip file.
Export file format
Export file organization
Localized or localizable strings are translatable into all languages and stored within properties files in the form of key=value
pairs. These files are organized into a set of folders and compiled into a compressed archive.
The structure of the archive is as follows:
: properties files for the configuration process. -
: properties files for the Dashboard component and Dashboard Builder module. -
: properties files for the Discovery module. -
: properties files for the license management page. -
: properties files for data management applications (including the My Tasks interface, steppers, dashboards, etc.). -
: properties files for user profile management. -
: properties files for the setup process. -
: properties files for internal components shared across all data management applications (including the "About" dialog, SemQL editor, email editor, etc.). -
: properties files for functions shared across all data management applications (including common invalid input or error messages, etc.) -
: properties files for the Workflow Builder module.
After editing the custom translation properties files, make sure to compress them into a zip file that precisely replicates the original archive’s structure described above. This step is necessary to ensure a successful import back into xDM. The folders listed above must be at the root of the compressed file. Make sure to compress these folders directly and not their parent folder. |
Translation properties files
Custom translation properties files are exported with UTF-8 encoding. You should preserve this encoding when editing the translations.
Note that:
You can use the
notation for special characters. -
Leading spaces are automatically removed from the translations.
Empty translations are ignored.
To replace an existing translation with a blank one, you must use a space character—using the
notation—for the translation.
Languages and variants
Properties files have a suffix corresponding to the language code and an optional variant code.
The en
suffix stands for the generic English language, and en_US
stands for the United States variant of this language. When a key needs to be translated:
Users configured to use a specific variant (e.g., en_US) will use that specific variant translation if it is available, or revert to the generic (e.g., en) translation.
Users configured to use the generic language (e.g., en) will directly use that translation.
In addition, specific properties files with the en_default
and en_default
suffixes represent the default translations built-in Semarchy xDM for English and French. These are here for informational purposes and are ignored during the import process.
Language translation fallback
The localization mechanism uses a fallback process to translate localization keys into translated strings.
In this process, keys translate into localized strings using the available translations, in the following order:
The language variant custom translation (e.g.,
). -
The generic language custom translation (e.g.,
). -
The generic language built-in translation. Semarchy xDM includes such translations for English and French.
The built-in default translation. This translation uses the English language.
Using the fallback mechanism, you can define overrides on top of the built-in translations.
For example, to fix a single string in the UI for English-speaking users, you must provide a custom translation for the English language that only contains that string. The rest of the strings, via the fallback process, will be using the English built-in translations.
Import custom translations
To import custom translations:
In the navigation drawer of the Configuration module, select Custom Translations.
The Custom Translations editor opens. -
Click on the
Import Translations… button in the editor toolbar.
Click the Browse button and select a zip file containing custom translations.
The editor shows in the Languages to import the custom translations available in the file. -
Select the properties files that you want to import, and then click Finish
The selected translation bundles are imported.
When importing a custom translation for a language that is not translated yet, a new translation is created. If a custom translation already exists for a given language, it is removed and replaced entirely by the new one.
After importing or modifying a custom translation, users must refresh the applications to see the new translation. |