Avro component release notes This page lists the main features added to the Avro component. Changelog Version 2024.3.0 Feature improvements DI-9592: Upgraded third-party libraries. Bug fixes DI-9541: Fixed a schema not found reverse engineer error when reverse-engineering Avro files that hold unions in a specific order. DI-9861: Added the ability to define more custom formats and properties when reverse-engineering Avro schemas. Version 2024.2.0 Feature improvements DI-8889: Updated Avro component libraries and dependencies. Version 2024.1.12 Bug fixes DI-10943: Updated Eclipse Jetty third-party libraries. Version 2024.1.11 Feature improvements DI-10847: Added support for custom Avro metadata attribute types. Bug fixes DI-8756: Updated snappy third-party libraries. DI-8813: Updated Eclipse Jetty third-party libraries. DI-9517: Updated Apache Commons third-party libraries. Version 2024.1.6 Bug fixes DI-9861: Added the ability to define more custom formats and properties when reverse-engineering Avro schemas. Version 2024.1.4 Bug fixes DI-9541: Fixed a schema not found reverse engineer error when reverse-engineering Avro files that hold unions in a specific order. Version 2024.1.0 Feature improvements DI-8586: Update Avro backend to the latest version. Bug fixes DI-8829: Update JSON third-party libraries. Version 2023.4.0 Feature improvements DI-8193: Third-party library upgrade. Bug fixes DI-8477: The error "An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x90)" may be displayed when using Kakfa technology with the Avro schema Registry. Version 2023.1.14 Bug fixes DI-9861: Added the ability to define more custom formats and properties when reverse-engineering Avro schemas. Version 2023.1.12 Bug fixes DI-9541: Fixed a schema not found reverse engineer error when reverse-engineering Avro files that hold unions in a specific order. Version 2023.1.9 Bug fixes DI-8829: Update JSON third-party libraries. Version 2023.1.7 Bug fixes DI-8586: Upgraded third-party libraries. Version 2023.1.6 Bug fixes DI-8477: The error "An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x90)" may be displayed when using Kakfa technology with the Avro schema Registry. Version 2023.1.5 Bug fixes DI-6517: Third-party library upgrade. DI-7936: Third-party library upgrade. DI-8221: Third-party library upgrade. Version 2023.1.3 Bug fixes DI-7265: Org.json Third-party library upgrade. Version 2023.1.1 Bug fixes DI-7139: When loading RDBMS data to Avro, the com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException error is thrown. Version 2023.1.0 Feature improvements DI-5389: The metadata reverse-engineering has been improved. Bug fixes DI-5613: Namespace inheritance is not handled when reading Avro files. This leads to empty rows in the target datastore. DI-6133: Multiple third-party libraries upgrade. Version 1.0.0 (Avro component) Feature improvements DI-2459: Avro Component - this new Component allows to reverse and manipulate Avro files Version 1.1.0 (Avro component) Feature improvements DI-1508: Addition of a demonstration project for Avro Component usage DI-2649: Include reference documentation inside AVRO Component Version 3.0.0 (component pack) Feature improvements DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management Version 3.0.1 (component pack) Feature improvements DI-5227: When a field is not mapped, the default value is written (if any) or null (if no default value) Bug fixes DI-4702: The reverse-engineering fails with an "invalid default for field" error when there is a default value defined as null Version 3.0.2 (component pack) Feature improvements DI-5274 : Avro - Support types referencing other types. Version 5.3.5 (component pack) Bug fixes DI-5613 : Namespace inheritance is not handled when reading Avro files, which results in empty rows in the target datastore. Avro Getting started