This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Melissa Global Address enricher
The Melissa Global Address enricher validates and enriches international addresses in 240 countries using the Global Address Verification service.
Plugin ID
Melissa Global Address Enricher - com.semarchy.engine.plugins.melissa.GlobalAddressVerificationEnricher
The Melissa Global Address enricher validates international addresses in 240 countries using the Global Address Verification service. For more details about the service, the parameters, inputs and outputs, refer to the Melissa Global Address documentation
This plugin requires a valid license string to access the Melissa service. Contact Melissa for the license. |
This plugin is thread-safe and supports parallel execution. |
Plugin parameters
The following table lists the plugin parameters.
Parameter name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
License String |
Yes |
String |
Your license string. This must be valid for you to access the Melissa Service. |
Delivery Lines |
No |
Boolean |
The options allows you to specify if the Address Lines 1-8 should contain just the delivery address or the entire address |
Line Separator |
No |
String |
Possible values: SemiColon, Pipe, CR, LF, CRLF, Tab, BR. This is the line separator used for the FormattedAddress result. |
Output Script |
No |
String |
Possible values: NoChange, Latn, Native. This is the script type used for all applicable fields. |
Country Of Origin |
No |
String |
Must contain a valid ISO-3166-1Alpha-2, ISO-3166-1 Alpha-3, or ISO-3166-1 Numeric code. This is used to determine whether or not to include the country name as the last line in FormattedAddress |
SSL Connection |
No |
Boolean |
Default is true. Set to false if you don’t wish to use a secure connection. |
Failure Error Codes |
No |
String |
Comma-separated list of codes (AE01, AE02) or code families (AE). When this result code is returned by the API, the enrichment is failed. |
Requests Limit |
No |
Number |
When set, this numeric value limits the number of requests made to the Melissa API and the number of enriched records. Records after this limit are not enriched and the plugin returns blank outputs. This parameter is intended for test purposes only. |
Plugin inputs
The following table lists the plugin inputs.
Input name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
AddressLine1 |
No |
String |
The input field for the address line 1. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, street, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (city, state, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
AddressLine2 |
No |
String |
The input field for the address line 2. This can be a continuation of AddressLine1 (ex: suite) or another address. |
AddressLine3 |
No |
String |
The input field for the address. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
AdministrativeArea |
No |
String |
The most common geographic data element. |
DependentLocality |
No |
String |
The smaller population center data element. This depends on the Locality element. |
DoubleDependentLocality |
No |
String |
The smallest population center data element. This depends on the Locality and DependentLocality elements. |
Locality |
No |
String |
The most common population center data element. |
PostalCode |
No |
String |
The postal code. |
SubAdministrativeArea |
No |
String |
The smallest geographic data element. |
SubNationalArea |
No |
String |
The administrative region within a country on an arbitrary level below that of the sovereign state. |
Country |
No |
String |
The country. |
Plugin outputs
The following table lists the plugin outputs.
Output name | Type | Description |
AddressKey |
String |
Returns a unique identifier for an address. This key can be used with other current and future Melissa services. |
AddressLine1 |
String |
These are the string values that will return the standardized or corrected contents of the input address. These lines will include the entire address including the locality, administrative area, and postal code. |
AddressType |
String |
Returns the Address Type for US and Canada |
AdministrativeArea |
String |
The most common geographic data element. |
Building |
String |
Descriptive name identifying an individual location. This is a string value that is the parsed Building element from the output. |
CountryISO3166_1_Alpha2 |
String |
ISO 3166 2-character country code. |
CountryISO3166_1_Alpha3 |
String |
ISO 3166 3-character country code. |
CountryISO3166_1_Numeric |
String |
ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code. |
CountryName |
String |
Returns the country name for the record. |
DependentLocality |
String |
A dependent locality is a logical area unit that is smaller than a locality but larger than a double dependent locality or thoroughfare. It can often be associated with a neighborhood or sector. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality. In the United States, this would correspond to Urbanization, which is used only in Puerto Rico. |
DependentThoroughfare |
String |
Block data element or dependent street. This is used when there are more than one thoroughfares with the same name in one locality. An adjoining thoroughfare is used to uniquely identify the target thoroughfare. This is rarely used. |
