Google Sheets component release notes

This page lists the main features added to the Google Sheets component.


Version 2024.3.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-9587: Updated main component libraries to the latest versions.

Bug fixes

  • DI-9782: Updated Guava third-party libraries.

Version 2024.1.10

This version of the connector requires xDI Designer version 2024.1.10 or later.

Bug fixes

  • DI-9884: Fixed an issue causing the Google Sheets wizard to fail.

Version 2024.1.6

Bug fixes

  • DI-9782: Updated Guava third-party libraries.

Version 2024.1.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-8597: Update Google components to the latest version.

  • DI-8921: Centralize OAuth2 code for better cross-component use.

Version 2023.2.0

Bug fixes

  • DI-7282: When creating Google Sheets metadata, the reverse-engineering wizard and the query editor throw a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter error.

Version 2023.1.14

Bug fixes

  • DI-9782: Updated Guava third-party libraries.

Version 2023.1.5

Feature improvements

  • DI-8182: Third-Party library upgrade.

Version 2023.1.2

Bug fixes

  • DI-7282: When creating Google Sheets metadata, the reverse-engineering wizard and the query editor throw a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter error.

Version 2023.1.1

Bug fixes

  • DI-7262: OAuth2 requests a new token even if a former token is still valid.

Version 2023.1.0

Feature improvements

  • DI-5835: The legacy Google Spreadsheet driver and module are no longer available.

Bug fixes

  • DI-5079: The generation of Google Sheets tokens with the command-line utility fails with Java 11.

  • DI-5894: When generating a Google Sheets token with the command-line utility, some accounts throw the Error 400 - Invalid Request error.

  • DI-6164: Multiple third-party libraries upgrade.

  • DI-6461: When running multiple data flows with different OAuth2 tokens, the tokens are mismatched with each other, leading to authentication errors.

Version 17.6.9 (Runtime)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1120: Google Sheet driver: support fetch mechanism when retrieving data

Version 2.1.2 (Google Spreadsheet component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-1377: Google Spreadsheet Component - ability to define a filter on "source" execution location when reading Google Sheets data

  • DI-2116: Google Spreadsheet Component - update module definition to propose more accurate driver and urls

Version 2.1.3 (Google Spreadsheet component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3951: Third-party component libraries - update some third-party libraries

Version 2.2.0 (Google Spreadsheet component)

Feature improvements

  • DI-3996: Internal change on how some libraries are built to ease maintenance

Version 3.0.0 (component pack)

Feature improvements

  • DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions

  • DI-4727: Rebranding: Templates and sample projects

  • DI-4813: Rebranding: Drivers classes and URLs

  • DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management

Version 5.3.6 (component pack)

Bug fixes

  • DI-5894: "Error 400 - Invalid Request" may be thrown by some accounts when trying to generate a Google Sheets token with the command-line utility.

  • DI-5079: The generation of Google Sheets tokens with the command-line utility fails with java 11 with the error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter".