This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Create a data location

Create a data location

A data location is a connection to a database schema via a datasource defined in the xDM platform. Make sure that the Semarchy administrator has configured the datasource and that the database administrator has configured the database schema for this datasource.

To create a new data location:

  1. In the Management view, right-click the Data Locations node and select New Data Location.
    The Create New Data Location wizard opens.

  2. In the Create New Data Location wizard, select the Auto Fill option and then enter the following values:

    • Name: internal name of the object.

    • Label: user-friendly label for this object. Since the Auto Fill checkbox is selected, this field is automatically filled in. Modifying this label is optional.

    • Datasource Name: select the datasource pointing to the schema that will host the data location.

    • In the Description field, optionally enter a description for the data location.

    • Select the Location Type for this data location.

    • Select Deployed Model Edition: this model edition is the first one deployed in the data location.

  3. Click Finish to close the wizard.
    The data location is created and the first model edition deploys.

Delete a data location

To delete a data location:

  1. In the Management view, expand the Data Locations node.

  2. Right-click the data location and select Delete.
    The Delete Data Location wizard opens. In this wizard, you only delete the data location definition in Semarchy xDM. Deleting the data stored in the data location is optional.

    • If you do not want to delete all the data in the data location schema, click Finish.
      The data location is deleted but the data is preserved.

    • If you want to delete all the data in the data location schema:

      1. Select Drop the content of the database schema to delete the content of the schema. Note that with this option, you choose to delete all the data stored in the hub, which cannot be undone.

      2. Click Next.
        The wizard lists the objects that will be dropped from the schema.

      3. In the next wizard step, enter DROP to confirm the choice, and then click Finish.
        The data location as well as the schema content are deleted.

Deleting a data location is an operation that cannot be undone.
Deleting the data location as well as the schema content is a convenient mechanism to reset the hub content at the early stages of the model design.