DependentThoroughfareLeadingType |
String |
Thoroughfare type at the beginning of the dependent thoroughfare. The leading type is parsed from the dependentThoroughfare parameter. For example, if the dependent thoroughfare is "St. Hickory E," the dependent thoroughfare leading type would be "St. |
DependentThoroughfareName |
String |
Dependent thoroughfare name parsed from the dependentThoroughfare parameter. For example, if the dependent thoroughfare is "E Hickory Ln," the dependent thoroughfare name would be "Hickory. |
DependentThoroughfarePostDirection |
String |
Cardinal directional at the end of the dependent thoroughfare. The postfix directional is parsed from the dependentThoroughfare parameter. For example, if the dependent thoroughfare is "Hickory Ln N," the dependent thoroughfare post direction would be "N. |
DependentThoroughfarePreDirection |
String |
Cardinal directional at the beginning of the dependent thoroughfare. The prefix directional is parsed from the dependentThoroughfare parameter. For example, if the dependent thoroughfare is "W Hickory Ln," the dependent thoroughfare pre direction would be "W. |
DependentThoroughfareTrailingType |
String |
Thoroughfare type at the end of the dependent thoroughfare. The trailing type is parsed from the dependentThoroughfare parameter. For example, if the dependent thoroughfare is "W Hickory Ln," the dependent thoroughfare trailing type would be "Ln. |
DoubleDependentLocality |
String |
A double dependent locality is a logical area unit that is smaller than a dependent locality but bigger than a thoroughfare. This field is very rarely used. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality. |
FormattedAddress |
String |
Mailing address. The full mailing address in the preferred format for the country of the address. This includes the Organization as the first line, one or more lines in the origin country’s format, and the destination country (if required). Separate lines will be delimited by what is specified in the option. |
Latitude |
String |
Returns the geocoded latitude for the address entered in the AddressLine field. |
Locality |
String |
This is the most common geographic area and used by virtually all countries. This is usually the value that is written on a mailing label and referred to by terms like City, Town, Postal Town, etc. |
Longitude |
String |
Returns the geocoded longitude for the address entered in the AddressLine field. |
Organization |
String |
This is a string value that matches the Organization request element. It is not modified or populated by the service. |
PostBox |
String |
Post box information for a particular delivery point. |
PostalCode |
String |
Returns the 9-digit postal code for U.S. addresses and 6-digit postal code for Canadian addresses. |
PremisesNumber |
String |
Alphanumeric indicator within premises field. Parsed from the premises parameter. |
PremisesType |
String |
Leading premise type indicator within premises field. Parsed from the premises parameter. |
Results |
String |
String value containing a comma-separated list of status, error codes, and change codes for the record. Refer the the Melissa documentation for more details. |
SubAdministrativeArea |
String |
The smallest geographic data element. |
SubNationalArea |
String |
A sub-national area is a logical area unit that is larger than an administrative area but smaller than the country itself. It is extremely rarely used. |
SubPremises |
String |
Alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. More specific than premises. |
SubPremisesNumber |
String |
Sub premises number indicator within premises field. Parsed from the subPremises parameter. |
SubPremisesType |
String |
Sub premises type indicator within premises field. Parsed from the subPremises parameter. |
Thoroughfare |
String |
This value is a part of the address lines and contains all the sub-elements of the thoroughfare like trailing type, thoroughfare name, pre direction, post direction, etc. |
ThoroughfareLeadingType |
String |
Leading thoroughfare type indicator parsed from the thoroughfare parameter. A leading type is a thoroughfare type that is placed before the thoroughfare. This value is a part of the Thoroughfare field. For example, the thoroughfare type of "Rue" in Canada and France is placed before the thoroughfare, making it a leading type. |
ThoroughfareName |
String |
Name indicator parsed from the thoroughfare parameter. |
ThoroughfarePostDirection |
String |
Postfix directional parsed from the thoroughfare parameter. |
ThoroughfarePreDirection |
String |
Prefix directional parsed from the thoroughfare parameter. |
ThoroughfareTrailingType |
String |
Trailing thoroughfare type indicator parsed from the thoroughfare parameter. A trailing type is a thoroughfare type that is placed after the thoroughfare. This value is a part of the Thoroughfare field. For example, the thoroughfare type of "Avenue" in the US is placed after the thoroughfare, making it a trailing type. |
TransmissionResults |
String |
This is a string value that lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |