This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Customizing the HTTP verb at invocation

This page is legacy documentation. For the current HTTP REST connector, see its dedicated section.

The HTTP Verb used when invoking a Web Service, such as POST, GET, PUT, …​ is defined in the WSDL Metadata.

This can be customized and specified dynamically at invocation if needed.


This is only available for the HTTP REST API with WSDL metadata

Metadata Configuration

The first step is to configure the WSDL Metadata to allow that.

  1. Open the Metadata

  2. Add a new 'Part' under the Input node of the operation

  3. Set its Name and Type (string)

  4. Set its Binding Type to http:method

http rest legacy.verb.Metadata

Mapping Configuration

Now, you can specify the desired HTTP Verb directly in the Mapping invoking the Web Service.

For this, simply map the node previously created with the desired value.

http rest legacy.verb.Mapping