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Getting started with Amazon S3

This page contains information to help you get started with Amazon S3 in Semarchy xDI.


The Amazon component allows you to create and use Amazon S3 metadata, and also provides a process tool named TOOL AWS - S3 to use in your processes.

Connect to your data

When working with Amazon S3 in Semarchy xDI, the first step is to create and configure S3 metadata.

Create the metadata

Create the Amazon S3 metadata by opening the metadata creation wizard and choosing the S3 entry. Choose the name for your metadata, then click Finish.

Create buckets and folders

Amazon S3 metadata lets you define remote S3 buckets and folders you intend to work with.

To define your buckets and folders, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Amazon S3 metadata window.

  2. Right-click the top-level Amazon S3 metadata node.

  3. Select New > Bucket to create a bucket configuration.

  4. Right-click a bucket node.

  5. Select New > Folder to create a folder configuration.

Configure the metadata

To configure the Amazon S3 metadata, click on the root node in the metadata window to show the metadata parameters. Buckets and folders can be configured in the same way.

Some of the parameters are duplicated in the Amazon S3 tool. Parameters set in the tool will override those in the metadata.

S3 metadata parameters

Top-level Amazon S3 metadata has the following parameters:

Table 1. Amazon S3 parameters
Parameter Description


Label of the metadata in Designer.

Access Key Id

The first part of your AWS access key pair.

Secret Key

The second part of your AWS access key pair.


The Designer module to use.

S3 Base URL

Explicitly specify your S3 top-level URL to keep it consistent between environments.

Disable Certificate Checking (Deprecated)

Disables validation of server certificates when using the HTTPS protocol.

Path-Style Access

Use a path-style URL rather than a virtual-hosted-style URL.

The Disable Certificate Checking feature should only be used to do quick tests against endpoints which don’t yet have valid certificates. It should never be used in production.

The feature has been removed from the Amazon SDK as of V2. It is deprecated in xDI Designer, and will be removed in a future release.

Amazon S3 buckets have the following parameters:

Table 2. Bucket parameters
Parameter Description


Label of the bucket in Designer.


Amazon S3 region the bucket is in.

Physical Name

Name of the bucket in Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 folders have the following parameters:

Table 3. Folders parameters
Parameter Description


Label of the folder in Designer.


Full name and path of the folder in Amazon S3, relative to the bucket.

Perform S3 operations


Once the metadata is configured, you can start making processes that interact with S3.

The Amazon provides a single tool for S3 operations, named TOOL AWS - S3. You can find it in the Process Palette, under the Tools folder.

Process tool usage

To use the included process tool, follow these steps:

  1. Create a process, or open an existing one.

  2. Add the TOOL AWS - S3 tool from the Process Palette.

  3. Drag and drop the S3 buckets, S3 folders, and files you want to work with from the Project Explorer to the tool in your process.

  4. Set your operation and its parameters in the tool parameters.

For a tool and parameter reference, see the Amazon S3 tool operation page.

Sample project

The Amazon component is distributed with sample projects that contain various examples and files. Use these projects to better understand how the component works, and to get a head start on implementing it in your projects.

Refer to Install components in Semarchy xDI Designer to learn about importing sample projects.