This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Melissa Personator enricher
The Melissa Personator enricher updates and completes contact data for U.S. and Canada using the Personator Web service.
Plugin ID
Melissa Personator Enricher - com.semarchy.engine.plugins.melissa.PersonatorConsumerEnricher
The Melissa Personator enricher updates and completes contact data for the U.S. and Canada using the Personator Consumer service. For more information on the service, including parameters, inputs, and outputs, see the Melissa Personator Consumer documentation
A valid license string is required to access the Melissa service with this plugin. To obtain the necessary license, contact Melissa. |
This plugin is thread-safe and supports parallel execution. |
Plugin parameters
The following table lists the plugin parameters.
Parameter name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
License String |
Yes |
String |
The license string required to access the Melissa Service. This must be valid for service access. |
Action Append |
No |
Boolean |
Retrieves data based on the selected point of reference, which can be the address, email, or phone number. For instance, an address-centric Append action returns the name, company, phone number, and email associated with the specified address (U.S. only). |
Action Check |
No |
Boolean |
Verifies the validity of individual input data elements and corrects them if possible. If corrections can be made, additional information is provided. |
Action Move |
No |
Boolean |
Retrieves the most recent address for an individual or business when a previous address is provided. This action requires either a last name and address or a business or company name and address as inputs (U.S. only). |
Action Verify |
No |
Boolean |
Allows to select a data point of reference and then determines whether the other data points are associated with it. For example, when checking whether the provided name, phone number, and email correspond correctly to a given address, this action verifies if these details match the address. It only returns the results column with results codes describing what it found (U.S. only). |
Advanced Address Correction |
No |
Boolean |
Uses the name input to perform enhanced address corrections, potentially correcting or appending house numbers, street names, cities, states, and ZIP codes. |
Append Options |
No |
String |
Possible values: |
Centric Hint |
No |
String |
Possible values: |
Columns |
No |
String |
By default, the requested columns are limited to mapped outputs. This parameter allows you to specify (i.e., force) which column(s) to request. For more details, see the Melissa documentation |
Diacritics |
No |
String |
Possible values: |
Failure Error Codes |
No |
String |
A comma-separated list of codes (e.g., AE01, AE02) or code families (e.g., AE). If any of these codes are returned by the API, the enrichment process fails. |
SSL Connection |
No |
Boolean |
Default value: |
Use Preferred City |
No |
Boolean |
Determines whether to verify addresses using official USPS names or known "vanity" names. Setting this to |
Requests Limit |
No |
Number |
Limits the number of requests made to the Melissa API and the number of records enriched. Records beyond this limit are not enriched, and the plugin returns blank outputs. This parameter is intended for testing purposes only. |
Plugin inputs
The following table lists the plugin inputs.
Input name | Mandatory | Type | Description | ||
AddressLine1 |
No |
String |
The input field for the first address line. This should include the delivery address information (e.g., house number, street, building, suite) but should exclude locality information (e.g., city, state, postal code), which have separate input fields. |
AddressLine2 |
No |
String |
The input field for the second address line. This can be a continuation of |
BirthDay |
No |
String |
The birth day of the contact, in |
BirthMonth |
No |
String |
The birth month of the contact, in |
BirthYear |
No |
String |
The birth year of the contact, in |
City |
No |
String |
The city associated with the address. |
CompanyName |
No |
String |
The name of the company. |
Country |
No |
String |
The country associated with the address. |
No |
String |
The email address of the contact. |
FirstName |
No |
String |
The given (first) name of the contact. |
Format |
No |
String |
Specifies the format of the response. |
FreeForm |
No |
String |
Single-line contact information. The address, phone, and email can be entered in a single field and will be parsed accordingly. Do not map any other fields if using FreeForm. |
FullName |
No |
String |
The full name of the contact. The API parses and validates names only if the First Name and Last Name fields are left blank. |
IPAddress |
No |
String |
The IP address associated with the record. |
LastLine |
No |
String |
A combined field for the city, state, and ZIP code. |
LastName |
No |
String |
the family (last) name of the contact. |
MelissaAddressKey |
No |
String |
A proprietary unique identifier for an address. |
Phone |
No |
String |
The contact’s phone number. |
PostalCode |
No |
String |
The postal code associated with the address. |
RecordID |
No |
String |
A string containing a unique identifier for the current record. This helps match the submitted record with the returned record. Te service returns the value provided. |
SocialSecurity |
No |
String |
The social security number (SSN) associated with the record. Accepts the full SSN or just the last four digits.
