This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Lists of values (LOVs)
Lists of values (LOVs) are user-defined lists of code and label pairs.
They are limited to 1,000 entries and can be imported from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
Each value in the list has a Code, which is stored in the hub. A value is usually displayed to the users using its Label, supported by its Description and Image URL.
Gender (M:Male, F:Female)
VendorStatus (OK:Active, KO:Inactive, HO:Hold)
Lists of values are limited to 1,000 entries. If a list of value needs to contain more than 1,000 entries, you should consider implementing in the form of an entity instead. |
Create a list of values
To create a list of values:
Right-click the List of Values node and select Add List of Values…. The Create New List of Values wizard opens.
In the Create New List of Values wizard, check the Auto Fill option and then enter the following values:
Name: Internal name of the list of values.
Label: User-friendly label in this field. Since the Auto Fill checkbox is selected, the Label field is automatically filled in. Modifying this label is optional.
Length: Length of the code for the LOV.
Click Finish to close the wizard. The List of Values editor opens.
In the Description field, optionally enter a description for the user-defined type.
Optionally define a Label for Null Value as well as an image. These are used when a null value is found for a list of values attribute.
Optionally define a custom Error Message, displayed to users when the value used does not exist in the list of values.
Add values to the list using the following process:
In the Values section, click the Add Value button. The Create New LOV Value dialog appears.
In this dialog, enter the following values:
Code: Code of the LOV value. This code is the value stored in an entity attribute.
Label: User-friendly label displayed for a field having this value.
Image: Select an image from the image library to represent this value.
Description: Long description of this value.
Click Finish to close the dialog.
Repeat the previous operations to add more values. You can select a line in the list of value and click the Delete button to delete this line. You can also double-click a value to edit its properties, including the description and image URL.
Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the editor.
Close the editor.
Import values to a list of values
Lists of values can be entered manually as described above and can be translated.
In addition, you can also import values or translated values from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet must contain only one sheet with four columns containing the Code, Label, Image URL and Description values. Note that the first line of the spreadsheet will be ignored in the import process.
To import a list of values from an Excel spreadsheet:
Open the editor for the list of values.
Expand the Values section.
In the Values section, click the Import Values button. The Import LOV Values wizard appears.
Use the Browse button to select a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Select Merge to merge the imported list with the existing one. If you un-select this option, the imported list replaces the existing one, possibly removing values that do not exist in the import file.
Click Next. The changes to perform are computed and a report of object changes is displayed.
Click Finish to perform the import. The Import LOV wizard closes.
Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the editor.
Close the editor.