This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Get Files with FTP
Downloads files from an FTP server to the Runtime engine filesystem.
This action also provides a bind link, which can store the list of downloaded files to a table.
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
FTP Hostname |
Yes |
Hostname or IP address of the FTP server. |
FTP Port |
No |
21 in normal mode, 990 in secure mode. |
Internet port for the FTP connection. |
FTP User |
Yes |
Username for the FTP connection. |
FTP Password |
Password for the FTP connection, in encryption form. |
FTP Unencrypted Password |
Password for the FTP connection, in plain text. |
FTP Remote Filename |
No |
Remote file name or pattern. |
FTP Remote Path |
No |
Remote FTP path. |
FTP Local Filename |
No |
Local file name. May be a name pattern if FTP Multiple Mode is set to true. |
FTP Local Path |
No |
Local file path. |
FTP File Mode |
No |
ascii |
FTP file transfer mode: ascii or binary. |
FTP Wait Mode |
No |
false |
If set to true, the action waits for files to be detected on the remote host. |
FTP Nb Files |
No |
1 if FTP Wait Mode is true, –1 if FTP Wait Mode is false. |
Number of files to wait for. –1 stands for an infinite number of files. |
FTP Wait Timeout |
No |
–1 |
Maximum waiting time. –1 stands for an infinite timeout. |
FTP Wait Pollint |
No |
1000 |
Polling interval in milliseconds. |
FTP Multiple Mode |
No |
true |
Get multiple files from the FTP server. Use a name pattern for the FTP Remote Filename. |
FTP Passive Mode |
No |
true |
Use FTP passive (PASV) mode. |
Delete File After Transfer |
No |
False |
Delete the files on the remote server after the transfer. |
FTP Disable Login |
No |
false |
If true, the connection to the server will be performed anonymously, without using the login credentials. |
FTP Implicit FTPs |
No |
true |
Use FTPS Implicit mode. |
FTP Secured Protocol |
No |
None |
Protocol used for FTPS communication: none, tls, ssl |
FTP Encrypt Channel Data |
No |
false |
If set to true, channel data is encrypted as specified by the FTP PROT command. |
FTP Protection Buffer Size |
No |
Defines the size to use for the Protection Buffer. Please check with your FTP server provider for possible values. |
FTP System Type |
No |
Specifies the FTP Server system type, to try and better handle its responses. The Runtime tries to auto-detect the type by default. The following types are supported: UNIX,VMS,WINDOWS,OS/2,OS/400,AS/400,MVS,TYPE: L8,NETWARE |
Ignore Trust Store |
No |
false |
If true, the specified Trust Store is ignored. |
Proxy Host |
No |
Hostname for the proxy server. |
Proxy Port |
No |
1080 |
Port of the proxy server. |
Proxy User |
No |
Proxy server user. |
Proxy Password |
No |
Proxy server user password, encrypted. |
Proxy Unencrypted Password |
No |
Proxy server user password in plain text. |
Proxy Protocol |
No |
Protocol used for the proxy server: HTTP, SOCKS, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 . |
Socket Timeout |
No |
Set the timeout in milliseconds of an open connection. |
Connection Timeout |
No |
Set the timeout in milliseconds when opening a connection. |
Data Timeout |
No |
Set the timeout in milliseconds on the data connection. |
SQL Connection |
No |
SQL connection into which the list of downloaded files is published. |
SQL Transaction Name |
No |
SQL transaction into which the list of downloaded files is published. |
SQL Schema Name |
No |
SQL schema into which the list of downloaded files is published. |
Key Store |
No |
Full path to the Java Key Store to use when connecting to the server. |
Key Store Type |
No |
Type of the Java Key Store. |
Key Store Password |
No |
Encrypted password of the Java Key Store. |
Trust Store |
No |
Full path to the Java Trust Store to use when connecting to the server. |
Trust Store Type |
No |
Type of the Java Trust Store. |
Trust Store Password |
No |
Encrypted password of the Java Trust Store. |
Passwords are encrypted using the encrypt <password> command
on the Runtime engine console (engine command line tool).
List of processed files
This action also provides the list of manipulated files:
This list can be stored in a table named
Provide a SQL Connection to the action or define a Rdbms schema metadata link on the action
A table named
is automatically created and populated in the corresponding schema.
This list can also be used through a bind link
Add a bind link to the action
Use the columns in the target action with the bind syntax. For instance:
The available columns / bind variables are the following:
Column Name | Description |
ID of the Session in which the file operation has been performed. |
Name of the Session in which the file operation has been performed. |
ID of the Action which performed the operation. |
Name of the Action which performed the operation |
Action iteration number. |
A number corresponding to the position of the file in the operation queue. |
File operation executed. For this action this will be `FtpGet' |
The file name. |
Directory where the file is stored. |
Original folder of the file. |
Original file. |
Target directory. |
Target file. |
Date when the operation has been performed on the file. |
Indicates if the file is a hidden file in the file system (1=Yes, 0=No). |
Last modification timestamp. |
Last modification date. |
Indicates if the Runtime can read the file (1=Yes, 0=No). |
Indicates if the Runtime can write the file (1=Yes, 0=No). |
Indicates if the Runtime can execute the file (1=Yes, 0=No). |
Indicates if the file is a directory (1=Yes, 0=No). |
Size of the file in Bytes. |
The columns filled depend on the actions and parameters used. |