State |
No |
String |
The U.S. State associated with the address. |
Plugin outputs
The following table lists the plugin outputs.
This enricher returns data that may be considered sensitive and personal information. Make sure to secure, manage and store this information according to regulations and standards. |
Output name | Type | Description |
AddressDeliveryInstallation |
String |
Returns the parsed delivery installation for the address entered in the AddressLine field. |
AddressExtras |
String |
Contains any extra information that does not fit in the AddressLine fields. |
AddressHouseNumber |
String |
Returns the parsed house number for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressKey |
String |
Returns a unique identifier for an address. This key can be used with other Melissa services, both current and future. |
AddressLine1 |
String |
Contains the standardized or corrected contents of the input address. Includes the complete address, such as locality, administrative area, and postal code. |
AddressLine2 |
String |
Contains the standardized or corrected contents of the input address. Includes the complete address, such as locality, administrative area, and postal code. |
AddressLockBox |
String |
Returns the parsed lockbox number for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressPostDirection |
String |
Returns the parsed post-direction for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressPreDirection |
String |
Returns the parsed pre-direction for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressPrivateMailboxName |
String |
Returns the parsed private mailbox name for the address entered in the AddressLine field. |
AddressPrivateMailboxRange |
String |
Returns the parsed private mailbox range for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressRouteService |
String |
Returns the parsed route service number for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressStreetName |
String |
Returns the parsed street name for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressStreetSuffix |
String |
Returns the parsed street suffix for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressSuiteName |
String |
Returns the parsed suite name for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressSuiteNumber |
String |
Returns the parsed suite number for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
AddressTypeCode |
String |
Returns a code representing the type of address provided in the AddressLine field. |
CBSACode |
String |
Returns the five-digit code for the Census Bureau’s Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) associated with the requested record. |
CBSADivisionCode |
String |
Returns the code for a division associated with the requested record, if applicable. |
CBSADivisionLevel |
String |
Indicates whether the CBSA division, if present, is metropolitan or micropolitan. |
CBSADivisionTitle |
String |
Returns the title for the CBSA division, if applicable. |
CBSALevel |
String |
Indicates whether the CBSA is metropolitan or micropolitan. |
CBSATitle |
String |
Returns the title for the CBSA. |
CarrierRoute |
String |
Returns a four-character code defining the carrier route for this record. |
CensusBlock |
String |
Returns a four-digit string containing the census block number associated with the requested record. |
CensusTract |
String |
Returns a four- to six-digit string containing the census tract number associated with the requested record. |
ChildrenAgeRange |
String |
Returns the age range of children present in the household. |
City |
String |
Returns the city provided in the City field. |
CityAbbreviation |
String |
Returns an abbreviation for the city provided in the City field, if any. |
CompanyName |
String |
Returns the name of the company. |
CongressionalDistrict |
String |
Returns the two-digit congressional district associated with the requested record. |
CountryCode |
String |
Returns the country code for the country provided in the Country field. |
CountryName |
String |
Returns the country name for the record. |
CountyName |
String |
Returns the name of the county. |
DateOfBirth |
String |
Returns the date of birth in the format |
DateOfDeath |
String |
Returns the full date of death in the |
CreditCardUser |
String |
Indicates whether the individual has a credit card. |
DeliveryIndicator |
String |
Indicates whether the address is classified as a business or residential address. |
DeliveryPointCheckDigit |
String |
Returns a one-digit delivery point check digit. |
DeliveryPointCode |
String |
Returns a two-digit delivery point code. |
DemographicsGender |
String |
Returns the gender based on demographic data. |
DemographicsResults |
String |
If any demographics are enabled, this field returns a comma-separated string of all combined demographics results. |
Education |
String |
Returns the highest level of education attained by the individual. |
EmailAddress |
String |
Returns the email address provided in the Email field. |
EmailDomainName |
String |
Returns the parsed domain name for the email provided in the Email field. |
