This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained.

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Manage sessions in Analytics

Product users monitor and manage sessions in Semarchy xDI Analytics using session reports and rich visualizations.

Session reports

A session report displays a list of filtered sessions and allows drilling into the session details.

ana session report overview

You can create reusable session reports. They may be:

  • Public Sessions Reports, available to all users.

  • Private Session Reports, available only to the connected user under My Session Reports.

Create session reports

To create a session report:

  1. In the Navigator View, right-click Public Session Reports or My Session Report.

  2. Select New Session Report

  3. Enter the report Name and then click Finish.
    The new session report editor opens.

  4. Set the filter criteria.

  5. Save the editor.

The session report editor

The session report editor provides three visualizations for the sessions. These views appear as tabs at the bottom of the editor.

  • The Sessions tab shows a list of sessions in a table view.

  • The Charts tab exposes graphs aggregating session statistics.

  • The Timeline tab shows session executions over time.

ana session report tabs

Select the current profile

The sessions displayed in the reports are retrieved from the log databases of the runtimes configured in the currently selected profile, runtime or log database.

You can select a profile, a log database, or a runtime in the profile view. If you select a profile, the profile view shows the list of connected runtimes and log databases in the profile.

ana profiles

Sessions Reports will only retrieve and show sessions from the profile, runtime, or log database selected in the profile.

Filter sessions

You can use the criteria at the top of the editor to filter the sessions of the report:

  • The From and the To parts allow you to set the time range of your report.

  • In addition, the Advanced Settings expose more advanced filter criteria.

Filter criteria

You can use multiple criteria to filter the sessions. The From and the To parts allow you to set the time range of your report:

  • Today only displays the sessions executed since or until today (depending on which of the two fields From, or To you are using).

  • Yesterday only displays the sessions executed from or until yesterday.

  • Absolute date allows you to define a specific day and time in hours, minutes and seconds.

  • Days before allows you to specify the number of days in the past.

You can also use the criteria and parameters listed below to configure the session report.

Table 1. Session Filtering Criteria and Parameters
Criteria Description


Session’s name or name pattern. Use the * wildcard to define name patterns.


Session’s configuration.


Runtime that executed the session.

Guest Host

Hostname of the machine on which the session has been executed.

Boundary Mode

Range of sessions to return:

  • Strict: Only returns the sessions that started and ended between the boundaries are returned. This is the default behavior.

  • Inclusive: Returns the sessions that started, ended, or were running between the boundaries.

Session ID

Identifier of the session.

Group By

Group the sessions according to certain properties: Status, Name, Runtime, Guest Host, Execution Mode, Launch Mode, Configuration. Clicking Group By opens a dialog to add and order the grouping fields.

Standalone Child Sessions

If selected, child sessions are displayed in the list of sessions as if they were standalone sessions.


Current status of the session:

  • Prepared: Session prepared but not started.

  • Running: Session currently running.

  • Executed: Session completed.

  • Error: Session in error.

  • Killed: Session killed by a user.

  • Dead: Session that never completed and considered inactive by xDI Analytics


Only the session with the specified duration will be displayed.

Execution Mode

Execution mode of the session:

  • Memory: Session executed in the runtime’s memory

  • Autonomous: Session executed independently from the runtime.

Launch Mode

The session startup mode:

  • Designer: Session started from the Designer.

  • Schedule: Session automatically started in a schedule.

  • Web Interactive: Session started from xDI Analytics.

  • Engine Command: Session started from the Runtime command line (For example, using the `execute delivery' command).

  • Command Line: Session started from the command line (using for example the startdelivery.bat script).

  • Web Service: Session started from the Runtime REST or SOAP API.

  • Action: Session from an `Execute Delivery' action in a process.

  • Restart: Session that was restarted.

Package ID

Identifier of the session’s Package.

Max Sessions

Maximum number of sessions displayed in the list.

Refresh the report

You can refresh the session displayed in the report:

  • Manually using the ana refresh 16x16 Refresh button.

  • Automatically by toggling the ana refresh auto on ana refresh auto off Auto-Refresh button. The refresh frequency is defined in the preferences.

ana session report auto refresh

Save the report

Click the Save button to save your report.

Click the Save as button to save your report as a different report. This is useful when you make changes to a report and when you want to save them without modifying the original report.

The sessions list

Select the columns

Right-click the sessions list table header to select the columns that appear in the report.

The displayed columns are saved locally for each user using session cookies. If cookies are not allowed in the browser, changes are discarded when closing the session.

Session list views

Aside from the sessions list, views display the selected session’s details.

ana session report additonal views

  • The Statistic view shows the aggregated statistics of the session.

  • The Variable view shows the main variables of the session.

  • The Information view shows a session overview.

The session details

You drill into a session’s details by double-clicking on that session in the sessions list.

The session’s details appear in a new editor, with the session tree view.

ana session details

Session details views

The Session Details exposes the same views as the Session Report.

Clicking a node in the tree synchronizes the information in the different views with that node.

  • The Statistic view shows the aggregated statistics of the selected step.

  • The Variable view shows the variables of the selected steps.

  • The Information view shows an overview of the selected steps. If the steps contain executed code (for example, a SQL command), it appears in this view in the Executed tab.

The Session Details editor toolbar exposes buttons to manage the session details view:

  • ana userLog 16x16 Message: Display the user messages, defined in the process at design time.

  • ana action details filter Details: Show or hide the session details.

  • ana warning 16x16 Warnings: Only show the steps with warning messages.

  • ana error 16x16 Errors: Only show the steps with errors messages.

  • ana stop 16x16 Stop: Stops the session if it is running.

  • ana restart 16x16 Restart: Restart the current session if it is in an error state.

  • ana refresh 16x16 Refresh: Refresh the session view.

The chart view

The Charts tab displays graphs that aggregate the session statistics.

ana session report tab charts

The timeline

The Timeline tab shows session executions over time.

ana timeline overview

Understand the timeline

The Timeline reflects graphically the session execution.

  • A full lane indicates a normal execution:
    ana timeline 1

  • Multiple lanes in the same group indicate a similar session running multiple times in parallel:
    ana timeline 2

  • Multiple lanes separated by dotted lines indicate child sessions:
    ana timeline 3

  • Gradients indicate scheduled sessions, yet to execute:
    ana timeline 4
    xDI Analytics analyzes past executions to estimate and project the scheduled session’s execution time. Note that only the next 50 scheduled sessions are displayed.

  • The current time is represented as a vertical line:
    ana timeline 5

Interact with the timeline

You can perform the following operation in the timeline:

  • Time travel: Click and scroll left and right to move back and forth in time

  • You can Zoom using one of the following methods:

    • Using the mouse wheel

    • By double-clicking on an empty location in the diagram

    • By right-clicking and dragging to select a zoom area.

    • With the Zoom buttons in the toolbar.

  • Drilldown into a session:

    • Click on a session. The session information appears.

    • Double-click a session to open the session details.

Manage sessions

Start and stop sessions

You can restart or stop a session in xDI Analytics:

  • In the Sessions Report, right-click a session and select the option to restart or stop the session.

  • In the Session Details, click the Restart or Stop buttons in the toolbar.

View the process documentation

If the deliveries executed were built through a package that includes documentation, the sessions are linked to this documentation.

The documentation is available:

  • In the Sessions Report, right-click a session and select the option to open the documentation.

  • In the Session Details, right-click a node in the tree to open the documentation of the specific node (the step in the process).

  • In a Package Manager editor, click the Name of the package manager version in the card to open the version dialog. Right-click on a source package that includes documentation and use the option to view the documentation.