This is documentation for Semarchy xDM 2024.4, which is no longer actively maintained.

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For ID-matched and fuzzy-matched entities, Publishers are applications that provide source data to the Data Hub. They identify themselves using a code when publishing data into the hub.
The publisher does not represent the technical provider of the data (the ETL or Data Integration product), but the source of the data (the CRM Application, the Sales Management system, etc.). Examples of publishers: CRM, Sales, Marketing, Finance, etc.

The consolidation rules perform certain choices depending on the publishers, and the publishers are tracked to identify the origin of the data certified by Semarchy xDM.

Identifying clearly and declaring the publishers is important in the design of the certification process. Make sure to identify the publishers when starting a data hub project.
You do not need to define a dedicated publisher for the data authored directly in the generated applications. This data is automatically identified by the system as authored by users.

Create a publisher

To create a publisher:

  1. Right-click the Publishers node and select Add Publisher…. The Create New Publisher wizard opens.

  2. In the Create New Publisher wizard, check the Auto Fill option and then enter the following values:

    • Name: Internal name of the object.

    • Code: Code of the publisher. This code is used by the certification process pushing data to the hub, to identify records originating from this publisher.

    • Label: User-friendly label for this object. Since the Auto Fill checkbox is selected, the Label field is automatically filled in. Modifying this label is optional.

  3. Active: Check this box to make this publisher active. An inactive publisher is simply declared but not used in the consolidation rules.

  4. Click Finish to close the wizard. The Publisher editor opens.

  5. In the Description field, optionally enter a description for the Publisher.

  6. In the Color property, optionally set a color for the publisher. This color is used for this publisher in applications when needed, instead of a generated color.

  7. Press Control+S (or Command+S on macOS) to save the editor.

  8. Close the editor.