EmailMailboxName |
String |
Returns the parsed mailbox name for the email provided in the Email field. |
EmailTopLevelDomain |
String |
Returns the parsed top-level domain name for the email provided in the Email field. |
EthnicCode |
String |
Returns the specific ethnicity of the individual. |
EthnicGroup |
String |
Returns a broader category grouping the individual’s ethnicity. This is more generalized compared to ethnic codes. |
FormattedAddress |
String |
Provides the full mailing address formatted according to the country’s preferred format. Includes the organization, address lines, and destination country, if required. Lines are separated according to the specified option. |
Gender |
String |
Returns the gender based on the name provided in the FullName field. |
Gender2 |
String |
Used when two names are provided in the FullName field. Returns the gender for the second name. |
HouseholdIncome |
String |
Returns the income range of the household. |
HouseholdSize |
String |
Returns the number of occupants in the household. |
Latitude |
String |
Returns the geocoded latitude for the address provided in the AddressLine field. |
LengthOfResidence |
String |
Returns the range indicating the length of time the individual has resided at their current address. |
Longitude |
String |
Returns the geocoded longitude for the address entered in the AddressLine field. |
MaritalStatus |
String |
Returns the marital status of the individual. |
MoveDate |
String |
Returns the date associated with the move to the provided address. |
NameFirst |
String |
Returns the first name provided in the FullName field. |
NameFirst2 |
String |
Used when two names are provided in the FullName field. Returns the second name in the FullName field. |
NameFull |
String |
Returns the full name for the record. |
NameLast |
String |
Returns the last name provided in the FullName field. |
NameLast2 |
String |
Used when two names are provided in the FullName field. Returns a last name for the second name in the FullName field. |
NameMiddle |
String |
Returns a middle name for the name in the FullName field. |
NameMiddle2 |
String |
Used when two names are in the FullName field. Returns a middle name for the second name in the FullName field. |
NamePrefix |
String |
Returns a prefix for the name in the FullName field. |
NamePrefix2 |
String |
Used when two names are in the FullName field. Returns a prefix for the second name in the FullName field. |
NameSuffix |
String |
Returns a suffix for the name in the FullName field. |
NameSuffix2 |
String |
Used when two names are in the FullName field. Returns a suffix for the second name in the FullName field. |
Occupation |
String |
Returns the category for the individual’s occupation. |
OwnRent |
String |
Indicates whether the individual owns or rents the property. |
PhoneAreaCode |
String |
Returns the parsed area code for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneCountryCode |
String |
Returns the two-character country code for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneCountryName |
String |
Returns the full country name for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneExtension |
String |
Returns the parsed extension for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneNewAreaCode |
String |
Returns the parsed new area code for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneNumber |
String |
Returns the standardized phone number for the record. |
PhonePrefix |
String |
Returns the parsed prefix for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PhoneSuffix |
String |
Returns the parsed suffix for the phone number provided in the Phone field. |
PlaceCode |
String |
Returns a code representing the specific area within a ZIP code when the address is outside the primary city but within the same ZIP code. |
PlaceName |
String |
Returns the name of the area within a ZIP code when the address is outside the primary city but within the same ZIP code. |
PoliticalParty |
String |
Returns an individual’s political affiliation. |
PostalCode |
String |
Returns the nine-digit postal code for U.S. addresses and the six-digit postal code for Canadian addresses. |
PresenceOfChildren |
String |
Indicates the presence of children in the household. |
PresenceOfSenior |
String |
Indicates the presence of a senior citizen in the household. |
Results |
String |
Contains a comma-separated list of status, error codes, and change codes for the record. For more details, see the Melissa documentation. |
Salutation |
String |
Returns a salutation for the name provided in the FullName field. |
State |
String |
Returns the State associated with the record. |
StateName |
String |
Returns the full name of the State entered in the State field. |
TransmissionResults |
String |
Provides a string value that lists any error codes from the most recent request. |
String |
Returns the timezone of the record in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). |
UrbanizationName |
String |
Returns the urbanization name for the address entered in the AddressLine field, typically used only for addresses in Puerto Rico. |