Getting started with Apache Kafka Raw metadata


This article describes how to read and write raw data with Apache Kafka. The Semarchy xDI raw metadata exchanges data with no specific format.

To exchange data in AVRO or JSON format specifically, use the Semarchy xDI structured metadata. Refer to Getting started with Kafka Structured metadata for more information.

Create metadata

To create the metadata:

  1. Right-click the project folder, then select New > Metadata.

  2. In the New Metadata window, select Kafka Server - raw and click Next.

  3. Name the data model and click Next.

  4. Select the installed Apache Kafka module, and click Finish to create the metadata.

Define the server properties

Select the root node of the metadata object to define the following server properties:

Table 1. Apache Kafka Server Properties
Property Description


A label/alias for this metadata.


Apache Kafka module to use.

Bootstrap Servers

Comma-separated list of bootstrap servers in the <host>:<port> format. Corresponds to the boostrap.servers Kafka property.

SASL Mechanism

SASL mechanism to connect to Apache Kafka. Leave blank to use the default Apache Kafka client settings.

For available SASL configurations and their fields, read the SASL options table.

Enable SSL/TLS

Enables a secured connection between the client and the broker. Leave blank to use the default Apache Kafka client settings.

For available SSL/TLS options, read the SSL/TLS options table.

Default Write Mode

Defines the default value for the write mode in the integration template.
This parameter determines how the component writes messages to the Apache Kafka topic:


The component sends all the messages and does not wait for a response. This mode can optimize the performance but may fail to report errors and statistics.


The component waits for a response after each message is written, and stops if an error occurs.

When you choose a SASL mechanism, xDI Designer displays further options.

Read the official Kafka documentation for more information about SASL mechanisms.

Table 2. SASL mechanisms in Designer




Enables GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication. Set the following two new options:


Link to a Kerberos principal in a Kerberos metadata object.

Service Name

Name of the Kerberos principal that Kafka runs as.


Plain authentication. Set a username and password.


SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication. Set a username and password.


SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication. Set a username and password.

When you enable SSL/TLS, xDI Designer displays further options. Blank fields use the default Apache Kafka settings.

Read the official Kafka documentation for more information about SSL/TLS options.

Table 3. SSL/TLS options
Property Description


Secure protocol to use for the connection.

Key Password

Password of the private key in the keystore file.

Key Store Type

Keystore file type, such as JKS.

Key Store Location

Full path to the keystore file that the runtime needs to access.

Key Store Password

Password of the keystore file.

Trust Store Type

Truststore file type, such as JKS.

Trust Store Location

Full path to the truststore file that the runtime needs to access.

Trust Store Password

Password of the truststore file.

Enabled Protocols

Which secure protocols to enable when communicating with the broker.

Example Apache Kafka configuration with default security settings

Example Apache Kafka host configuration

Define topics

Topics are used to store data in Apache Kafka in the form of messages.

To define a topic:

  1. Right-click the server node, then click New > Topic.

    getting started kafka topic

  2. Enter a Name and a Physical Name for the topic. The physical name corresponds to the actual topic name in Kafka.

  3. Right-click the topic, click New > Value, to create the value and set its type. The Value node corresponds to the Kafka message payload (Record), which can be used in a mapping.

    You must define a single Value node for each topic.

    getting started kafka value

  4. Optionally add Key, Header, or Property nodes.
    These nodes correspond to the Kafka message headers, properties, and keys. They can be used in mappings that produce messages on the Kafka topic.

    • Key: A Key can be attached to the message produced on a topic. When this node is not defined, or not mapped in a mapping, no key is written.

      A topic may contain a single Key node.
    • Header: Headers are attached to the message when writing into the topic. You can add as many header nodes as required.

    • Property: An additional property is attached to the messages in the topic.

Define consumers

Consumers subscribe to topics to read messages.

To define a consumer:

  1. Right-click the host, then click New > Consumer Group.

    getting started kafka consumer

  2. Enter a name and a physical name for the consumer.

  3. In the Topics subscribed field, add the topics to which the consumer should subscribe.

    getting started kafka consumer subscribe

  4. Optionally, define CRC Checks and Auto Offset Reset. These correspond to the [check.crcs] and [auto.offset.reset] Kafka properties.

  5. Right-click the consumer, click New > Value, and set its type. The Value node corresponds to the Kafka message payload (Record) consumed from the topic.

    You must define a single Value node for each consumer.

    getting started kafka consumer value

  6. Add Key, Header, and Property nodes similarly to a topic definition. These fields are retrieved when consuming from the subscribed topics and can be used in mappings.

Create mappings

Mappings can be created for sending to (producer) and receiving (consumer) data from Kafka.

Producer mapping

The following example illustrates a producer mapping in which a topic is used as a target. This mapping loads the Key and Value (message payload) from the database table and produces messages to the topic.

getting started kafka mapping produce

Consumer mapping

The following example illustrates a consumer mapping in which a consumer is used as a source and mapped to a database table. This mapping uses the Key, Value (message payload) as well as a PAYMENT_NAME Header defined in the consumer metadata.

getting started kafka mapping consume

Kafka server timeout

If Apache Kafka is not returning messages to a consuming mapping, the mapping runs indefinitely.
To prevent this and allow the consuming mapping to proceed when no message is returned, set a Kafka Timeout duration (for example, 5000 ms) in the Kafka To Rdbms template.
getting started kafka timeout

Sample project

The Apache Kafka component is distributed with sample projects that contain various examples and files. Use these projects to better understand how the component works, and to get a head start on implementing it in your projects.

Refer to Install components in Semarchy xDI Designer to learn about importing sample projects.

Development tips

When you create a consumer group, you can set the Auto Offset Reset to determine the read offset for the consumer group. However, this option only applies at the moment the group is created, which is when it is first used. It has no effect at other times.

If you want to reset a read offset for any consumer group, use the dedicated Kafka Reset Offsets process action in a process.